Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) Assets (931 in total)

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Scene of butchers and servants bringing offerings, from the Tomb of Onsou, c.1375 BC (fresco)
Scene of butchers and servants bringing offerings, from the Tomb of Onsou, c.1375 BC (fresco)

XIR75281: Scene of butchers and servants bringing offerings, from the Tomb of Onsou, c.1375 BC (fresco), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statuette of the king wearing the red crown of the north, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gilded wood)
Statuette of the king wearing the red crown of the north, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gilded wood)

XZL149490: Statuette of the king wearing the red crown of the north, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gilded wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The king, with his ka, embracing Osiris, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wall painting)
The king, with his ka, embracing Osiris, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wall painting)

ANC383314: The king, with his ka, embracing Osiris, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

'Stroll in the Garden', relief depicting Tutankhamun and his wife, Ankhesenamun, New Kingdom, c.1330 BC (painted limestone)
'Stroll in the Garden', relief depicting Tutankhamun and his wife, Ankhesenamun, New Kingdom, c.1330 BC (painted limestone)

GVY383317: 'Stroll in the Garden', relief depicting Tutankhamun and his wife, Ankhesenamun, New Kingdom, c.1330 BC (painted limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The innermost coffin of Tutankhamun, showing the king in Osiride form clasping the crook and the flail, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (sheet gold, lapis lazuli et al) (detail)
The innermost coffin of Tutankhamun, showing the king in Osiride form clasping the crook and the flail, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (sheet gold, lapis lazuli et al) (detail)

BAL59236: The innermost coffin of Tutankhamun, showing the king in Osiride form clasping the crook and the flail, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (sheet gold, lapis lazuli et al) (detail), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Transportation of the catafalque on the boat-sled to the tomb.  1540-1295 BC (papyrus)
Transportation of the catafalque on the boat-sled to the tomb.  1540-1295 BC (papyrus)

LRI4592932: Transportation of the catafalque on the boat-sled to the tomb. 1540-1295 BC (papyrus), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Front view of one of the canopic coffins, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (beaten gold inlaid with coloured glass & cornelian) (see also 227990-92)
Front view of one of the canopic coffins, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (beaten gold inlaid with coloured glass & cornelian) (see also 227990-92)

XIR321395: Front view of one of the canopic coffins, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (beaten gold inlaid with coloured glass & cornelian) (see also 227990-92), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Wedjat Eye, detail from the sarcophagus cover of the Lady of Madja, New Kingdom, c.1450 BC (painted wood)
Wedjat Eye, detail from the sarcophagus cover of the Lady of Madja, New Kingdom, c.1450 BC (painted wood)

PWI110872: Wedjat Eye, detail from the sarcophagus cover of the Lady of Madja, New Kingdom, c.1450 BC (painted wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The throne of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gold-plated wood inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 59231)
The throne of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gold-plated wood inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 59231)

XZL149477: The throne of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gold-plated wood inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 59231), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Osirid pillar of Akhenaten (1365-1349 BC) from the sun temple of Amenophis IV at Karnak, New Kingdom, c.1350 BC (terracotta)
Osirid pillar of Akhenaten (1365-1349 BC) from the sun temple of Amenophis IV at Karnak, New Kingdom, c.1350 BC (terracotta)

PWI104696: Osirid pillar of Akhenaten (1365-1349 BC) from the sun temple of Amenophis IV at Karnak, New Kingdom, c.1350 BC (terracotta), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Tuthmosis III (c.1490-39 BC) (basalt)
Tuthmosis III (c.1490-39 BC) (basalt)

XIR155992: Tuthmosis III (c.1490-39 BC) (basalt), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Back of a chair from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) depicting the spirit of 'millions of years', New Kingdom (cedarwood) (see also 227983)
Back of a chair from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) depicting the spirit of 'millions of years', New Kingdom (cedarwood) (see also 227983)

XZL148192: Back of a chair from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) depicting the spirit of 'millions of years', New Kingdom (cedarwood) (see also 227983), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Toilet of Noblewomen, from the Tomb of Rekhmire, vizier of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II, New Kingdom (wall painting)
The Toilet of Noblewomen, from the Tomb of Rekhmire, vizier of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II, New Kingdom (wall painting)

XIR169524: The Toilet of Noblewomen, from the Tomb of Rekhmire, vizier of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Coffer from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wood, bronze, ivory and coloured glaze) (see also 228565)
Coffer from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wood, bronze, ivory and coloured glaze) (see also 228565)

XIR220898: Coffer from the Tomb of Tutankhamun, New Kingdom (wood, bronze, ivory and coloured glaze) (see also 228565), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquitis: portrait of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun (all-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) supported by a lotus leaf. Painted wood carving. From the Tresor of Tutankhamun. Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Egyptian antiquitis: portrait of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun (all-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) supported by a lotus leaf. Painted wood carving. From the Tresor of Tutankhamun. Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

LRI4639853: Egyptian antiquitis: portrait of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun (all-Ankh-amun or Tutankhamun) supported by a lotus leaf. Painted wood carving. From the Tresor of Tutankhamun. Egyptian Museum, Cairo., Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see also 149421 & 3981)
The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see also 149421 & 3981)

XIR162303: The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see also 149421 & 3981), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 184085 for opposite side)
The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 184085 for opposite side)

XIR179987: The gold mask, from the Treasure of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) c.1340 BC (gold inlaid with semi-precious stones) (see 184085 for opposite side), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Figure of an African man from the end of a ceremonial cane, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood & ebony) (see also 149479)
Figure of an African man from the end of a ceremonial cane, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood & ebony) (see also 149479)

XZL149407: Figure of an African man from the end of a ceremonial cane, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (wood & ebony) (see also 149479), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Sacrifice and purification of a bull, and a sailing ritual, from the Tomb of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting)
Sacrifice and purification of a bull, and a sailing ritual, from the Tomb of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting)

XIR19819: Sacrifice and purification of a bull, and a sailing ritual, from the Tomb of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Colossi of Memnon, statues of Amenhotep III, c.1375-1358 BC (photo)
The Colossi of Memnon, statues of Amenhotep III, c.1375-1358 BC (photo)

XIR68332: The Colossi of Memnon, statues of Amenhotep III, c.1375-1358 BC (photo), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Relief of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1352-1336 BC) as a sphinx, New Kingdom (limestone)
Relief of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1352-1336 BC) as a sphinx, New Kingdom (limestone)

BST261733: Relief of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1352-1336 BC) as a sphinx, New Kingdom (limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Gaming board, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood veneered with ebony & inlaid with ivory)
Gaming board, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood veneered with ebony & inlaid with ivory)

XBP341807: Gaming board, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood veneered with ebony & inlaid with ivory), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The back of the throne of Tutankhamun depicting the queen Ankhesenamun putting the finishing touches to the king's toilet, New Kingdom, c.1340 BC (wood with gold overlay & inlays of glass & semi-precious stones)
The back of the throne of Tutankhamun depicting the queen Ankhesenamun putting the finishing touches to the king's toilet, New Kingdom, c.1340 BC (wood with gold overlay & inlays of glass & semi-precious stones)

XIR41981: The back of the throne of Tutankhamun depicting the queen Ankhesenamun putting the finishing touches to the king's toilet, New Kingdom, c.1340 BC (wood with gold overlay & inlays of glass & semi-precious stones), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Statuette of the king upon a Leopard. from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood & gilded bronze) (see also 228569)
Statuette of the king upon a Leopard. from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood & gilded bronze) (see also 228569)

BAL3978: Statuette of the king upon a Leopard. from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (wood & gilded bronze) (see also 228569), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Necklace with vulture pendant, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gold encrusted with lapis lazuli and cornelian)
Necklace with vulture pendant, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gold encrusted with lapis lazuli and cornelian)

XZL3980: Necklace with vulture pendant, from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) New Kingdom (gold encrusted with lapis lazuli and cornelian), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Head of the child king Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) emerging from a lotus flower, found at the entrance of the tomb, New Kingdom (stuccoed & painted wood) (see also 228554)
Head of the child king Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) emerging from a lotus flower, found at the entrance of the tomb, New Kingdom (stuccoed & painted wood) (see also 228554)

XZL149406: Head of the child king Tutankhamun (c.1370-52 BC) emerging from a lotus flower, found at the entrance of the tomb, New Kingdom (stuccoed & painted wood) (see also 228554), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Libation of the Dead, detail from the interior of the sarcophagus of Amenemipet, a priest of the cult of Amenophis (Amenhotep) I, depicting Anubis and the goddess Maat pouring water over the head of the pharaoh, Thebes (painted plaster on wood)
The Libation of the Dead, detail from the interior of the sarcophagus of Amenemipet, a priest of the cult of Amenophis (Amenhotep) I, depicting Anubis and the goddess Maat pouring water over the head of the pharaoh, Thebes (painted plaster on wood)

XIR39050: The Libation of the Dead, detail from the interior of the sarcophagus of Amenemipet, a priest of the cult of Amenophis (Amenhotep) I, depicting Anubis and the goddess Maat pouring water over the head of the pharaoh, Thebes (painted plaster on wood), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Bust of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1364-1347 BC) from the Temple of Amun, Karnak, c.1353-1337 BC (sandstone) (detail)
Bust of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1364-1347 BC) from the Temple of Amun, Karnak, c.1353-1337 BC (sandstone) (detail)

XIR165549: Bust of Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) (c.1364-1347 BC) from the Temple of Amun, Karnak, c.1353-1337 BC (sandstone) (detail), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Fishing and fowling in the marshes, detail from the Tomb Chapel of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting)
Fishing and fowling in the marshes, detail from the Tomb Chapel of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting)

XIR177949: Fishing and fowling in the marshes, detail from the Tomb Chapel of Menna, New Kingdom (wall painting), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Frog, New Kingdom, c.1390-53 BC (faience)
Frog, New Kingdom, c.1390-53 BC (faience)

TBM193042: Frog, New Kingdom, c.1390-53 BC (faience), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) and his wife, Ankhesenamun, from his tomb, New Kingdom (painted limestone)
Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) and his wife, Ankhesenamun, from his tomb, New Kingdom (painted limestone)

XIR226541: Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) and his wife, Ankhesenamun, from his tomb, New Kingdom (painted limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Game board of Maiherperi, from the Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (acacia, ebony & gold)
Game board of Maiherperi, from the Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (acacia, ebony & gold)

SVA660162: Game board of Maiherperi, from the Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom (acacia, ebony & gold), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Two bracelets, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold)
Two bracelets, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold)

XBP341823: Two bracelets, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gold), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

The Wilbour Plaque, from modern Amarna, New Kingdom (limestone)
The Wilbour Plaque, from modern Amarna, New Kingdom (limestone)

TBM104178: The Wilbour Plaque, from modern Amarna, New Kingdom (limestone), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Egyptian antiquitis: necklace (pectoral ornament) of Tutankhamun forming part of the Tresor of the Pharaoh. Around 1340 BC. From the tomb of All-Ankh-Amon (Tutankhamun or Tutankhamun), Valley of the Kings. 18th dynasty. Cairo. Egyptian Museum - Egyptian Antiquities: necklace (pectoral ornament) of Tutankhamun from the Treasury of the Pharaoh. Circa 1340 BC. Found in the tomb of Tutankhamun (Tutankhamon), Valley of the Kings, Thebes.18th dynasty. Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian antiquitis: necklace (pectoral ornament) of Tutankhamun forming part of the Tresor of the Pharaoh. Around 1340 BC. From the tomb of All-Ankh-Amon (Tutankhamun or Tutankhamun), Valley of the Kings. 18th dynasty. Cairo. Egyptian Museum - Egyptian Antiquities: necklace (pectoral ornament) of Tutankhamun from the Treasury of the Pharaoh. Circa 1340 BC. Found in the tomb of Tutankhamun (Tutankhamon), Valley of the Kings, Thebes.18th dynasty. Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt

LRI4639726: Egyptian antiquitis: necklace (pectoral ornament) of Tutankhamun forming part of the Tresor of the Pharaoh. Around 1340 BC. From the tomb of All-Ankh-Amon (Tutankhamun or Tutankhamun), Valley of the Kings. 18th dynasty. Cairo. Egyptian Museum - Egyptian Antiquities: necklace (pectoral ornament) of Tutankhamun from the Treasury of the Pharaoh. Circa 1340 BC. Found in the tomb of Tutankhamun (Tutankhamon), Valley of the Kings, Thebes.18th dynasty. Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt, Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of the goddess Selket from the canopic shrine, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gilded wood) (see also 228567)
Detail of the goddess Selket from the canopic shrine, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gilded wood) (see also 228567)

XBP341810: Detail of the goddess Selket from the canopic shrine, from the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c.1370-1352 BC) New Kingdom (gilded wood) (see also 228567), Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC) / Bridgeman Images

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