ETE4935310: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Great Britain (England) Bexhille-on-Sea April 1944 Close-combat demonstration of two British soldiers of Commando No. 4 in front of the 1st French Battalion of Marins Commandos (BFMC) commanded LV Philippe Kieffer and linked to Commando No. 4 (Lt Colonel Dawson) of the British Special Service Brigade commissioned by Lord Lovat (photo OWI/Weston Haynes) / Bridgeman Images
ETE4935332: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Great Britain (England) Bexhille-on-Sea April 1944 One of the soldiers of Commando No. 4 (British Special Service Brigade commanded by Lord Lovat) in discussion with a French soldier of the 1st Battalion French de Marins Commandos (BFMC) commanded by LV Philippe Kieffer who is attached to this unit (photo OWI/Weston Haynes) / Bridgeman Images
ETE4935320: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Great Britain (England) Bexhille-on-Sea April 1944 LV Philippe Kieffer accompanied by a British officer of Commando No. 4 (Lt Colonel Dawson) of the British Special Service Brigade commanded by Lord Lovat supervised the training of his men from the 1st French Battalion of Commandos sailors (BFMC) (photo OWI/Weston Haynes) / Bridgeman Images
OMG4681631: The house of Emile Zola in Medan, Yvelines, Ile de France, France. In 1878, Emile Zola acquired a small house which he expanded and beautified for eight years. He works there every day from spring to autumn for 24 years. The house has retained the charm and atmosphere of the 19th century: Dutch furniture from the 18th century, stained glass windows from the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries in the dining room and the billiard lounge / Bridgeman Images
PIX4650536: LHC: Installation of the ATLAS calorimeter - LHC: Installing the ATLAS calorimeter - Central view of the ATLAS detector with its eight toroid magnets surrounding the calorimeter before it is moved to the center of the detector. The calorimeter measures the energy of the particles produced during the collision between the protons in the center of the detector. The eight toroid magnets can be seen surrounding the calorimeter that is later moved into the middle of the detector. This calorimeter will measure the energies of particles produced when protons collide in the centre of the detector / Bridgeman Images
PIX4633308: The Earth 600 million years ago - Artist's view - Ediacaran Earth - The Earth seen about 600 million years ago after an important period of glaciation. This is how the Earth may have appeared 600 million years ago following the Cryogenian “” Snowball Earth”” period. The worldwide glaciers have melted and the ocean is largely liquid again. During this, the Ediacaran period, it is hypothesized that all of the Earth's landmasses had merged into a single supercontinent known as Pannotia, also known as the Vendian supercontinent. Surrounding this massive landmass is the vast Panthalassic Ocean, also known as Panthalassa. While the ocean was home to a variety of evolving multicellular life forms including the ubiquitous Dickinsonia costata, it is not believed that life had moved to dry land with possible exception of bacteria and other microbial colonies / Bridgeman Images
PIX4643515: Cassini spacecraft with Enceladus Geysers - Artist's view of the Cassini probe observing geysers on the surface of Enceladus, one of Saturn's satellites. The Cassini-Huygens probe was launched on 15 October 1997 and has been placed in orbit around Saturn since 1 July 2004. Cassini deliberately flies through the enigmatic geysurs of Encaledus, as the slim cresent of Saturn rises above the horizon / Bridgeman Images
MME4754127: Fregene (Rome), 1993. Italian screenwriter Sergio Donati with the script of “” Sergio Leone's Colt””, a TV series produced by Leone, never came to fruition, where we would follow a single gun that goes from the hands of dead people to the next users/Fregene (Roma), 1993. Lo sceneggiatore Sergio Donati con lo script di “Leone's Colt””, una serie TV mai realizzata sulla storia di una pistola che via via passa da un morto al suo prossimo proprietario - / Bridgeman Images