News by candlelight and battery power, Radio Durham newsreader John Pickles had to rig up a makeshift power supply when the station was hit by the power cut, 07/01/1970 / Bridgeman Images
Soviet citizens board a Russian Aeroflo Iluyshin 62 aircraft, bound for Moscow, at London Heathrow Airport, September 1971 / Bridgeman Images
Clement Freud the new Liberal member of Parliament for the Isle of Ely, allows his normal poker face to relax into a grin after hearing the election result, 27th July 1973 / Bridgeman Images
The last chapter in the three-year-old saga of Coventry Cathedral's new flying Cross, as a steeplejack slots the spindle into the top of the fleche, 22nd May 1970 / Bridgeman Images
These youngsters weren't caught unawares. They carried their gas masks as instructed and found them very useful at this exercise session at Bedworth's Air Raid Precautions training event, c. 1940 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Spon Street school, Coventry. This part of the school was demolished and a new extension was built when the school became Spon Gate Primary school. This image was taken shortly after the Blitz of 14th November, 1940 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
This image shows the bomb damage to buildings in Smithford Street, Coventry. This image was taken shortly after the air raid of 14th November, 1940 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Two hundred people escaped today when two coaches of the crack train Talisman Edinburgh to London express, including the restarant car, jack-knifed and derailed just outside Newcastle Central Station, 4th April 1971 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
The Bay City Rollers leaving Heathrow airport for Los Angeles for two Concerts. They will return during next week, January 1977 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Two hundred people escaped today when two coaches of the crack train Talisman Edinburgh to London express, including the restarant car, jack-knifed and derailed just outside Newcastle Central Station, 4th April 1971 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
The scene at a demolition site on Friar Steet, near Newgate Street, Newcastle where a workman from demolition contractors G Blackett and Sons found 36 sticks of gelignite and detonators stuffed in a plastic bag, 6th January 1972(b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Newcastle City Hall was besieged by thousands of pop-crazy youngsters all clammouring for tickets for next month's T-Rex concert, 20 May 1972 - some fans receving a warming cup of tea (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
New detergent for removal of oil publicity stunt. Miss U.K. Helen Morgan demonstrates with oil on her legs, and has it removed by the detergent, March 1975(b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Young couples round the world voyage. Jane Owen aged 23 of Cardiff and Geoff Burrel, age 25 of Portsmouth on board the 'Roris' a 28ft. sloop - at Barry Docks, Glam, March 1975 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
"Big D At Sea": 'Big D' Meets The Stokers: Big 'D' and the boys try to stretch a Navy jumper but to no avail, February 1975 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images