Hankey, William Lee (1869-1952)

Creator details

Hankey, William Lee (1869-1952)

Assets (191 in total)

The Harbour, St Ives, (oil on canvas)
The Patchwork Quilt (oil on canvas)
The Time was Young (pencil & w/c on board)
Self Portrait (oil on canvas)
Fishing Boat, Chareute (oil on canvas)
Illustration for The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith (colour litho)
Lombardy Poplars (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Lady Wearing a Black Hat and a Fur over her Shoulder (oil on board)
Nor the coy maid, half willing to be pressed, shall kiss the cup to pass it to rest (colour litho)
Off to the Fishing Ground, Honfleur
The Old World Garden, 1897 (w/c on paper)
Sardine Fishers, Concarneau,  (oil on canvas)

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