Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) Assets (462 in total)
Caricature of the Negus of Ethiopia, Menelik II (1844-1913), from 'le Rire' magazine, end of the Nineteenth century (colour litho), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Satire on Kaiser Wilhelm II's visit to Tangier in 1905. Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Gustave Rives, French architect and organiser of the Paris Motor Show. Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Caricature of French Prime minister Charles de Freycinet. Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Frontpage of French satirical paper "Le Rire" December 9, 1905 : the lovers of Marianne : Armand Fallieres, caricature by Charles Leandre, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
February Revolution (Russia, 1917): Alexandre Kerensky (Aleksandr Kerenski) (1881-1970), leader of the Russian Revolution - Drawing by Charles Leandre (1862-1934), for the cover of Le Rire Rouge, June 30, 1917, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Le Kaiser: William II - Cartoon by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” Le Rire rouge”” from 16/11/1918, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Paul Bourget (1852-1935) French writer - L'academie (French) receives Paul Bourget in his bosom - caricature by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” Le Rire”” of June 15, 1895, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
President McKinley (William McKinley, 1843-1901)) - Cartoon by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” Le Rire”” of May 21, 1898, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
M. Waldeck-Rousseau future emperor of the Moderes - Caricature by Pierre Waldeck Rousseau (Waldeck-Rousseau) (1846-1904) by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” Le Rire”” of May 7, 1898, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Mr. Paul Deschanel the new Speaker of the House - Cartoon by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” The Rire””” 1898, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Emile Basly (1835-1928), depute of Paris - engraving in “Our Dear Souverains” by Paul Bosq - illustration by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) 1898 -, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of Charles Leandre (1862-1934) for the Cover of Le Rire, 16/12/05 - Bourgeois Leon (1851-1925) - Vegetalisation, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” Le Lire rouge””, Satirique en Couleurs, 1917_11_3: War of 14 -18, Justice Proces - Judges, examining magistrate, Louis Turmel (1866-1919), Landau Illustration by Charles Leandre (1862-1934), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in Le Rire, 29/05/20 - Loriot and his compere Lenine - Uss - Lenine, Loriot, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in Le Rire, 12/06/20 - Nos Dictateurs - Syndicalisme, CGT - Jouhaux Leon, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in Le Rire, 10/04/20 - Prevoyance - England Great Britain - Lloyd George, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images