MPX5082843: Ian Newman (19) a car salesman in Hounslow was getting worried as every time he got a new girlfriend and took her to dances other men who took a fancy to his girl would steal off with her and so Ian was left girl-less. But now he has the solution provided for him by hairdresser Len Pountney who has designed a long pigtail from Ian's hair that connects to Gloria Wootton (15) a florist, so that now everywhere the couple goes they are linked together. Ian Newman and Gloria Wootton linked in the high street today. November 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5082879: The Fleetwood Mac pop group back in London. Members of the "Fleetwood Mac" pop group, arrived at Heathrow Airport today from the U.S.A. where they have been on a three month tour. Also accompanying the group was Jenny Boyd (sister of Patty) who is supposed to be engaged to Mick Fleetwood of the pop group. Our Picture Shows: Jenny Boyd pictured with Mick Fleetwood at Heathrow. February 1970 / Bridgeman Images