The Cat and her kittens came tumbling in, illustration from 'The Frog would a Wooing Go', by Charles H. Bennett, 1916 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
'Quack' what a scare, illustration from 'The Frog would a Wooing Go', by Charles H. Bennett, 1916 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Pray Mistress Mouse will you give us some beer, illustration from 'The Frog would a Wooing Go', by Charles H. Bennett, 1916 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Pray Mistress Mouse will you give us a song, illustration from 'The Frog would a Wooing Go', by Charles H. Bennett, 1916 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Simple Simon met a Pie Man from 'My Nursery Story Book', pub. by Blackie & Son (book illustration), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
The Woodcutter carries Red Riding Hood home, illustration from 'The Beautiful Book of Nursery Rhymes, Stories and Pictures', by Frank Adams, published by Blackie & Son (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Little Red Riding Hood, illustration from 'The Beautiful Book of Nursery Rhymes, Stories and Pictures', by Frank Adams, published by Blackie & Son (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Hansel filled his pocket with stones, from Hansel and Gretel published by Blackie & Son Limited, c.1940 (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
'The Pilgrim and the Queen' from 'The Staff Scrip' by Dante G. Rossetti (1828-82) illustrated in 'Childrens Stories from the Poets' by M.D.Belgrave and H.Hart (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from 'The Beautiful Book of Nursery Rhymes, Stories and Pictures', published by Blackie & Son (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from 'The Beautiful Book of Nursery Rhymes, Stories and Pictures', published by Blackie & Son (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images
She went to the sempster's, to buy him some linen, when she came back, the dog was spinning, 1930s (colour litho), Adams, Frank (1871-1944) / Bridgeman Images