ZUM4932557: May 05, 1954 - 120,000 Pack Wembley for Billy Graham- 0/00USYeaaic 0/00Uzyeacs Final Crusade Meeting: A huge crowd of 120,000 went to Wembley Stadium last night, to hear Billy Graham, the American evangelist during the final meeting of his three-months Greater London Crusade / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4932601: May 06, 1954 - Roger Bannister beats the four Minute Mile: The famous British runner, Roger Bannister, tonight became the first man to run the mile in less than 4 minutes - during a match between the A.A.A. team for which he ran, and Oxford University - at Oxford. His time was 3 mins. 59.4 secs / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4933053: May 12, 1954 - 12-5-54 The Royal children see the Gibraltar apes. Princess Anne has fun. Keystone Photo Shows: Princess Anne is interested in one of the apes, while another ape climbs on the hat of the escorting officer during the second visit to the home of the famous animals on the Rock of Gibraltar / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4933242: May 14, 1954 - Australian Girl Arrives In London From Deep -Sea Diving Expedition: Among the arrivals at London Airport yesterday Dr. and Mrs. HASS the Australian Underwater explorers - who had just returned from a deep sea diving expedition to the Cocos Islands and Curacao. Mrs. Hasss dives with her husband and then acts as his secretary - taking notes on a wax pad 250 feet down. They investigate the mysteries of the deep sea / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4933265: May 14, 1954 - Russian Cargo ship” Arrested” in London docks. Woman is taken aboard.: The Russian Passenger-Cargo ship prepared to leave London Docks this morning with aboard - it is believed - the Soviet Diplomats who were expelled for spying. The vessel was” arrested” by an Admiralty Marshal's officer who went aboard and fixed a warrant to the Mast. It was issued on behalf of the owners of the Dutch Ship” Marvic” (500 tons) in respect of damage in collision with the Russian ship in Kiel Canal in October 1952 / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4933633: May 19, 1954 - Hunted Gunman shoots Himself.: London's day of terror from a mad gunman ended last night, when Mathan Goldberg, 27, an ex-Guardsman, died in hospital after shooting himself in the head in a taxi. Police had been issued with guns after Goldberg had shot three men- one fatally - on his revenge list of 22 Photo shows The boy and the dog who nearly got gunman, Goldberg. Three year old David Baldwin with Prince his puppy. Goldberg almost ripped over them as he fled after his third shooting / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934051: May 28, 1954 - 9 year old artist exhibits 'Abstract' paintings: 9 year old Patrick Jordan of Paris among his paintings now on show at the galerie D'Orsay ~ Paris. Patrick began paintings when he was 4 years old and had shown great talent in expression his ideas in a pure abstract style / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934392: Jun. 02, 1954 - Not For Use Before Evening Thursday: Errol And Anna Rehearse For” Lilacs In The Spring”. Famous London Restaurant Reconstructed At Film Studios: Stars of the new film” Lilacs in the Spring” - Errol Flynn and Anna Neagle are busily at work rehearsing their parts at Elstree Studios. Anna plays the role of” Carol” who in a series of” flashbacks” dreams she is the wife of her father - played by Errol Flynn. In effect both he and she play the roles of father and husband - Mother and daughter. One of the scenes takes place in a reproduction of” Romano's Restaurant” - in the Strand in the year 1917 / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934599: Jun. 06, 1954 - Meeting of The King George VI National Memorial Fund At The Mansion House. Sir Leslie Boyce, as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the King George VI National Memorial Fund, today held a conference at the Mansion House to announce the plans for the statue of His late Majesty. Models of the statue and the lay-out of the site were on view / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934719: Jun. 06, 1954 - Marlene Dietrich Arrives In London Attends Noel Coward's New Show” After The Ball” Marlene Dietrich, the Glamorous grandmother” arrived in London from New York yesterday to appear in cabaret at a London night club on Monday. Last night she went with Noel Coward to see his new play “After the Ball” at the Globe Theatre / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4934876: Jun. 06, 1954 - Fangio drives Mercedes at 188 km. p.h.; Argentina racer Fangio at the wheel of the new Mercedes 2 L.500 on the Rheims track During the second trial he drove the car at a speed of 188 ems. Per hour. He will take part in the Grand Prix to be held at Rheims July 4th / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4935050: Jun. 06, 1954 - Landy runs mile in 4 amns. 01.6 secs. John Landy, of Australia, ran the mile in 4 minutes 01.6. seconds, at Stockholm Stadium in Tuesday night. He achievedthe same time in Finland last week when attacking Roger Bannister's 3 mins. 59.4 secs. Landy was officially timed as covering 1,500 meters at 3 mins. 45.6 secs - 2.6 secs outside he world record / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4935060: Jun 06, 1954 - Directors between the films. Roberto Rosselini who is at present in Munich shall make together with his wife Ingrid Bergnann the new Ariston film” Fear”. Here Roberto Rossellini (left) is talking with the director Victor Tourjansky in the studio of Munich Geiselgasteig, Picture of June 03, 54 / Bridgeman Images