Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) Assets (931 in total)

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Anubis, Egyptian god of the dead, seated atop a chest in the form of a shrine, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood) (see also 149424)
Anubis, Egyptian god of the dead, seated atop a chest in the form of a shrine, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood) (see also 149424)

BAL63054: Anubis, Egyptian god of the dead, seated atop a chest in the form of a shrine, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood) (see also 149424), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Djed pillar pectoral and wedjet eye pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold cloisonne with glass paste) (see also 149410)
Djed pillar pectoral and wedjet eye pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold cloisonne with glass paste) (see also 149410)

XBP341826: Djed pillar pectoral and wedjet eye pectoral, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold cloisonne with glass paste) (see also 149410), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The back of the gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom, c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones)
The back of the gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom, c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones)

XIR228216: The back of the gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom, c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Ostrich-feather fan from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood covered with sheet gold) (see also 227989)
Ostrich-feather fan from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood covered with sheet gold) (see also 227989)

XZL3975: Ostrich-feather fan from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood covered with sheet gold) (see also 227989), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Stela depicting the Aten giving life and prosperity to Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1352-1336 BC) his wife, Nefertiti and three of their daughters, from Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom, c.1353-1337 BC (limestone)
Stela depicting the Aten giving life and prosperity to Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1352-1336 BC) his wife, Nefertiti and three of their daughters, from Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom, c.1353-1337 BC (limestone)

XIR182668: Stela depicting the Aten giving life and prosperity to Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1352-1336 BC) his wife, Nefertiti and three of their daughters, from Tell el-Amarna, New Kingdom, c.1353-1337 BC (limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Child's chair, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wood with ivory marquetry)
Child's chair, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wood with ivory marquetry)

XBP341824: Child's chair, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wood with ivory marquetry), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Necklace with vulture pendant, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold encrusted with lapis lazuli and cornelian) (see also 228214)
Necklace with vulture pendant, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold encrusted with lapis lazuli and cornelian) (see also 228214)

XBP324491: Necklace with vulture pendant, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold encrusted with lapis lazuli and cornelian) (see also 228214), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian Art: Tomb of Nakht. Toilet: maid helping three women holding lotus flowers to put on jewelry before the funeral banquet. Fresco of Luxor (Site of Thebes, Necropolis of Sheikh Abd al-Gournah (Gournah), left bank of the nile, Egypt.
Egyptian Art: Tomb of Nakht. Toilet: maid helping three women holding lotus flowers to put on jewelry before the funeral banquet. Fresco of Luxor (Site of Thebes, Necropolis of Sheikh Abd al-Gournah (Gournah), left bank of the nile, Egypt.

LRI4640759: Egyptian Art: Tomb of Nakht. Toilet: maid helping three women holding lotus flowers to put on jewelry before the funeral banquet. Fresco of Luxor (Site of Thebes, Necropolis of Sheikh Abd al-Gournah (Gournah), left bank of the nile, Egypt., Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Detail from the ceremonial footstool of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood)
Detail from the ceremonial footstool of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood)

XZL149478: Detail from the ceremonial footstool of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Stopper from one of the canopic urns, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (alabaster)
Stopper from one of the canopic urns, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (alabaster)

XIR184084: Stopper from one of the canopic urns, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (alabaster), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Head of a Princess from the family of Akhenaten, New Kingdom (painted limestone) (see also 107940, 370210, 370211)
Head of a Princess from the family of Akhenaten, New Kingdom (painted limestone) (see also 107940, 370210, 370211)

NUM116813: Head of a Princess from the family of Akhenaten, New Kingdom (painted limestone) (see also 107940, 370210, 370211), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statuette of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) and Nefertiti, from Tell el-Amarna, Amarna Period, New Kingdom, 1353-1337 BC (painted limestone) (see also 50764)
Statuette of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) and Nefertiti, from Tell el-Amarna, Amarna Period, New Kingdom, 1353-1337 BC (painted limestone) (see also 50764)

XIR219625: Statuette of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) and Nefertiti, from Tell el-Amarna, Amarna Period, New Kingdom, 1353-1337 BC (painted limestone) (see also 50764), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: small wooden box with scenes depicting Pharaoh Tutankhamun chasing Nubians on his tank. 18th dynasty. From the tomb of Tutankhamun (All-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) (1345-1327 BC) Valley of the Kings. Thebes. Sun. 61 cm Cairo, Egyptian museum
Egyptian antiquite: small wooden box with scenes depicting Pharaoh Tutankhamun chasing Nubians on his tank. 18th dynasty. From the tomb of Tutankhamun (All-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) (1345-1327 BC) Valley of the Kings. Thebes. Sun. 61 cm Cairo, Egyptian museum

LRI4639707: Egyptian antiquite: small wooden box with scenes depicting Pharaoh Tutankhamun chasing Nubians on his tank. 18th dynasty. From the tomb of Tutankhamun (All-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) (1345-1327 BC) Valley of the Kings. Thebes. Sun. 61 cm Cairo, Egyptian museum, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Kushites carrying tributes of gold, ivory and animal skins, from the Tomb of Rekhmire, vizier of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II, New Kingdom (wall painting)
Kushites carrying tributes of gold, ivory and animal skins, from the Tomb of Rekhmire, vizier of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II, New Kingdom (wall painting)

XIR177580: Kushites carrying tributes of gold, ivory and animal skins, from the Tomb of Rekhmire, vizier of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood overlaid with gesso covered with sheet gold) (see also 227986)
The Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood overlaid with gesso covered with sheet gold) (see also 227986)

XBP341881: The Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood overlaid with gesso covered with sheet gold) (see also 227986), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Colossal statue of Akhenaten, from the Temple of Aten at Karnak, New Kingdom (sandstone)
Colossal statue of Akhenaten, from the Temple of Aten at Karnak, New Kingdom (sandstone)

SVA660125: Colossal statue of Akhenaten, from the Temple of Aten at Karnak, New Kingdom (sandstone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Ay performing the opening of the mouth ceremony on the mummy of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wall painting)
Ay performing the opening of the mouth ceremony on the mummy of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wall painting)

BAL67888: Ay performing the opening of the mouth ceremony on the mummy of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Handmaidens and Wife, from the Tomb of Nakht, New Kingdom (wall painting)
Handmaidens and Wife, from the Tomb of Nakht, New Kingdom (wall painting)

WRP394121: Handmaidens and Wife, from the Tomb of Nakht, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Two of Akhenaten's daughters
Two of Akhenaten's daughters

XLF3791555: Two of Akhenaten's daughters, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 179987 for opposite side)
The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 179987 for opposite side)

XIR184085: The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 179987 for opposite side), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Hunting and Fishing, from the Tomb of Nakht, New Kingdom (wall painting)
Hunting and Fishing, from the Tomb of Nakht, New Kingdom (wall painting)

XIR19820: Hunting and Fishing, from the Tomb of Nakht, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Model of one of the pharaoh's boats, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood)
Model of one of the pharaoh's boats, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood)

XZL149482: Model of one of the pharaoh's boats, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Horemheb and Anubis, from the Tomb of Horemheb (c.1323-1295 BC) New Kingdom (wall painting)
Horemheb and Anubis, from the Tomb of Horemheb (c.1323-1295 BC) New Kingdom (wall painting)

JLF218343: Horemheb and Anubis, from the Tomb of Horemheb (c.1323-1295 BC) New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: musicians. Tomb of Nakht. 18th dynasty. 1410 BC. Necropolis of Gournah (Sheikh Abd al-Gournah), Egypt
Egyptian antiquite: musicians. Tomb of Nakht. 18th dynasty. 1410 BC. Necropolis of Gournah (Sheikh Abd al-Gournah), Egypt

LRI4673474: Egyptian antiquite: musicians. Tomb of Nakht. 18th dynasty. 1410 BC. Necropolis of Gournah (Sheikh Abd al-Gournah), Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Seated Statue of Hatshepsut, c.1479-58 B.C. (indurated limestone, paint)
Seated Statue of Hatshepsut, c.1479-58 B.C. (indurated limestone, paint)

XOS3472277: Seated Statue of Hatshepsut, c.1479-58 B.C. (indurated limestone, paint), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of a cat, from Nebamun hunting in the marshes with his wife an daughter, part of a wall painting from the tomb-chapel of Nebamun, Thebes, New Kingdom, c.1350 BC (painted plaster) (detail of 3748)
Detail of a cat, from Nebamun hunting in the marshes with his wife an daughter, part of a wall painting from the tomb-chapel of Nebamun, Thebes, New Kingdom, c.1350 BC (painted plaster) (detail of 3748)

BAL259740: Detail of a cat, from Nebamun hunting in the marshes with his wife an daughter, part of a wall painting from the tomb-chapel of Nebamun, Thebes, New Kingdom, c.1350 BC (painted plaster) (detail of 3748), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Throne, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold)
Throne, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold)

XBP343643: Throne, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood overlaid with gesso covered with sheet gold) (see also 267767)
The Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood overlaid with gesso covered with sheet gold) (see also 267767)

XBP324494: The Golden Shrine of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood overlaid with gesso covered with sheet gold) (see also 267767), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Two bracelets, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom
Two bracelets, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom

XBP349998: Two bracelets, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Three rings, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold)
Three rings, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold)

XBP228559: Three rings, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquite: sarcophagus of the Tresor of Tuthankamun (Tutankhamun or All-Ankh-amun), 18th dynasty, Egypt (stone and wood)
Egyptian antiquite: sarcophagus of the Tresor of Tuthankamun (Tutankhamun or All-Ankh-amun), 18th dynasty, Egypt (stone and wood)

JLJ4589884: Egyptian antiquite: sarcophagus of the Tresor of Tuthankamun (Tutankhamun or All-Ankh-amun), 18th dynasty, Egypt (stone and wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The chariot of Yuya, from the Tomb of Yuya and Tuya, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (wood, gold & leather)
The chariot of Yuya, from the Tomb of Yuya and Tuya, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (wood, gold & leather)

SVA660322: The chariot of Yuya, from the Tomb of Yuya and Tuya, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (wood, gold & leather), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Crook and flail, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (blue glass, obsidian & gold mounted on bronze) (see also 227988)
Crook and flail, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (blue glass, obsidian & gold mounted on bronze) (see also 227988)

XIR167522: Crook and flail, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (blue glass, obsidian & gold mounted on bronze) (see also 227988), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Fishing scene: the noble Menna depicted on a boat with his wife harponing a fish, from the tomb of Menna (TT69) (fresco)
Fishing scene: the noble Menna depicted on a boat with his wife harponing a fish, from the tomb of Menna (TT69) (fresco)

LRI4640713: Fishing scene: the noble Menna depicted on a boat with his wife harponing a fish, from the tomb of Menna (TT69) (fresco), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Base of a marriage scarab of Amenhotep III (c.1417-1379 BC) and Queen Tiye, New Kingdom, c.1391-1353 BC (stone)
Base of a marriage scarab of Amenhotep III (c.1417-1379 BC) and Queen Tiye, New Kingdom, c.1391-1353 BC (stone)

XIR179491: Base of a marriage scarab of Amenhotep III (c.1417-1379 BC) and Queen Tiye, New Kingdom, c.1391-1353 BC (stone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

A Sphinx of Queen Hatshepsut, from the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, New Kingdom (granite)
A Sphinx of Queen Hatshepsut, from the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, New Kingdom (granite)

BAL59099: A Sphinx of Queen Hatshepsut, from the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, New Kingdom (granite), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

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