PIX4581492: Zodiacal light - Zodiacal light - Zodiacal light. May 2004, Namibia. The zodiacal light comes from the reflection of the Sun's light on the countless interplanetary dust; it draws the plane of the Solar System. Zodiacal light, Namibia, May 2004. Zodiacal light comes from the reflexion of the sun's light off tiny interplanetary dust particles in the plane of the solar system / Bridgeman Images
PIX4589683: Constellations of Cassiopee, Persee - Cassiopeia, Perseus, Cepheus constellations - On the top right the constellation of Cephee, in the center of Cassiopee, below the left of the constellation Persee, on the bottom right, part of Andromede. Top right Cepheus constellation, in the middle Cassiopeia constellation, bottom right part of Andromeda, bottom left Perseus / Bridgeman Images
PIX4593177: Pegase Constellation - Constellation of Pegasus - The constellation of Pegase with its mythological form, extracted from the Uranographia of Hevelius. Map showing the constellation of Pegasus with its mythological form from “Uranographia”” star atlas by Hevelius (1690) added / Bridgeman Images
OMG4681631: The house of Emile Zola in Medan, Yvelines, Ile de France, France. In 1878, Emile Zola acquired a small house which he expanded and beautified for eight years. He works there every day from spring to autumn for 24 years. The house has retained the charm and atmosphere of the 19th century: Dutch furniture from the 18th century, stained glass windows from the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries in the dining room and the billiard lounge / Bridgeman Images