Frieze of animals in plant scrolls, possibly from Ihnasya el Medina (Herakleopolis Magna) Roman and Byzantine Period, 4th century BC (limestone), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ramesses II (1304-1237 BC) Before Three Divinities, copy of a wall painting in the Great Hall of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel, Nubia (w/c on paper), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Egyptian antiquite: the transport of wheat on the back of mules and on the back of men. Detrempe on clay and straw from the tomb of the General and Chancellor of King Iti in El Ghebelen near Luxor. 2200-2000 BC. Turin, Egyptian museum, Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Egyptian antiquite: detail of a column with cartridge erased because of the “damnatio memoriae””, erasure of the cartridges of some pharaohs considered heretical by their successors, Temple of Luxor. East Bank (Thebes), Egypt, Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Egyptian Antiquity: King Alexander the Great making offerings to the god Amon Min (Amon-Min). Detail of a low relief. Chapel of the Sacred Boat, Temple of Luxor, Egypt., Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Tomb of Sennufer, wall painting, mural, fresco, Sennufer receiving lotus buds, Mayor of Thebes, overseer under Amenophis II, 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Thebes, Luxor (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Tomb of Sennufer, Thebes/Luxor, 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Sennufer, Mayor of Thebes, overseer under Amenophis II, holding the sceptre, Wall painting/Mural/Fresco (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18thdynasty, Vulture amidst grape vines on ceiling (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18th dynasty, Cow brought for sacrifice (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Painting/fresco, Wailing women in the funeral procession, Tomb of Ramose, Thebes, Valley of the Nobles, 1411-1376 BC (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennedjem, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, Deir el Medina, 19th dynasty, Sennedjem seated with his wife and children (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting/carvng, Gods accompanying Ra on solar barque, Tomb of Sennedjem, Thebes, 19th Dynasty, Deir el Medina, Thebes, Tomb of the Nobles (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennedjem, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, Deir el Medina, 19th dynasty, Horus, God of the king (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images