Characters and Caricatures, published in April 1743, illustration from 'Hogarth Restored: The Whole Works of the celebrated William Hogarth, re-engraved by Thomas Cook', pub. 1812 (hand-coloured engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
The Committee, from 'Hudibras' by Samuel Butler (1612-80), illustration from 'Hogarth Restored: The Whole Works of the celebrated William Hogarth, re-engraved by Thomas Cook', pub. 1812 (hand-coloured engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
Handwriting and signature of William Hogarth, from a letter to Sir Richard Grosvenor concerning his commission of a picture of Sigismunda, June 13, 1757 (pen and ink on paper) (see also 396067), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
Women dancing in the Harem, from 'Voyages de Sr A. de la Motraye en Europe, Asie et Afrique', published 1723, (engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
Marriage a la Mode, Plate III, The Inspection, illustration from 'Hogarth Restored: The Whole Works of the celebrated William Hogarth, re-engraved by Thomas Cook', pub. 1812 (hand-coloured engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images