PIX4676154: Laguna Verde - Desert d'Atacama - Chile: Star line above Laguna Verde, a dirty lake located at 4200 metres above sea level. August 2014. Laguna Verde, a salt lake at 4350m in Chile. It's quite close to the highest volcano in the world, Ojos del Salado. The color of the lake comes from algae that live in it. / Bridgeman Images
MDO5035447: Sands War: soldiers in the Sahara Desert, Algerian-Moroccan Frontier 1963 (soldiers during the Sands War which occurred along the Algeria-Moroccan border in October 1963, and was a Moroccan attempt to claim the Tindouf and the Bzchar areas that France had annexed to French Algeria a few decades earlier) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4590797: Constellations of the Great Dog and Orion - Orion and Canis Major - On the left down, the constellation of the Great Dog with the star Sirius, on the right, the constellation Orion. At the top left, the star Procyon of the Little Dog. The stars Betelgeuse, Procyon and Sirius form the asterism of the Winter Triangle. The brightest star is Sirius in Canis Major. Above right, Orion, and above Sirius, on the left, Procyon in Canis Minor. Betelgeuse, Procyon and Sirius composes an asterism named the winter triangle / Bridgeman Images