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The parish church. The site.
The parish church. The site.

MAE6267958: The parish church. The site. / Bridgeman Images

City site mount Tibidabo. A gentleman's house (Ca Pinar). Exterior. Modernism.
City site mount Tibidabo. A gentleman's house (Ca Pinar). Exterior. Modernism.

MAE6267963: City site mount Tibidabo. A gentleman's house (Ca Pinar). Exterior. Modernism. / Bridgeman Images

City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. Entrance portico of the lower church. Detail. Modernism.
City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. Entrance portico of the lower church. Detail. Modernism.

MAE6267968: City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. Entrance portico of the lower church. Detail. Modernism. / Bridgeman Images

City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. Entrance portico of the lower church. Detail. The tympanon. Modernism.
City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. Entrance portico of the lower church. Detail. The tympanon. Modernism.

MAE6267971: City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. Entrance portico of the lower church. Detail. The tympanon. Modernism. / Bridgeman Images

City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. The façade. Neo-Gothic.
City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. The façade. Neo-Gothic.

MAE6267975: City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Exterior. The façade. Neo-Gothic. / Bridgeman Images

City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Interior. North chapel. Mosaics. Eclecticism.
City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Interior. North chapel. Mosaics. Eclecticism.

MAE6267983: City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Interior. North chapel. Mosaics. Eclecticism. / Bridgeman Images


MAE6267988: Interior / Bridgeman Images

City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Interior. Central chapel. Detail of the mosaics. Eclecticism.
City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Interior. Central chapel. Detail of the mosaics. Eclecticism.

MAE6267991: City site mount Tibidabo. The basilic church Holy hearth (Església de Sagrat Cor). Interior. Central chapel. Detail of the mosaics. Eclecticism. / Bridgeman Images

Parish church (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk). Exterior. Gothic called gothique scaldien or (gothique tournaisien). Northwest. 14th century.
Parish church (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk). Exterior. Gothic called gothique scaldien or (gothique tournaisien). Northwest. 14th century.

MAE6267994: Parish church (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk). Exterior. Gothic called gothique scaldien or (gothique tournaisien). Northwest. 14th century. / Bridgeman Images

Mausoleum van Mgr d'Allamont. inv. nr 240.
Mausoleum van Mgr d'Allamont. inv. nr 240.

MAE6268025: Mausoleum van Mgr d'Allamont. inv. nr 240. / Bridgeman Images

Mausoleum van Mgr. Maes. inv. nr 238.
Mausoleum van Mgr. Maes. inv. nr 238.

MAE6268026: Mausoleum van Mgr. Maes. inv. nr 238. / Bridgeman Images

pulpit. inv. nr 122.
pulpit. inv. nr 122.

MAE6268029: pulpit. inv. nr 122. / Bridgeman Images

pulpit. inv. nr 122.
pulpit. inv. nr 122.

MAE6268030: pulpit. inv. nr 122. / Bridgeman Images

pulpit. inv. nr 122.
pulpit. inv. nr 122.

MAE6268031: pulpit. inv. nr 122. / Bridgeman Images

pulpit. inv. nr 122.
pulpit. inv. nr 122.

MAE6268033: pulpit. inv. nr 122. / Bridgeman Images

pulpit. inv. nr 122.
pulpit. inv. nr 122.

MAE6268034: pulpit. inv. nr 122. / Bridgeman Images

Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. Painting. Signed and dated. Christ giving the keys to Saint-Peter. 1729.
Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. Painting. Signed and dated. Christ giving the keys to Saint-Peter. 1729.

MAE6268040: Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. Painting. Signed and dated. Christ giving the keys to Saint-Peter. 1729. / Bridgeman Images

Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. Devotion statue (Heilige Rita).
Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. Devotion statue (Heilige Rita).

MAE6268042: Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. Devotion statue (Heilige Rita). / Bridgeman Images

Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. North aisle. Chapel Carolus Borromeus.
Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. North aisle. Chapel Carolus Borromeus.

MAE6268045: Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. North aisle. Chapel Carolus Borromeus. / Bridgeman Images

Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The pulpit. Detail Medaillion. Head of a saint.
Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The pulpit. Detail Medaillion. Head of a saint.

MAE6268052: Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The pulpit. Detail Medaillion. Head of a saint. / Bridgeman Images

Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of the Virgin. Text VIRGINI SINE LABE CONCEPTAE.
Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of the Virgin. Text VIRGINI SINE LABE CONCEPTAE.

MAE6268061: Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of the Virgin. Text VIRGINI SINE LABE CONCEPTAE. / Bridgeman Images

Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of a bishop. Text in Medaillion NORBERTO ARCHIP MAGDEBURG PATRONO SUO POSUET D PHILIPPUS NORBERTUS DE MEULEMEESTER.
Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of a bishop. Text in Medaillion NORBERTO ARCHIP MAGDEBURG PATRONO SUO POSUET D PHILIPPUS NORBERTUS DE MEULEMEESTER.

MAE6268062: Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of a bishop. Text in Medaillion NORBERTO ARCHIP MAGDEBURG PATRONO SUO POSUET D PHILIPPUS NORBERTUS DE MEULEMEESTER. / Bridgeman Images

Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of a saint. Text in Medaillion SANCTO JOSEPHO INSIGNI D LUDOVICI FOSTIER.
Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of a saint. Text in Medaillion SANCTO JOSEPHO INSIGNI D LUDOVICI FOSTIER.

MAE6268063: Collegiate church (Sint-Hermeskerk). Interior. The crossing. Statue of a saint. Text in Medaillion SANCTO JOSEPHO INSIGNI D LUDOVICI FOSTIER. / Bridgeman Images

Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. A crane.
Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. A crane.

MAE6268133: Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. A crane. / Bridgeman Images

Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: CISCO YJOSEPH VA Y TORRENTY PVE SIA PLENA Y LOS OSSOS FETA 1768, DEL ORIRO TRANSITFORT.
Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: CISCO YJOSEPH VA Y TORRENTY PVE SIA PLENA Y LOS OSSOS FETA 1768, DEL ORIRO TRANSITFORT.

MAE6268135: Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: CISCO YJOSEPH VA Y TORRENTY PVE SIA PLENA Y LOS OSSOS FETA 1768, DEL ORIRO TRANSITFORT. / Bridgeman Images

Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: CISCO YJOSEPH VA Y TORRENTY PVE SIA PLENA Y LOS OSSOS FETA 1768, DEL ORIRO TRANSITFORT.
Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: CISCO YJOSEPH VA Y TORRENTY PVE SIA PLENA Y LOS OSSOS FETA 1768, DEL ORIRO TRANSITFORT.

MAE6268136: Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: CISCO YJOSEPH VA Y TORRENTY PVE SIA PLENA Y LOS OSSOS FETA 1768, DEL ORIRO TRANSITFORT. / Bridgeman Images

Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: sepvultra de frAmoncvnill casanOper los sevs fins a no pvga travrer lo an? Pesav la extrema partd ay qua am arça la mort.
Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: sepvultra de frAmoncvnill casanOper los sevs fins a no pvga travrer lo an? Pesav la extrema partd ay qua am arça la mort.

MAE6268137: Pinell. The church. Interior. A tombstone. Detail. Text: sepvultra de frAmoncvnill casanOper los sevs fins a no pvga travrer lo an? Pesav la extrema partd ay qua am arça la mort. / Bridgeman Images

Pinell. The church. Interior. The nave. Detail. A capital.
Pinell. The church. Interior. The nave. Detail. A capital.

MAE6268140: Pinell. The church. Interior. The nave. Detail. A capital. / Bridgeman Images

Former abbey (Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes). The church. Exterior. West façade. Ruins. Gothic. 13th - 14th century.
Former abbey (Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes). The church. Exterior. West façade. Ruins. Gothic. 13th - 14th century.

MAE6268223: Former abbey (Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes). The church. Exterior. West façade. Ruins. Gothic. 13th - 14th century. / Bridgeman Images

Former abbey (Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes). The church. Exterior. West façade. Ruins. Gothic. 13th - 14th century.
Former abbey (Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes). The church. Exterior. West façade. Ruins. Gothic. 13th - 14th century.

MAE6268230: Former abbey (Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes). The church. Exterior. West façade. Ruins. Gothic. 13th - 14th century. / Bridgeman Images

Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. North aisle. 12th - 16th century.
Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. North aisle. 12th - 16th century.

MAE6268234: Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. North aisle. 12th - 16th century. / Bridgeman Images

Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. High altar. Detail. Top. Wood. Baroque.
Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. High altar. Detail. Top. Wood. Baroque.

MAE6268236: Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. High altar. Detail. Top. Wood. Baroque. / Bridgeman Images

Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. Calvary (Calvaire/Dépoloration'. Detail. The statue of Saint-John. Polychrome stone. 16th century.
Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. Calvary (Calvaire/Dépoloration'. Detail. The statue of Saint-John. Polychrome stone. 16th century.

MAE6268241: Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. Calvary (Calvaire/Dépoloration'. Detail. The statue of Saint-John. Polychrome stone. 16th century. / Bridgeman Images

Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. Calvary (Calvaire/Dépoloration'. Detail. The statue of Saint-John. Bust. Polychrome stone. 16th century.
Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. Calvary (Calvaire/Dépoloration'. Detail. The statue of Saint-John. Bust. Polychrome stone. 16th century.

MAE6268244: Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. Calvary (Calvaire/Dépoloration'. Detail. The statue of Saint-John. Bust. Polychrome stone. 16th century. / Bridgeman Images

Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. North aisle. Detail. A keystone. 12th - 16th century.
Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. North aisle. Detail. A keystone. 12th - 16th century.

MAE6268250: Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Interior. North aisle. Detail. A keystone. 12th - 16th century. / Bridgeman Images

Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Exterior. West façade. Detail. Left portal. 12th century.
Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Exterior. West façade. Detail. Left portal. 12th century.

MAE6268254: Former priory (Ancien prieuré Saint-Ayoul). The church (Église Saint-Ayoul). Exterior. West façade. Detail. Left portal. 12th century. / Bridgeman Images

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