Madrona, parish of Saint Peter (parròquia de Sant Pere). The church (Església Sant Pere). Interior. The high altar. Detail. Baroque. / Bridgeman Images
Detail, c.1380, Bas-Relief. Polychromed stone. Devotion monument of Nicolas de Seclin (Monument votif de Nicolas de Seclin) / Bridgeman Images
Bas-Relief. Polychromed stone. Devotion monument of Liévin Bleckre (Monument votif du chanoine Liévin Bleckre). Origin of the cathedral. Ca 1440-1450. / Bridgeman Images
Bas-Relief. Stone. Devotion monument of Jacques Isaac (Monument votif de Jacques Isaac). Origin of the brotherhood (Frères Mineurs de Tournai). Ca 1400. / Bridgeman Images
Bas-Relief. Stone. Devotion monument of Jacques Polés (Monument votif de Jacques Polés). Origin of the brotherhood (Frères Mineurs de Tournai). Ca 1400. Detail. / Bridgeman Images
Bas-Relief. Stone. Devotion monument of Cottrel family (Monument votif des Cottrel). Origin of the brotherhood (Frères Mineurs de Tournai). Ca 1490. Detail head of a man and two escutcheons. / Bridgeman Images
Bas-Relief. Stone. Devotion monument of Willaume de Maulde (Monument votif de Willaume de Maulde). Origin of the brotherhood (Frères Mineurs de Tournai). Begin 15th century. / Bridgeman Images
Voussoir of a fireplace (Claveau central de cheminée). An angel with eschuteon. Stone. From the Museum of History and Archeology of Tournai (musée d'histoire et d'archéologie de Tournai). Origin unknown. Second half of 15th century. / Bridgeman Images
Voussoir of a fireplace (Claveau central de cheminée). Excutcheon of a bischop. Text OMNIA VANITAS. Stone. From the Museum of History and Archeology of Tournai (musée d'histoire et d'archéologie de Tournai). Origin unknown. 1633. / Bridgeman Images
Palace (Obra de Fluvia). Unfinished palece of Bishop Pere de Cardona of La Seu d'Urgell. Ruins. Gothic-renaissance. 1505 - 1514. / Bridgeman Images
Parish church (Església de Sant Jaume). Exterior. West façade. Detail. A statue in a niche. A saint. Memorial stone plate with text: DD GALSERAW? VEGA ET VILARB JEGERAT FVNA? HOC LAPIDE COR; VIT EA DIE 24 IVLII ANNO 1742. / Bridgeman Images