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Romy Schneider
Romy Schneider

DIL4056047: Romy Schneider / Bridgeman Images

Aug 09, 1969; Waybridge, Surrey, UK; (File Photo: Exact Date Unknown) Beatle JOHN LENNON stands beside his talked-about 'psychodelic' Rolls Royce at his home
Aug 09, 1969; Waybridge, Surrey, UK; (File Photo: Exact Date Unknown) Beatle JOHN LENNON stands beside his talked-about 'psychodelic' Rolls Royce at his home

ZUM4895954: Aug 09, 1969; Waybridge, Surrey, UK; (File Photo: Exact Date Unknown) Beatle JOHN LENNON stands beside his talked-about 'psychodelic' Rolls Royce at his home / Bridgeman Images


DIL5862914: ="The Lady Is Willing - Madame veut un b̩b̩ 1942 directed by Mitchell Liesen / Bridgeman Images

Paul-Emile Victor in Inuit clothing (kamiks, bearskin pants  ) and shoulder camera, Ammassalik, Greenland, Fall 1934 (b/w photo)
Paul-Emile Victor in Inuit clothing (kamiks, bearskin pants  ) and shoulder camera, Ammassalik, Greenland, Fall 1934 (b/w photo)

PEV5958721: Paul-Emile Victor in Inuit clothing (kamiks, bearskin pants ) and shoulder camera, Ammassalik, Greenland, Fall 1934 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Humbert II (Umberto II), Roi d'Italie (dit il re di Maggio) photographie le 10 mai 1946 dans les jardins du Palais du Quirinale avec son epouse Marie Jose (Marie-Jose) de Belgique (=Maria Jose de Savoie) (1906-2001) et ses enfants (de g. a d.) Marie Beatrice (Maria Beatrice), Victor Emmanuel (Victor-Emmanuel) (Vittorio Emanuele), Marie-Gabrielle (Marie Gabrielle) (Maria Gabriella) et Maria Pia.
Humbert II (Umberto II), Roi d'Italie (dit il re di Maggio) photographie le 10 mai 1946 dans les jardins du Palais du Quirinale avec son epouse Marie Jose (Marie-Jose) de Belgique (=Maria Jose de Savoie) (1906-2001) et ses enfants (de g. a d.) Marie Beatrice (Maria Beatrice), Victor Emmanuel (Victor-Emmanuel) (Vittorio Emanuele), Marie-Gabrielle (Marie Gabrielle) (Maria Gabriella) et Maria Pia.

OLA5337820: Humbert II (Umberto II), Roi d'Italie (dit il re di Maggio) photographie le 10 mai 1946 dans les jardins du Palais du Quirinale avec son epouse Marie Jose (Marie-Jose) de Belgique (=Maria Jose de Savoie) (1906-2001) et ses enfants (de g. a d.) Marie Beatrice (Maria Beatrice), Victor Emmanuel (Victor-Emmanuel) (Vittorio Emanuele), Marie-Gabrielle (Marie Gabrielle) (Maria Gabriella) et Maria Pia. / Bridgeman Images

Portrait de l'ecrivain italien Dino Buzzati (1906 - 1972) en 1970, Milano
Portrait de l'ecrivain italien Dino Buzzati (1906 - 1972) en 1970, Milano

OLA5333892: Portrait de l'ecrivain italien Dino Buzzati (1906 - 1972) en 1970, Milano / Bridgeman Images

La scenariste Suso CECCHI D'AMICO en mai 1959
La scenariste Suso CECCHI D'AMICO en mai 1959

OLA5341524: La scenariste Suso CECCHI D'AMICO en mai 1959 / Bridgeman Images

Portrait de Clara (Claretta) Petacci (1912-1945), compagne de Benito Mussolini.
Portrait de Clara (Claretta) Petacci (1912-1945), compagne de Benito Mussolini.

OLA5351770: Portrait de Clara (Claretta) Petacci (1912-1945), compagne de Benito Mussolini. / Bridgeman Images

Fausto Coppi on the slope of the Stelvio, Tour of Italy, 1953 (b/w photo)
Fausto Coppi on the slope of the Stelvio, Tour of Italy, 1953 (b/w photo)

OLA5363445: Fausto Coppi on the slope of the Stelvio, Tour of Italy, 1953 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Medea, 1969 (b/w photo)
Medea, 1969 (b/w photo)

DIL7210161: Medea, 1969 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Germaine Tillion, 1972 (b/w photo)
Germaine Tillion, 1972 (b/w photo)

MLO1762542: Germaine Tillion, 1972 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Frederic Dard
Frederic Dard

MLO1942600: Frederic Dard / Bridgeman Images


MLO2330748: Venice / Bridgeman Images

Francoise Sagan
Francoise Sagan

MLO2069755: Francoise Sagan / Bridgeman Images

Pierre Bourdieu
Pierre Bourdieu

MLO2146086: Pierre Bourdieu / Bridgeman Images

Gustave Thibon
Gustave Thibon

MLO1877770: Gustave Thibon / Bridgeman Images

Pierre Perret
Pierre Perret

MLO2116673: Pierre Perret / Bridgeman Images

Patrick Modiano
Patrick Modiano

MLO2529953: Patrick Modiano / Bridgeman Images

Francoise Dolto
Francoise Dolto

MLO2186016: Francoise Dolto / Bridgeman Images

Full Moon, Pasargades, Iran - Full Moon over Pasargadae - Full Moon above the tomb of Cyrus the Great a Pasargades (Iran). Full moon above the tomb of Cyrus the Great in Pasargadae, Fars province, southen Iran
Full Moon, Pasargades, Iran - Full Moon over Pasargadae - Full Moon above the tomb of Cyrus the Great a Pasargades (Iran). Full moon above the tomb of Cyrus the Great in Pasargadae, Fars province, southen Iran

PIX4578465: Full Moon, Pasargades, Iran - Full Moon over Pasargadae - Full Moon above the tomb of Cyrus the Great a Pasargades (Iran). Full moon above the tomb of Cyrus the Great in Pasargadae, Fars province, southen Iran / Bridgeman Images

The Ideal Home Exhibition, Paris, February 25, 1963 : Mixer (b/w photo)
The Ideal Home Exhibition, Paris, February 25, 1963 : Mixer (b/w photo)

XRA1675118: The Ideal Home Exhibition, Paris, February 25, 1963 : Mixer (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Pierre Pflimlin, Head of French Government, Leaving Elysee Palace on May 27, 1958 After Speaking With President Charlesdegaulle (b/w photo)
Pierre Pflimlin, Head of French Government, Leaving Elysee Palace on May 27, 1958 After Speaking With President Charlesdegaulle (b/w photo)

XRA1670048: Pierre Pflimlin, Head of French Government, Leaving Elysee Palace on May 27, 1958 After Speaking With President Charlesdegaulle (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Two T'ang moulded figures
Two T'ang moulded figures

CH5414: Two T'ang moulded figures / Bridgeman Images

13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar : Bosnian muslim soldiers reading a booklet about Islam and Judaism, ww2
13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar : Bosnian muslim soldiers reading a booklet about Islam and Judaism, ww2

TAD1758105: 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar : Bosnian muslim soldiers reading a booklet about Islam and Judaism, ww2 / Bridgeman Images

A boy watching some advertising bills, Italy, 1950 (b/w photo)
A boy watching some advertising bills, Italy, 1950 (b/w photo)

MEP3113464: A boy watching some advertising bills, Italy, 1950 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Two fibulae in the shape of animals, from Bragny sur Saone, La Tene style, 5th century BC (bronze)
Two fibulae in the shape of animals, from Bragny sur Saone, La Tene style, 5th century BC (bronze)

FAB128302: Two fibulae in the shape of animals, from Bragny sur Saone, La Tene style, 5th century BC (bronze) / Bridgeman Images

Jacques Derrida with his Siamese cat, 12th September 1997 (b/w photo)
Jacques Derrida with his Siamese cat, 12th September 1997 (b/w photo)

MLO1790094: Jacques Derrida with his Siamese cat, 12th September 1997 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

The Virgin at the Crucifixion, British, 15th century
The Virgin at the Crucifixion, British, 15th century

XPC22321: The Virgin at the Crucifixion, British, 15th century / Bridgeman Images

Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, (1070–1834) English School, Kent, UK (photo)
Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, (1070–1834) English School, Kent, UK (photo)

MAE170019: Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, (1070–1834) English School, Kent, UK (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait photograph of Walter Crane (1845-1915) by Frederick Hollyer (1837-1933) 1886 (b/w photo)
Portrait photograph of Walter Crane (1845-1915) by Frederick Hollyer (1837-1933) 1886 (b/w photo)

STC93610: Portrait photograph of Walter Crane (1845-1915) by Frederick Hollyer (1837-1933) 1886 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Red-figure bell krater depicting a banquet scene, (pottery) (for detail see 85013)
Red-figure bell krater depicting a banquet scene, (pottery) (for detail see 85013)

BEN85012: Red-figure bell krater depicting a banquet scene, (pottery) (for detail see 85013) / Bridgeman Images

Scene of waterfowl on the Nile from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, 2nd century BC (mosaic)
Scene of waterfowl on the Nile from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, 2nd century BC (mosaic)

BEN85018: Scene of waterfowl on the Nile from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, 2nd century BC (mosaic) / Bridgeman Images

The Tower of London (sepia photo)
The Tower of London (sepia photo)

STC101687: The Tower of London (sepia photo) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of the keep (photo)
Interior of the keep (photo)

STF241811: Interior of the keep (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Map of Scotland, Miliaria Scotia
Map of Scotland, Miliaria Scotia

BAL42811: Map of Scotland, Miliaria Scotia / Bridgeman Images

Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) 1901 (b/w photo)
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) 1901 (b/w photo)

CHT214712: Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) 1901 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

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