Leandre, Charles (1862-1934)

Creator details

Leandre, Charles (1862-1934)

Assets (462 in total)

Jean-Baptiste Bienvenu-Martin (1847-1943) separating the State from the Church, caricature from 'Le Rire' magazine 20th May 1905 (colour litho)
An Abortionist, from 'l'Assiette au Beurre', 1902 (colour litho)
Portrait of a Woman (pastel on paper)
Cartoon by Emile Zola (1840-1902) writing, visibly lacking inspiration - Illustration by Charles Leandre in “The Rire””, 1897 - Private collection
Therese Humbert
Merriment & Boredom, 1898 (colour litho)
Tz'U-Hsi (1835-1908) Empress Dowager of China, front cover of 'Le Rire', 14th July 1900 (coloured engraving)
Satire on the Russo-Japanese War. Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)
Cover of “” The Laughter””, number 120, Satirique en Couleurs, 1905_5_20: Separation of Church and State - Humor - Separation of Church and State - Marianne, Jean Baptiste Bienvenu-Martin (1847-1943), Cures - Illustration by Charles Leandre (1862-1934)
'Let us not forget, Mr. Mayor, that it is these Normans that conquered England!', (colour litho)
Anti-Semitic cartoon of Rothschild taking over the world - by Léandre, in “” The Laughter””
Caricature of Emile Combes, cover of 'Le Rire' magazine, 12th March 1903 (colour litho)

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