Georges Pompidou, French President, With his Wife Claude Wearing A Very Elegant Dress, at A Gala February 11, 1971 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Elsa Schiaparelli at The Jacques Fath 'S Party in The Corbeville Castle With The Theme " Rio'S Carnival" The 3Th August 1952 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Veterans and Disabled Ex-Servicemen Demonstrating on The Champs Elysees, Paris, July 24, 1948 (They Want Increment of Their Pension) (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Danielle Darrieux and director Jacques Demy on the set of the film Les demoiselles de Rochefort 1967 On the set, Jacques Demy with Gene Kelly. / Bridgeman Images
Maigret tend un piege Maigret Lays a Trap or Inspector Maigret de JeanDelannoy avec Jean Gabin en 1958 (d'apres Georges Simenon) / Bridgeman Images
Mrs Henriette Caillaux, wife of politician Joseph Caillaux, she killed Gaston Calmette, director of paper Le Figaro, here during trial in 1914 / Bridgeman Images
sentence of a popular court in USSR (purges were created by JosephStaline against alleged trotskists, they were killed or sent to Gulag), late 20's early 30's / Bridgeman Images