Bursting the door open they flung themselves into their fathers arms, from Hansel and Gretel published by Blackie & Son Limited, c.1940 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
No burial this pretty pair of any man receives, but Robin Redbreast lovingly did cover them with leaves, 1930s (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
A cat with her kittens creeps up to the house, illustration from 'The Frog would a Wooing Go', by Charles H. Bennett, 1916 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Front Cover illustration from 'The Frog would a Wooing Go', by Charles H. Bennett, 1916 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Pray Mistress Mouse are you within, illustration from 'The Frog would a Wooing Go', by Charles H. Bennett, 1916 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Frog through the window climbed, illustration from 'The Frog would a Wooing Go', by Charles H. Bennett, 1916 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images