ZUM4939200: Aug. 08, 1954 - Sir Winston Churchill Greets” Pierre Mendes France '... “Save the European Army” Talks... Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill went to Biggin Hill this morning to greet Mr. Mendes France the French Prime Minister who arrived for” Save the European Army” talks -... They are to hold the talks at Chartwell the Prime Minister's country home near Westerham - and they will be attended by Mr. Anthony Eden the Foreign Secretary who is flying from his Austrian Holiday... Keystone Photo Shows: Sir Winston Churchill greets Mr. Medes France at Biggin Hill today / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4939430: Aug. 08, 1954 - DR. TARNESBY RETURNS TO LONDON WITH HIS CHILDREN. DR. PETER TARNESBY of Barley Street who recovered his two children RUTH (4) and SYLVIA (3) from his wife after a dramattic search. through France and Italy - returned to London with they this evening. Dr. Tarneshy's wife - who is also a Doctor - took the childran to the Continent from their London House three weeks ago. KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: - DR. PETER TARRESEY comes down the aircraft steps with SYLVIA (left) and RUTH this evening / Bridgeman Images