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Viet Minh porters use bicycles to resupply troops with rice in the fight against the French at Dien Bien Phu, 1954 (b/w photo)
Viet Minh porters use bicycles to resupply troops with rice in the fight against the French at Dien Bien Phu, 1954 (b/w photo)

PFH1174023: Viet Minh porters use bicycles to resupply troops with rice in the fight against the French at Dien Bien Phu, 1954 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia, 1903 (photo)
Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia, 1903 (photo)

DGC1200431: Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia, 1903 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

French President De Gaulle Greeting Nikita Khrouchtchev at Paris Airport , Followed By Translater and Khrouchtchev'S Son March 23, 1960 (b/w photo)
French President De Gaulle Greeting Nikita Khrouchtchev at Paris Airport , Followed By Translater and Khrouchtchev'S Son March 23, 1960 (b/w photo)

XRA1656459: French President De Gaulle Greeting Nikita Khrouchtchev at Paris Airport , Followed By Translater and Khrouchtchev'S Son March 23, 1960 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

View of the bridge, built 1933-37 (b/w photo) (see 239621, 239622)
View of the bridge, built 1933-37 (b/w photo) (see 239621, 239622)

SYL239623: View of the bridge, built 1933-37 (b/w photo) (see 239621, 239622) / Bridgeman Images

XII The Hanged Man, tarot card (detail of 75650)
XII The Hanged Man, tarot card (detail of 75650)

XTD227135: XII The Hanged Man, tarot card (detail of 75650) / Bridgeman Images

Young men at the Pariser Platz after the announcement of the mobilisation, August 1914 (b/w photo)
Young men at the Pariser Platz after the announcement of the mobilisation, August 1914 (b/w photo)

SZT353835: Young men at the Pariser Platz after the announcement of the mobilisation, August 1914 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Maria Theresa Thaler, 1780 (silver)
Maria Theresa Thaler, 1780 (silver)

CHT341933: Maria Theresa Thaler, 1780 (silver) / Bridgeman Images

A young couple lying in the grass, 1930 (b/w photo)
A young couple lying in the grass, 1930 (b/w photo)

SZT367260: A young couple lying in the grass, 1930 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Mao Zedong, 1958 (b/w photo)
Mao Zedong, 1958 (b/w photo)

PNP367288: Mao Zedong, 1958 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Saint-Etienne du Mont church, detail of a window glass depicting Noah's Arch, early 17th century (stained glass)
Saint-Etienne du Mont church, detail of a window glass depicting Noah's Arch, early 17th century (stained glass)

CLG252642: Saint-Etienne du Mont church, detail of a window glass depicting Noah's Arch, early 17th century (stained glass) / Bridgeman Images

When the Army and the People Unite as One, Let Us See Who In The World Can Challenge Us (colour litho)
When the Army and the People Unite as One, Let Us See Who In The World Can Challenge Us (colour litho)

CGA283368: When the Army and the People Unite as One, Let Us See Who In The World Can Challenge Us (colour litho) / Bridgeman Images

When the Army and People unite as One, Let Us See Who In The World Can Challenge Us, September 1968 (colour litho)
When the Army and People unite as One, Let Us See Who In The World Can Challenge Us, September 1968 (colour litho)

CGA283361: When the Army and People unite as One, Let Us See Who In The World Can Challenge Us, September 1968 (colour litho) / Bridgeman Images

Narwhal tusk
Narwhal tusk

UCL273888: Narwhal tusk / Bridgeman Images

Boy with Bear and Tiger (gouache on paper)
Boy with Bear and Tiger (gouache on paper)

LAL269694: Boy with Bear and Tiger (gouache on paper) / Bridgeman Images

Lancaster Bomber over Germany (gouache on paper)
Lancaster Bomber over Germany (gouache on paper)

LAL278364: Lancaster Bomber over Germany (gouache on paper) / Bridgeman Images

Dawn Breaking for some of the rescued Passengers in one of the 'Titanic' lifeboats, 1912 (litho)
Dawn Breaking for some of the rescued Passengers in one of the 'Titanic' lifeboats, 1912 (litho)

CHT322542: Dawn Breaking for some of the rescued Passengers in one of the 'Titanic' lifeboats, 1912 (litho) / Bridgeman Images

A carving in the left hand, larger, grotto showing a knight on horseback, possibly King Khosroe II (591-628) and his horse Shabdiz, from the Sassanian grottoes of Taq-e Bostan (photo)
A carving in the left hand, larger, grotto showing a knight on horseback, possibly King Khosroe II (591-628) and his horse Shabdiz, from the Sassanian grottoes of Taq-e Bostan (photo)

JCH308840: A carving in the left hand, larger, grotto showing a knight on horseback, possibly King Khosroe II (591-628) and his horse Shabdiz, from the Sassanian grottoes of Taq-e Bostan (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Piazza della Signoria with Palazzo Vecchio and Loggia dei Lanzi (photo)
Piazza della Signoria with Palazzo Vecchio and Loggia dei Lanzi (photo)

BEN282765: Piazza della Signoria with Palazzo Vecchio and Loggia dei Lanzi (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Funeral Procession of the late Lord Viscount Nelson  (colour engraving)
Funeral Procession of the late Lord Viscount Nelson  (colour engraving)

XCF286459: Funeral Procession of the late Lord Viscount Nelson (colour engraving) / Bridgeman Images

Medieval minstrels (painted stone), English School, St. Mary's Church, Beverley, (1120 to 1530) East Riding, Yorkshire, UK
Medieval minstrels (painted stone), English School, St. Mary's Church, Beverley, (1120 to 1530) East Riding, Yorkshire, UK

HGP327952: Medieval minstrels (painted stone), English School, St. Mary's Church, Beverley, (1120 to 1530) East Riding, Yorkshire, UK / Bridgeman Images

East Berliners visiting West Berlin for the first time following the opening of the border, 9th November, 1989 (b/w photo)
East Berliners visiting West Berlin for the first time following the opening of the border, 9th November, 1989 (b/w photo)

HPS328166: East Berliners visiting West Berlin for the first time following the opening of the border, 9th November, 1989 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

View of the mudejar cloister (photo)
View of the mudejar cloister (photo)

XPH330469: View of the mudejar cloister (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Plutarco Elias Calles with his family (b/w photo)
Plutarco Elias Calles with his family (b/w photo)

STC375635: Plutarco Elias Calles with his family (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

The Sculpture Gallery in Chatsworth House, England (photo)
The Sculpture Gallery in Chatsworth House, England (photo)

CTS379064: The Sculpture Gallery in Chatsworth House, England (photo) / Bridgeman Images

The Mummy (photo)
The Mummy (photo)

DIL2560637: The Mummy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Federico Fellini
Federico Fellini

SCC2558785: Federico Fellini / Bridgeman Images

Federico Fellini and Marcello Mastroianni, 1962 (photo)
Federico Fellini and Marcello Mastroianni, 1962 (photo)

SCC2558806: Federico Fellini and Marcello Mastroianni, 1962 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Le diable au corps, 1947
Le diable au corps, 1947

DIL2687314: Le diable au corps, 1947 / Bridgeman Images

Igor Stravinsky's 'Petrushka' with Nijinsky as Petrushka, 1911 (b/w photo with later colouration)
Igor Stravinsky's 'Petrushka' with Nijinsky as Petrushka, 1911 (b/w photo with later colouration)

XLE3725982: Igor Stravinsky's 'Petrushka' with Nijinsky as Petrushka, 1911 (b/w photo with later colouration) / Bridgeman Images

1958 World Cup in Sweden French players Piantoni Kopa and Fontaine after their victory over Northern Ireland and before the final against Brazil Cover of the weekly Le Mirror des Sports in June 1958
1958 World Cup in Sweden French players Piantoni Kopa and Fontaine after their victory over Northern Ireland and before the final against Brazil Cover of the weekly Le Mirror des Sports in June 1958

GEG2756321: 1958 World Cup in Sweden French players Piantoni Kopa and Fontaine after their victory over Northern Ireland and before the final against Brazil Cover of the weekly Le Mirror des Sports in June 1958 / Bridgeman Images

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) French sculptor Photography from the magazine Illustree in 1899 (b/w photo)
Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) French sculptor Photography from the magazine Illustree in 1899 (b/w photo)

GEG2757404: Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) French sculptor Photography from the magazine Illustree in 1899 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

French Actor Patrick Dewaere
French Actor Patrick Dewaere

GEO2713391: French Actor Patrick Dewaere / Bridgeman Images

The Year of the Jellyfish
The Year of the Jellyfish

GEO2712464: The Year of the Jellyfish / Bridgeman Images

Marriage With Jim Dougherty, June 1942.
Marriage With Jim Dougherty, June 1942.

DIL4064569: Marriage With Jim Dougherty, June 1942. / Bridgeman Images

Marilyn Monroe, 1949 (photo)
Marilyn Monroe, 1949 (photo)

DIL4064588: Marilyn Monroe, 1949 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Marilyn Monroe, California, 1940s (photo)
Marilyn Monroe, California, 1940s (photo)

DIL4064589: Marilyn Monroe, California, 1940s (photo) / Bridgeman Images

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