XEE4157023: Emile Loubet - Free Presidential Pensions - Mr Loubet - It's hard to get their convictions into my skin! - (Charles Leandre (1862-1934) mocks the state, the church and the army at the bedside of President LOUBET, covered with maconic and other signs) caricature by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” Le Lire”” No. 415 (18 October 1902), Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4156847: Portrait of Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) - the balance refers to the newspaper La Justice”” and its director, Cornelius Herz, who had received money from Clemenceau - caricature by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” Le Rire””” of July 30, 1898, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4157436: Dreyfus case - The actors of the great Dreyfusian comedy - the lawyer Fernand Labori (1860-1917) - the lawyer Louis Leblois (1854-1928) - the commander Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy (1847-1923) - the general Georges Picquart (1854-1914) - Caricature by Charles Leandre (1862-1934) in “” The Lire” of 30 July 1898, Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4165396: The people of Le Mans: it flies almost as well as one of our poultry, but it must be tougher. Cartoon by American aviator Wilbur Wright (1867-1912) aboard his plane the “Model A” in demonstration at Le Mans, 1908. Illustration by Charles Leandre (1862-1934). One of the newspaper “” Le Rire”” of September 5, 1908., Leandre, Charles (1862-1934) / Bridgeman Images