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Notre Dame Cathedral ; The west facade ; Tympanum over Saint Anne's gate Paris France
Notre Dame Cathedral ; The west facade ; Tympanum over Saint Anne's gate Paris France

GNG5272631: Notre Dame Cathedral ; The west facade ; Tympanum over Saint Anne's gate Paris France / Bridgeman Images

Stained glass in Notre Dame du Rosaire catholic church: Nativity scene, Saint-Ouen, France
Stained glass in Notre Dame du Rosaire catholic church: Nativity scene, Saint-Ouen, France

GNG5262340: Stained glass in Notre Dame du Rosaire catholic church: Nativity scene, Saint-Ouen, France / Bridgeman Images

Strasbourg cathedral tympanum Strasbourg France
Strasbourg cathedral tympanum Strasbourg France

GNG5264662: Strasbourg cathedral tympanum Strasbourg France / Bridgeman Images

Passerby in the street of Vienna, in the 20's
Passerby in the street of Vienna, in the 20's

IBE5388633: Passerby in the street of Vienna, in the 20's / Bridgeman Images

The Treaty of Trianon, 1920 (pen & ink on paper)
The Treaty of Trianon, 1920 (pen & ink on paper)

CHT411535: The Treaty of Trianon, 1920 (pen & ink on paper) / Bridgeman Images

Boudoir, from a villa in Helsinki designed by the architectural practice Gesellius, Lindgren & Saarinen, from 'Documents d'Art Moderne', 1903 (colour litho)
Boudoir, from a villa in Helsinki designed by the architectural practice Gesellius, Lindgren & Saarinen, from 'Documents d'Art Moderne', 1903 (colour litho)

STC386372: Boudoir, from a villa in Helsinki designed by the architectural practice Gesellius, Lindgren & Saarinen, from 'Documents d'Art Moderne', 1903 (colour litho) / Bridgeman Images

Cave interior (photo)
Cave interior (photo)

BLP398144: Cave interior (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Remains of the Essene settlement (photo)
Remains of the Essene settlement (photo)

BLP397858: Remains of the Essene settlement (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Westminster Abbey, Poets' Corner, London, UK (photo)
Westminster Abbey, Poets' Corner, London, UK (photo)

BTN417690: Westminster Abbey, Poets' Corner, London, UK (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Giving zakat in the Zaouia Moulay Idriss II (photo)
Giving zakat in the Zaouia Moulay Idriss II (photo)

WRP397276: Giving zakat in the Zaouia Moulay Idriss II (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Interior view of the dome of the Tempietto, designed in 1508-12 by Donato Bramante (1444-1514) (photo)
Interior view of the dome of the Tempietto, designed in 1508-12 by Donato Bramante (1444-1514) (photo)

YTS384794: Interior view of the dome of the Tempietto, designed in 1508-12 by Donato Bramante (1444-1514) (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Robert Louis Stevenson with his father, c.1865 (photo)
Robert Louis Stevenson with his father, c.1865 (photo)

KDC400290: Robert Louis Stevenson with his father, c.1865 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

A view of the east front of Newark Park Ozleworth, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, UK (photo)
A view of the east front of Newark Park Ozleworth, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, UK (photo)

USB393142: A view of the east front of Newark Park Ozleworth, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, UK (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Susan Sontag (b/w photo)
Susan Sontag (b/w photo)

SZT406467: Susan Sontag (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Luis Vaz de Camoes, engraved by Carter (engraving) (later colouration)
Luis Vaz de Camoes, engraved by Carter (engraving) (later colouration)

TRK406776: Luis Vaz de Camoes, engraved by Carter (engraving) (later colouration) / Bridgeman Images

The Cave of the Patriarchs (photo)
The Cave of the Patriarchs (photo)

BLP397826: The Cave of the Patriarchs (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Knole House, The Cartoon Gallery, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK (photo)
Knole House, The Cartoon Gallery, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK (photo)

USB343589: Knole House, The Cartoon Gallery, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Cricket match at Audley End House, Saffron Walden, Essex, UK(photo)
Cricket match at Audley End House, Saffron Walden, Essex, UK(photo)

HGP373959: Cricket match at Audley End House, Saffron Walden, Essex, UK(photo) / Bridgeman Images

Virgin and Child (mosaic)
Virgin and Child (mosaic)

SQ336170: Virgin and Child (mosaic) / Bridgeman Images

View of Shwesandaw Pagoda (photo)
View of Shwesandaw Pagoda (photo)

LIT372492: View of Shwesandaw Pagoda (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Salvador Dali in his house in Port Lligat, November 1957 (b/w photo)
Salvador Dali in his house in Port Lligat, November 1957 (b/w photo)

OLA371595: Salvador Dali in his house in Port Lligat, November 1957 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Carving the name of Jesse Owens into the champions' plinth at the 1936 Summer Olympics held in Berlin (b/w photo)
Carving the name of Jesse Owens into the champions' plinth at the 1936 Summer Olympics held in Berlin (b/w photo)

STC371698: Carving the name of Jesse Owens into the champions' plinth at the 1936 Summer Olympics held in Berlin (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Border soldiers watch engineers modernising the Berlin Wall, 1985 (b/w photo)
Border soldiers watch engineers modernising the Berlin Wall, 1985 (b/w photo)

HPS340233: Border soldiers watch engineers modernising the Berlin Wall, 1985 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Bran Castle (b/w photo)
Bran Castle (b/w photo)

NMP344865: Bran Castle (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

View of the ball game court and main plaza, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (photo)
View of the ball game court and main plaza, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (photo)

JPC352271: View of the ball game court and main plaza, Late Classic period (600-900 AD) (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Georg Hegel (litho)
Georg Hegel (litho)

KWE360446: Georg Hegel (litho) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of towers (photo)
Detail of towers (photo)

MAE340674: Detail of towers (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Postcard of Otto von Bismarck, c.1895 (litho)
Postcard of Otto von Bismarck, c.1895 (litho)

SIT321525: Postcard of Otto von Bismarck, c.1895 (litho) / Bridgeman Images

The Western Wall with the Dome of the Rock (photo)
The Western Wall with the Dome of the Rock (photo)

WRP321259: The Western Wall with the Dome of the Rock (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Arms of King George IV (photo)
Arms of King George IV (photo)

HGP380425: Arms of King George IV (photo) / Bridgeman Images

A German watch post on the Island of Jersey, August 1940 (b/w photo)
A German watch post on the Island of Jersey, August 1940 (b/w photo)

SZT380145: A German watch post on the Island of Jersey, August 1940 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

The Library, Chatsworth House, Derbyshire (photo)
The Library, Chatsworth House, Derbyshire (photo)

CTS379057: The Library, Chatsworth House, Derbyshire (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Chatsworth House, The State Music Room, Derbyshire, UK (photo)
Chatsworth House, The State Music Room, Derbyshire, UK (photo)

CTS379070: Chatsworth House, The State Music Room, Derbyshire, UK (photo) / Bridgeman Images

List of Winners of Awards for Architecture, Art, Sculpture, Literature, Drama and Music at the 1948 London Olympics (litho)
List of Winners of Awards for Architecture, Art, Sculpture, Literature, Drama and Music at the 1948 London Olympics (litho)

KDC449035: List of Winners of Awards for Architecture, Art, Sculpture, Literature, Drama and Music at the 1948 London Olympics (litho) / Bridgeman Images

Olympic Games Athletics Pictorial Souvenir, London, 1948 (colour litho)
Olympic Games Athletics Pictorial Souvenir, London, 1948 (colour litho)

KDC449057: Olympic Games Athletics Pictorial Souvenir, London, 1948 (colour litho) / Bridgeman Images

Charles Bukowski, Los Angeles, 1991 (b/w photo)
Charles Bukowski, Los Angeles, 1991 (b/w photo)

FLV464051: Charles Bukowski, Los Angeles, 1991 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

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