Hankey, William Lee (1869-1952) Assets (191 in total)
There where a few torn shrubs the place disclose, the village preachers modest mansion rose (colour litho), Hankey, William Lee (1869-1952) / Bridgeman Images
But in his duty, prompt at every call, he watched and wept, he prayed and felt for all (colour litho), Hankey, William Lee (1869-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Near yonder thorn, that lifts its head on high, where once the sign post caught the passing eye (colour litho), Hankey, William Lee (1869-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Slights every borrowed charm that dress supplies, now shares with art the triumph of her eyes (colour litho), Hankey, William Lee (1869-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Thou source of all my bliss, and all my woe, thou found me poor at first, and keep'st me so (colour litho), Hankey, William Lee (1869-1952) / Bridgeman Images