Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) Assets (334 in total)

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Soldiers of the battleships regiment of Alexander II (1818-1881) going to kiss the hand of the late tsar, in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), 1881. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1253 of April 2, 1881.
Soldiers of the battleships regiment of Alexander II (1818-1881) going to kiss the hand of the late tsar, in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), 1881. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1253 of April 2, 1881.

XEE4169334: Soldiers of the battleships regiment of Alexander II (1818-1881) going to kiss the hand of the late tsar, in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), 1881. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1253 of April 2, 1881., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The grand international billiard match between Mr. Slosson, American champion, and Mr. Vignaux, French champion, in the Zodiaque room at the Grand Hotel de Paris, 1880. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1240 of January 1, 1881.
The grand international billiard match between Mr. Slosson, American champion, and Mr. Vignaux, French champion, in the Zodiaque room at the Grand Hotel de Paris, 1880. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1240 of January 1, 1881.

XEE4169387: The grand international billiard match between Mr. Slosson, American champion, and Mr. Vignaux, French champion, in the Zodiaque room at the Grand Hotel de Paris, 1880. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1240 of January 1, 1881., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Question of the Retention of Cyprus, Sketches in the Island (engraving)
The Question of the Retention of Cyprus, Sketches in the Island (engraving)

LIP1628075: The Question of the Retention of Cyprus, Sketches in the Island (engraving), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

President Faure's Visit to Russia (litho)
President Faure's Visit to Russia (litho)

LIP1597854: President Faure's Visit to Russia (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Ladysmith-Day in Pall Mall (litho)
Ladysmith-Day in Pall Mall (litho)

LLM3623450: Ladysmith-Day in Pall Mall (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Serio-Comic warfare (litho)
Serio-Comic warfare (litho)

LLM3623457: Serio-Comic warfare (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Russian soldiers c.1900 (colour litho)
Russian soldiers c.1900 (colour litho)

IL3611112: Russian soldiers c.1900 (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

King Edward VII and family at Covent Garden (litho)
King Edward VII and family at Covent Garden (litho)

LLJ559981: King Edward VII and family at Covent Garden (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Ladysmith Day in Pall Mall (litho)
Ladysmith Day in Pall Mall (litho)

LLJ606290: Ladysmith Day in Pall Mall (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Rich Tartars (colour litho)
Rich Tartars (colour litho)

LLM727576: Rich Tartars (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Summer's Day in the Country (colour litho)
A Summer's Day in the Country (colour litho)

LLM727585: A Summer's Day in the Country (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

New Year's Custom: Choosing a Bride (colour litho)
New Year's Custom: Choosing a Bride (colour litho)

LLM727590: New Year's Custom: Choosing a Bride (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Turcoman and his Wife (colour litho)
A Turcoman and his Wife (colour litho)

LLM727595: A Turcoman and his Wife (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Circassian (colour litho)
A Circassian (colour litho)

LLM727568: A Circassian (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Summer Caravans (colour litho)
Summer Caravans (colour litho)

LLM727575: Summer Caravans (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Wolf-Hunt (colour litho)
A Wolf-Hunt (colour litho)

LLM727583: A Wolf-Hunt (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Bear-Trap (colour litho)
A Bear-Trap (colour litho)

LLM727589: A Bear-Trap (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Students (litho)
Students (litho)

LLM725072: Students (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The State Dooma (litho)
The State Dooma (litho)

LLM725084: The State Dooma (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Daring Horsemanship of the dreaded Cossacks, 1914-19 (litho)
The Daring Horsemanship of the dreaded Cossacks, 1914-19 (litho)

STC359724: The Daring Horsemanship of the dreaded Cossacks, 1914-19 (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The coronation of King Edward VII, 1902
The coronation of King Edward VII, 1902

HRP5246056: The coronation of King Edward VII, 1902, Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Cheese production in Holland, c.1900 (colour litho)
Cheese production in Holland, c.1900 (colour litho)

CHT213953: Cheese production in Holland, c.1900 (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Cheese Market at Alkmaar, c.1910 (colour litho)
The Cheese Market at Alkmaar, c.1910 (colour litho)

CHT218502: The Cheese Market at Alkmaar, c.1910 (colour litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Inauguration of the statue of Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877) on Place Thiers de Saint Germain en Laye (Saint-Germain-en-Laye), September 19, 1880. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1226 of September 25, 1880.
Inauguration of the statue of Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877) on Place Thiers de Saint Germain en Laye (Saint-Germain-en-Laye), September 19, 1880. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1226 of September 25, 1880.

XEE4168574: Inauguration of the statue of Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877) on Place Thiers de Saint Germain en Laye (Saint-Germain-en-Laye), September 19, 1880. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1226 of September 25, 1880., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Location of the camps of the troops of General Guyon Vernier (Guyon-Vernier) during the siege of Prewatches Abbey in Frigolet, Bouches du Rhone (13), 1880. This religious community refused their expulsion following the decrees of March 1880 issued by Jules Ferry to deny the right to teach members of unauthorized religious congregations. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1235 of November 27, 1880.
Location of the camps of the troops of General Guyon Vernier (Guyon-Vernier) during the siege of Prewatches Abbey in Frigolet, Bouches du Rhone (13), 1880. This religious community refused their expulsion following the decrees of March 1880 issued by Jules Ferry to deny the right to teach members of unauthorized religious congregations. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1235 of November 27, 1880.

XEE4168659: Location of the camps of the troops of General Guyon Vernier (Guyon-Vernier) during the siege of Prewatches Abbey in Frigolet, Bouches du Rhone (13), 1880. This religious community refused their expulsion following the decrees of March 1880 issued by Jules Ferry to deny the right to teach members of unauthorized religious congregations. Engraving by De Haenen in “” The Illustrous World”” n°1235 of November 27, 1880., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Funeral of Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield, 1801-1881) at Hughenden, England, April 26, 1881. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1258 of 8 May 1881.
Funeral of Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield, 1801-1881) at Hughenden, England, April 26, 1881. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1258 of 8 May 1881.

XEE4169345: Funeral of Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield, 1801-1881) at Hughenden, England, April 26, 1881. Engraving by De Haenen In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1258 of 8 May 1881., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Vue de l'atelier de mannequinage et de montage des statues de cire du Musee Grevin a Parin, 1882. Gravure de De Haenen In
Vue de l'atelier de mannequinage et de montage des statues de cire du Musee Grevin a Parin, 1882. Gravure de De Haenen In

XEE4176064: Vue de l'atelier de mannequinage et de montage des statues de cire du Musee Grevin a Parin, 1882. Gravure de De Haenen In ""Le Monde Illustre"" n°1304 du 25 mars 1882., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The bombing of Alexandria (Egypt), 11-13 July 1882: view of the city and port of Alexandria at the beginning of the action launched by the British fleet after the anti-European riot organized by Arabi Pasha (Orabi Pasha, Ahmed Urabi) in June 1882. Engraving by De Haenen in “” Le Monde Illustré”” n°1322 of 29 July 1882.
The bombing of Alexandria (Egypt), 11-13 July 1882: view of the city and port of Alexandria at the beginning of the action launched by the British fleet after the anti-European riot organized by Arabi Pasha (Orabi Pasha, Ahmed Urabi) in June 1882. Engraving by De Haenen in “” Le Monde Illustré”” n°1322 of 29 July 1882.

XEE4178371: The bombing of Alexandria (Egypt), 11-13 July 1882: view of the city and port of Alexandria at the beginning of the action launched by the British fleet after the anti-European riot organized by Arabi Pasha (Orabi Pasha, Ahmed Urabi) in June 1882. Engraving by De Haenen in “” Le Monde Illustré”” n°1322 of 29 July 1882., Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

An impression of a voyage in an airship at Earl's Court (litho)
An impression of a voyage in an airship at Earl's Court (litho)

LLJ608414: An impression of a voyage in an airship at Earl's Court (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The County Bazaar at the Earl's Court Military Exhibition (litho)
The County Bazaar at the Earl's Court Military Exhibition (litho)

LLJ608416: The County Bazaar at the Earl's Court Military Exhibition (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Annual Festival of the German-Austrian Alpine Club in Berlin (litho)
The Annual Festival of the German-Austrian Alpine Club in Berlin (litho)

LIP1043514: The Annual Festival of the German-Austrian Alpine Club in Berlin (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Visit of the Prince of Wales to Berlin, the Kaiser's Toast at the Luncheon given by the 1st Dragoon Guards (litho)
The Visit of the Prince of Wales to Berlin, the Kaiser's Toast at the Luncheon given by the 1st Dragoon Guards (litho)

LIP1043549: The Visit of the Prince of Wales to Berlin, the Kaiser's Toast at the Luncheon given by the 1st Dragoon Guards (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

A Corean New Year Custom, Stone-Fighting near Seoul (litho)
A Corean New Year Custom, Stone-Fighting near Seoul (litho)

LIP1043555: A Corean New Year Custom, Stone-Fighting near Seoul (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

LIP1043638: "Paolo and Francesca" at St James's Theatre, the Reading Scene (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

The Riots in Brussels, a Fight in the Avenue Louise (litho)
The Riots in Brussels, a Fight in the Avenue Louise (litho)

LIP1043694: The Riots in Brussels, a Fight in the Avenue Louise (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Jack doing Military Duty, Bluejackets in the Trenches outside Ladysmith (litho)
Jack doing Military Duty, Bluejackets in the Trenches outside Ladysmith (litho)

LIP1043413: Jack doing Military Duty, Bluejackets in the Trenches outside Ladysmith (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

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