Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) Assets (334 in total)

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Dinner concert in the festive hall of the Grand Hotel de Paris. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1250 of 12 March 1881.
Dinner concert in the festive hall of the Grand Hotel de Paris. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1250 of 12 March 1881.

XEE4169319: Dinner concert in the festive hall of the Grand Hotel de Paris. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1250 of 12 March 1881., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Centennial of the Independence of the United States of America, 1881: Ceremony of laying the first stone of the Victory Monument on the Yorktown battlefield, presiding by the Great Master of the Franks Macons of the State of Virginia. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1285 of 12 November 1881.
Centennial of the Independence of the United States of America, 1881: Ceremony of laying the first stone of the Victory Monument on the Yorktown battlefield, presiding by the Great Master of the Franks Macons of the State of Virginia. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1285 of 12 November 1881.

XEE4171093: Centennial of the Independence of the United States of America, 1881: Ceremony of laying the first stone of the Victory Monument on the Yorktown battlefield, presiding by the Great Master of the Franks Macons of the State of Virginia. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1285 of 12 November 1881., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

View of the Panorama Marigny theatre during its construction by Charles Garnier (1825-1895) in Paris, 1881. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1289 of 10 December 1881.
View of the Panorama Marigny theatre during its construction by Charles Garnier (1825-1895) in Paris, 1881. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1289 of 10 December 1881.

XEE4171119: View of the Panorama Marigny theatre during its construction by Charles Garnier (1825-1895) in Paris, 1881. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1289 of 10 December 1881., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The fire of the Opera Wiener Ringtheater in Vienna (Austria) on 5 December 1881. Engraving by De Haenen in “” Le Monde Illustré”” n°1291 of 24 December 1881.
The fire of the Opera Wiener Ringtheater in Vienna (Austria) on 5 December 1881. Engraving by De Haenen in “” Le Monde Illustré”” n°1291 of 24 December 1881.

XEE4171131: The fire of the Opera Wiener Ringtheater in Vienna (Austria) on 5 December 1881. Engraving by De Haenen in “” Le Monde Illustré”” n°1291 of 24 December 1881., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Tunisia, July 1881: French troops took the city of Stax following the revolt of the inhabitants against the French protectorate of Tunisia. Engraving by De Haenen. One of “The Illustrous World” No. 1270 of July 30, 1881.
Tunisia, July 1881: French troops took the city of Stax following the revolt of the inhabitants against the French protectorate of Tunisia. Engraving by De Haenen. One of “The Illustrous World” No. 1270 of July 30, 1881.

XEE4171133: Tunisia, July 1881: French troops took the city of Stax following the revolt of the inhabitants against the French protectorate of Tunisia. Engraving by De Haenen. One of “The Illustrous World” No. 1270 of July 30, 1881., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Officers of Heralds’ College, together with the Arms of the English Sovereigns from King William I to King George V (colour litho)
Officers of Heralds’ College, together with the Arms of the English Sovereigns from King William I to King George V (colour litho)

LLJ5236300: Officers of Heralds’ College, together with the Arms of the English Sovereigns from King William I to King George V (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The French Envoy in Abyssinia, Reception of M Lagarde by Ras Makonnen (engraving)
The French Envoy in Abyssinia, Reception of M Lagarde by Ras Makonnen (engraving)

LIP1597240: The French Envoy in Abyssinia, Reception of M Lagarde by Ras Makonnen (engraving), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Czar's Visit to Paris (litho)
The Czar's Visit to Paris (litho)

LIP1605882: The Czar's Visit to Paris (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Coronation of the Czar, Arrival of the Czar and Czarina with their Infant Daughter, the Grand Duchess Olga, at Moscow (engraving)
The Coronation of the Czar, Arrival of the Czar and Czarina with their Infant Daughter, the Grand Duchess Olga, at Moscow (engraving)

LIP1605378: The Coronation of the Czar, Arrival of the Czar and Czarina with their Infant Daughter, the Grand Duchess Olga, at Moscow (engraving), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Coronation of the Czar, the Imperial Procession leaving the Cathedral of the Annunciation (engraving)
The Coronation of the Czar, the Imperial Procession leaving the Cathedral of the Annunciation (engraving)

LIP1605380: The Coronation of the Czar, the Imperial Procession leaving the Cathedral of the Annunciation (engraving), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Russians in Manchuria, removing Cholera Patients at Kharbia (litho)
The Russians in Manchuria, removing Cholera Patients at Kharbia (litho)

LIP1040753: The Russians in Manchuria, removing Cholera Patients at Kharbia (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

His Majesty laying the Foundation Stone of the New Naval College at Devonport (litho)
His Majesty laying the Foundation Stone of the New Naval College at Devonport (litho)

LIP1043627: His Majesty laying the Foundation Stone of the New Naval College at Devonport (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The World of Women, the
The World of Women, the

LIP1048461: The World of Women, the "Beauty Show" at the Exhibition at Earl's Court (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Alms for Poor Prisoners, Russian Students in the Streets of St Petersburg on their Way to Siberia (litho)
Alms for Poor Prisoners, Russian Students in the Streets of St Petersburg on their Way to Siberia (litho)

LIP1040929: Alms for Poor Prisoners, Russian Students in the Streets of St Petersburg on their Way to Siberia (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A banquet for Ragged School Boys and Girls (litho)
A banquet for Ragged School Boys and Girls (litho)

LLJ605229: A banquet for Ragged School Boys and Girls (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Royal Palace, Livadia, Crimea (colour litho)
Royal Palace, Livadia, Crimea (colour litho)

LLM727564: Royal Palace, Livadia, Crimea (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Hunt for a Prisoner (colour litho)
The Hunt for a Prisoner (colour litho)

LLM727569: The Hunt for a Prisoner (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Blessing the Ground before Sowing: Little Russia (colour litho)
Blessing the Ground before Sowing: Little Russia (colour litho)

LLM727573: Blessing the Ground before Sowing: Little Russia (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Country Mayor of the Toula District (colour litho)
A Country Mayor of the Toula District (colour litho)

LLM727577: A Country Mayor of the Toula District (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Getting Caviare at Astrakhan (colour litho)
Getting Caviare at Astrakhan (colour litho)

LLM727582: Getting Caviare at Astrakhan (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Convoy of Prisoners on Foot (colour litho)
Convoy of Prisoners on Foot (colour litho)

LLM727587: Convoy of Prisoners on Foot (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

One of the Palace Grenadiers (colour litho)
One of the Palace Grenadiers (colour litho)

LLM725060: One of the Palace Grenadiers (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Russian Servant in Summer Dress (colour litho)
A Russian Servant in Summer Dress (colour litho)

LLM725063: A Russian Servant in Summer Dress (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Troika (litho)
A Troika (litho)

LLM725079: A Troika (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Easter Eve (litho)
Easter Eve (litho)

LLM725081: Easter Eve (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Bell-Ringers (colour litho)
Bell-Ringers (colour litho)

LLM1092975: Bell-Ringers (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Terrace of the Kremlin (colour litho)
Terrace of the Kremlin (colour litho)

LLM1092978: Terrace of the Kremlin (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

An Open-Air Kitchen (litho)
An Open-Air Kitchen (litho)

LLM1092984: An Open-Air Kitchen (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Middle-Class Funeral (litho)
A Middle-Class Funeral (litho)

LLM1092985: A Middle-Class Funeral (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Sleigh with Blue Silk Net, to prevent the Snow from spraying the Occupants, the Kremlin in the Background (litho)
A Sleigh with Blue Silk Net, to prevent the Snow from spraying the Occupants, the Kremlin in the Background (litho)

LLM1092986: A Sleigh with Blue Silk Net, to prevent the Snow from spraying the Occupants, the Kremlin in the Background (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Scene in the Kremlin during the Coronation of the Emperor (litho)
A Scene in the Kremlin during the Coronation of the Emperor (litho)

LLM1092996: A Scene in the Kremlin during the Coronation of the Emperor (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Wedding of a Nobleman (litho)
The Wedding of a Nobleman (litho)

LLM1092999: The Wedding of a Nobleman (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The scene on Hammersmith Bridge during the season (litho)
The scene on Hammersmith Bridge during the season (litho)

LLM726918: The scene on Hammersmith Bridge during the season (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

South Africa, Christmas, 1899 (litho)
South Africa, Christmas, 1899 (litho)

LIP1043463: South Africa, Christmas, 1899 (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Visit to the Ancient Greek Monastery of Podrome, in the Wine Vault (litho)
A Visit to the Ancient Greek Monastery of Podrome, in the Wine Vault (litho)

LIP1043533: A Visit to the Ancient Greek Monastery of Podrome, in the Wine Vault (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Ceremony at the
The Ceremony at the

LIP1043655: The Ceremony at the "Stone of Unction", anointing the Effigy of Our Lord (engraving), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

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