The Suitors of Penelope cower from Odysseus, detail of relief from the Heroon of Trysa in Lycia, c.410 BC (stone) (see also 95186) / Bridgeman Images
Belt buckle depicting figures and horses resting under a tree, from the Siberian Collection of Peter I, 6th-5th century BC (gold) / Bridgeman Images
Temple or Pyramid I, funerary monument to the ruler Ah Cacao (c.682-730 AD) Late Classic Period (600-900 AD) (photo) (see also 92503) / Bridgeman Images
Sunk Relief of hunting scenes on the First Pylon of the Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III (c.1184-1153 BC) Dynasty XX, New Kingdom (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Inro, decorated with the three figures of the Buddha, Confucius and Lao Tzu, by Serizawa Ryumin and Kajikawa Hogetsu, Japanese, 19th century (gold lacquer) (for obverse see 121554) / Bridgeman Images