Egyptian Assets (400 in total)

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View of Deir el Medina, village of craftsmen (photography)
View of Deir el Medina, village of craftsmen (photography)

LRI4682418: View of Deir el Medina, village of craftsmen (photography), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Entrance passage of the pylon and flanking colossal statues of the temple of Amun
Entrance passage of the pylon and flanking colossal statues of the temple of Amun

LRI4657606: Entrance passage of the pylon and flanking colossal statues of the temple of Amun, Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

View of the pyramid of Djoser (or Zoser), 27th century BC
View of the pyramid of Djoser (or Zoser), 27th century BC

LRI4657674: View of the pyramid of Djoser (or Zoser), 27th century BC, Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, , The eye of Horus, Tomb of Sennedjem, Thebes, Deir el Medina, 19th dynasty (photo)
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, , The eye of Horus, Tomb of Sennedjem, Thebes, Deir el Medina, 19th dynasty (photo)

JLF3476218: Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, , The eye of Horus, Tomb of Sennedjem, Thebes, Deir el Medina, 19th dynasty (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Pyramid of Kheops (= Cheops). Egypt.
Pyramid of Kheops (= Cheops). Egypt.

LSE4225763: Pyramid of Kheops (= Cheops). Egypt., Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Padimahes, priest of Bastet, with magical texts for healing, 30th Dynasty or early Ptolemaic Period, 380-c.300 BC (basalt)
Statue of Padimahes, priest of Bastet, with magical texts for healing, 30th Dynasty or early Ptolemaic Period, 380-c.300 BC (basalt)

SCP50867: Statue of Padimahes, priest of Bastet, with magical texts for healing, 30th Dynasty or early Ptolemaic Period, 380-c.300 BC (basalt), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Egypt: Worshipping the Sun God Ra represented by a red disk supported by an ankh symbol representing Life
Egypt: Worshipping the Sun God Ra represented by a red disk supported by an ankh symbol representing Life

PFH1179463: Egypt: Worshipping the Sun God Ra represented by a red disk supported by an ankh symbol representing Life, Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Head of a young woman, c.100-300 (tempera on linen)
Head of a young woman, c.100-300 (tempera on linen)

MAN364951: Head of a young woman, c.100-300 (tempera on linen), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Group of rods, comprising mosaic glass bars depicting stars, rosettes and other motifs and patterns, c.5th - 1st century BC (glass)
Group of rods, comprising mosaic glass bars depicting stars, rosettes and other motifs and patterns, c.5th - 1st century BC (glass)

CH619021: Group of rods, comprising mosaic glass bars depicting stars, rosettes and other motifs and patterns, c.5th - 1st century BC (glass), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Necropolis of Giza; pyramids of Kheops, Khephren and Mykerinos. Site of Giza, Egypt (4th dynasty) (photo)
Necropolis of Giza; pyramids of Kheops, Khephren and Mykerinos. Site of Giza, Egypt (4th dynasty) (photo)

JLJ4686617: Necropolis of Giza; pyramids of Kheops, Khephren and Mykerinos. Site of Giza, Egypt (4th dynasty) (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Temple relief, detail, granite from Aswan, inv 52045 (marble)
Temple relief, detail, granite from Aswan, inv 52045 (marble)

SBL3042705: Temple relief, detail, granite from Aswan, inv 52045 (marble), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Ramesses, 19th-20th Dynasty, New Kingdom (stone)
Statue of Ramesses, 19th-20th Dynasty, New Kingdom (stone)

PWI107939: Statue of Ramesses, 19th-20th Dynasty, New Kingdom (stone), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Terminal with the head of a ram, Late Period to Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BC) (bone)
Terminal with the head of a ram, Late Period to Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BC) (bone)

HSC223690: Terminal with the head of a ram, Late Period to Ptolemaic Period (664-30 BC) (bone), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

View of the Sacred Lake, Temple of Amun (photo)
View of the Sacred Lake, Temple of Amun (photo)

XIR226171: View of the Sacred Lake, Temple of Amun (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), colossal statue found in Thebes (marble)
Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), colossal statue found in Thebes (marble)

ANC156114: Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), colossal statue found in Thebes (marble), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Bust of a Roman nobleman, possibly Mark Antony, Late Ptolemaic to early Roman Period, c.30 BC - AD 50 (greywacke)
Bust of a Roman nobleman, possibly Mark Antony, Late Ptolemaic to early Roman Period, c.30 BC - AD 50 (greywacke)

TBM178493: Bust of a Roman nobleman, possibly Mark Antony, Late Ptolemaic to early Roman Period, c.30 BC - AD 50 (greywacke), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Bead shroud of a mummy, date unknown (faience)
Bead shroud of a mummy, date unknown (faience)

FIT76543: Bead shroud of a mummy, date unknown (faience), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Relief depicting a pharaoh and his family (sandstone) (see also 59222)
Relief depicting a pharaoh and his family (sandstone) (see also 59222)

BAL59220: Relief depicting a pharaoh and his family (sandstone) (see also 59222), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Detail of a wood sarcofagus with a depiction of the sacred bull, Api, carrying a mummy on its back (mural)
Detail of a wood sarcofagus with a depiction of the sacred bull, Api, carrying a mummy on its back (mural)

FAF493629: Detail of a wood sarcofagus with a depiction of the sacred bull, Api, carrying a mummy on its back (mural), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a woman, c.100-300 (encaustic on panel)
Portrait of a woman, c.100-300 (encaustic on panel)

MAN368371: Portrait of a woman, c.100-300 (encaustic on panel), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the colonnade, Roman and Ptolemaic Double Temple of Sobek and Haroeris on the River Nile (stone)
Detail of the colonnade, Roman and Ptolemaic Double Temple of Sobek and Haroeris on the River Nile (stone)

GDG383011: Detail of the colonnade, Roman and Ptolemaic Double Temple of Sobek and Haroeris on the River Nile (stone), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Detail of a relief, hieroglyph (stone)
Detail of a relief, hieroglyph (stone)

GDG383019: Detail of a relief, hieroglyph (stone), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Detail of a relief (stone)
Detail of a relief (stone)

GDG383021: Detail of a relief (stone), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Face from a composite statue, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period (bronze)
Face from a composite statue, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period (bronze)

TBM350416: Face from a composite statue, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period (bronze), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Amulet of a sow (faience)
Amulet of a sow (faience)

TBM350419: Amulet of a sow (faience), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Figure of Taweret (faience)
Figure of Taweret (faience)

TBM350420: Figure of Taweret (faience), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Offering table, possibly from El Hassaiah (sandstone)
Offering table, possibly from El Hassaiah (sandstone)

TBM350410: Offering table, possibly from El Hassaiah (sandstone), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

The god Khnum (granite)
The god Khnum (granite)

STF810470: The god Khnum (granite), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Name cartouche (stone)
Name cartouche (stone)

STF810471: Name cartouche (stone), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Egypt, Grapevine ceilling, Painting/Fresco, Tomb of Sennufer, Thebes, Luxor, 18th Dynaty, New Kingdom (photo)
Ancient Egypt, Grapevine ceilling, Painting/Fresco, Tomb of Sennufer, Thebes, Luxor, 18th Dynaty, New Kingdom (photo)

JLF3476175: Ancient Egypt, Grapevine ceilling, Painting/Fresco, Tomb of Sennufer, Thebes, Luxor, 18th Dynaty, New Kingdom (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Egypt, Pattern from tomb ceiling, Painting/Fresco, Tomb of Sennufer, Thebes, Luxor, 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom (photo)
Ancient Egypt, Pattern from tomb ceiling, Painting/Fresco, Tomb of Sennufer, Thebes, Luxor, 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom (photo)

JLF3476176: Ancient Egypt, Pattern from tomb ceiling, Painting/Fresco, Tomb of Sennufer, Thebes, Luxor, 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18th dynasty, Sennufer and his sister seated (photo)
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18th dynasty, Sennufer and his sister seated (photo)

JLF3476182: Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18th dynasty, Sennufer and his sister seated (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18t dynasty, Bringing offerings to Sennufer (photo)
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18t dynasty, Bringing offerings to Sennufer (photo)

JLF3476191: Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18t dynasty, Bringing offerings to Sennufer (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Egypt, Painting/Carving, Ramose and his wife, Governor of Thebes, Valley of the Nobles, Tomb of Ramose, 1411-1376 BC (photo)
Ancient Egypt, Painting/Carving, Ramose and his wife, Governor of Thebes, Valley of the Nobles, Tomb of Ramose, 1411-1376 BC (photo)

JLF3476196: Ancient Egypt, Painting/Carving, Ramose and his wife, Governor of Thebes, Valley of the Nobles, Tomb of Ramose, 1411-1376 BC (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Sennedjem and wife worshipping Isis in the Persea tree, Tomb of Sennedjem, Thebes, Deir el Medina, 19th dynasty (photo)
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Sennedjem and wife worshipping Isis in the Persea tree, Tomb of Sennedjem, Thebes, Deir el Medina, 19th dynasty (photo)

JLF3476215: Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Sennedjem and wife worshipping Isis in the Persea tree, Tomb of Sennedjem, Thebes, Deir el Medina, 19th dynasty (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

Coptic Tapestry Fragment, Nile Valley, Upper Egypt, 6th-8th century (linen & wool)
Coptic Tapestry Fragment, Nile Valley, Upper Egypt, 6th-8th century (linen & wool)

JBT2563513: Coptic Tapestry Fragment, Nile Valley, Upper Egypt, 6th-8th century (linen & wool), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images

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