ETE4865502: WWII - Battle of the Bulge (WWII): A 57 mm anti-tank gun served by soldiers of the 83rd DI of the 1st US Army monitors a snow corridor between two fir forests on the road halfway between Houffalize and Saint Vith (Saint Vith) - Photograph taken in Bovigny (Belgium), January 21, 1945 / Bridgeman Images
ELD4843867: Celtic antiquite: “” Human sacrifice during a ceremony chaired by a druid in presence of families and warriors in a forest” (Gallic religion, human sacrifice during a ceremony chaired by a druid in presence of families and warriors in a forest) Engraving from “History-Populaire-de-France” by Lahure, 1866 Private collection / Bridgeman Images
ETE4879845: Suez Canal, Great Lake Amer (Egypt) February 15, 1945 - On board the USS Quincy and after the Yalta Conference, King of Arabia Ibn Saud (Abdelaziz ben Abderrahmane Al Saud or Ibn Seoud) (1880-1953) in discussion with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) (right) through the Translator Colonel Bill Eddy. On the left, the Admiral of the American Fleet William D. Leahy / Bridgeman Images
ITR4553600: Used daily for evening services, the choir organ is an instrument of 30 games and 2,000 pipes, whose neological buffet of the 19th century is juche on the stalls of the choir of the cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc - / Bridgeman Images