Adams, Frank (1871-1944)

Creator details

Adams, Frank (1871-1944)

Assets (240 in total)

Alice and the White Rabbit
'So he huffed and he puffed till he blew the house of straw in', illustration from 'The Three Little Pigs', published 1930s (colour litho)
Alice and the Caterpillar
'She turned them out of the home-sty to find their own living', illustration from 'The Three Little Pigs' published 1930s (colour litho)
'And the little pig built a house of bricks', illustration from 'The Three Little Pigs', published 1930s (colour litho)
Alice and the  Queen of Hearts
'Goblin Market' by G.D. Rossetti (1828-82) illustration in 'Childrens stories from the Poets' by M.D.Belgrave and H.Hart (colour litho)
Hansel and Gretel return, illustration from 'The Beautiful Book of Nursery Rhymes, Stories and Pictures', by Frank Adams, published by Blackie & Son (colour litho)
Hansel and Gretel are fed by the Witch, illustration from 'The Beautiful Book of Nursery Rhymes, Stories and Pictures', by Frank Adams, published by Blackie & Son (colour litho)
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, illustration from 'The Beautiful Book of Nursery Rhymes, Stories and Pictures', by Frank Adams, published by Blackie & Son (colour litho)
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, c.1910 (colour litho)
Geraldine and the Baron, from Christabel by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (colour litho)

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