Picking and treading grapes. Simile College of the Tomb of Nakht, period of Amenophis II, c.1450-1425 BC (painting), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Egyptian snake shaped gaming board, used for the serpent game `Mehen', 3rd century BC (alabaster with jasper inlay), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Baboon statuette, from the Hierakonpolis Temple, Main Deposit, early Dynastic Period, 1st-2nd Dynasty (glazed faience) (see also 113908), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Egyptian antiquite: view of the allee (dromos) of the criosphinx (Sphinx a head of beliers) in Karnak, Luxor, Egypt (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Statue of Padimahes, priest of Bastet, with magical texts for healing, 30th Dynasty or early Ptolemaic Period, 380-c.300 BC (basalt), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Tomb of Sennufer, Tomb of the Nobles, Thebes, 18h dynasty, Sennufer's sister rattling the sistrum (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Ancient Egypt, Wall painting, Wailing women in a funeral procession, Tomb of Ramose, Thebes, 19th dynasty, Tomb of the Nobles (photo), Egyptian / Bridgeman Images
Egyptian antiquitis: fragments of the papyrus known as the Royal Canon or “Papyrus royal” containing the list of pharaohs from the 1st to the 17th dynasty. Turin, Egyptian museum, Egyptian / Bridgeman Images