Queen Victoria inspecting invalided Colonials in St Georges Hall, Windsor, illustration from'After Pretoria: The Guerilla War', 1902 (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
Holy Thursday at the Holy Sepulchre, kissing the Column at which Christ was flagellated (engraving), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
The Coronation of the Czar, Sailors fixing Electric Lights on the Eagles above the Ipasky Tower of the Church of the Saviour, Moscow, at an Altitude of 180 Feet (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
The Coronation of the Czar, the Imperial Procession crossing the Red Square (engraving), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
Three Cheers for the Queen, Her Majesty inspecting Invalided Colonial Volunteers at Windsor Castle (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
The Review of the Colonial Coronation Contingents on the Horse Guards Parade, the Queen's Carriage passing down the Line (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
The Fighting on the Siberian Frontier, Russians going to the Front in Manchuria (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
The Departure of the Duke of Cornwall and York, the Arrival of the King and Royal Party at Portsmouth, the King Bestowing Victorian Orders and Medals on Naval Officers and Men (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
The Duke of Cornwall and York at Gibraltar, His Royal Highness laying the Last Block of the New Mole (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
Coronation Day, the Scene in Parliament Square on the Arrival of the Prince of Wales (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images
The Reception of Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener by the City Corporation at the Guildhall (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images