Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) Assets (390 in total)

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Brother & Sister Meet Again (engraving)
Brother & Sister Meet Again (engraving)

LLM3106308: Brother & Sister Meet Again (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Frederick Practises his Flute even when out Hunting (engraving)
Frederick Practises his Flute even when out Hunting (engraving)

LLM3106312: Frederick Practises his Flute even when out Hunting (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Herbert brings Little Henry to his Wife's Tent, illustration for 'The Book of Princes and Princesses' by Mrs Lang, 1908 (engraving)
Herbert brings Little Henry to his Wife's Tent, illustration for 'The Book of Princes and Princesses' by Mrs Lang, 1908 (engraving)

LLM3106316: Herbert brings Little Henry to his Wife's Tent, illustration for 'The Book of Princes and Princesses' by Mrs Lang, 1908 (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

How Ulysses met Nausicaa (engraving)
How Ulysses met Nausicaa (engraving)

LLM3106335: How Ulysses met Nausicaa (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Ulysses Shoots the First Arrow at the Wooers (engraving)
Ulysses Shoots the First Arrow at the Wooers (engraving)

LLM3106337: Ulysses Shoots the First Arrow at the Wooers (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Paris comes back to Oenone (engraving)
Paris comes back to Oenone (engraving)

LLM3106338: Paris comes back to Oenone (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

King Athamas Steals Nephele's Clothes so that she cannot Float away with her Sisters (engraving)
King Athamas Steals Nephele's Clothes so that she cannot Float away with her Sisters (engraving)

LLM3106339: King Athamas Steals Nephele's Clothes so that she cannot Float away with her Sisters (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Ulysses, when a Youth, Fights the Wild Boar and gets his Wound in his Thigh (engraving)
Ulysses, when a Youth, Fights the Wild Boar and gets his Wound in his Thigh (engraving)

LLM3106346: Ulysses, when a Youth, Fights the Wild Boar and gets his Wound in his Thigh (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

English Soldiers (engraving)
English Soldiers (engraving)

LLM3101945: English Soldiers (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Queen Entrusts Little Richard to the Cardinal (engraving)
The Queen Entrusts Little Richard to the Cardinal (engraving)

LLM3106317: The Queen Entrusts Little Richard to the Cardinal (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Lady Dalkeith's Journey to Dover (engraving)
Lady Dalkeith's Journey to Dover (engraving)

LLM3106319: Lady Dalkeith's Journey to Dover (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Camarera Mayor gets her Ears Boxed! (engraving)
The Camarera Mayor gets her Ears Boxed! (engraving)

LLM3106325: The Camarera Mayor gets her Ears Boxed! (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Inga Endures the Ordeal of the Hot Iron (engraving)
Inga Endures the Ordeal of the Hot Iron (engraving)

LLM3106327: Inga Endures the Ordeal of the Hot Iron (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

How the Serpent that Guarded the Golden Fleece was Slain (engraving)
How the Serpent that Guarded the Golden Fleece was Slain (engraving)

LLM3106334: How the Serpent that Guarded the Golden Fleece was Slain (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Gorgonzola Flies off on her Dragon (engraving)
Gorgonzola Flies off on her Dragon (engraving)

LLM3625441: Gorgonzola Flies off on her Dragon (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Enchanted Snake (engraving)
The Enchanted Snake (engraving)

LLM3625443: The Enchanted Snake (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Enchanted Watch (engraving)
The Enchanted Watch (engraving)

LLM3625447: The Enchanted Watch (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Jorinde and Joringel (engraving)
Jorinde and Joringel (engraving)

LLM3625425: Jorinde and Joringel (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Prince Vivien and Princess Placida (engraving)
Prince Vivien and Princess Placida (engraving)

LLM3625428: Prince Vivien and Princess Placida (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Jack my Hedgehog (engraving)
Jack my Hedgehog (engraving)

LLM3625429: Jack my Hedgehog (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Many-Furred Creature (engraving)
The Many-Furred Creature (engraving)

LLM3625430: The Many-Furred Creature (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

LLM3651763: "Raphael and the Angels carry St Senan to the Island" (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

How Dunstan frightened King Edwy's armed men (litho)
How Dunstan frightened King Edwy's armed men (litho)

LLM3655984: How Dunstan frightened King Edwy's armed men (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

St Louis threatened by a Saracen soldier (litho)
St Louis threatened by a Saracen soldier (litho)

LLM3655947: St Louis threatened by a Saracen soldier (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Bias brings the oxen of Iphiclus to Neleus (colour litho)
Bias brings the oxen of Iphiclus to Neleus (colour litho)

LLM5997326: Bias brings the oxen of Iphiclus to Neleus (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Bellerophon fights the Chimaera (colour litho)
Bellerophon fights the Chimaera (colour litho)

LLM5223709: Bellerophon fights the Chimaera (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Bias brings the oxen of Iphiclus to Neleus (colour litho)
Bias brings the oxen of Iphiclus to Neleus (colour litho)

LLM5223711: Bias brings the oxen of Iphiclus to Neleus (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Bellerophon fights against Myrina and her Amazons (litho)
Bellerophon fights against Myrina and her Amazons (litho)

LLM5223713: Bellerophon fights against Myrina and her Amazons (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The cemetery of the Chateau d'If (litho)
The cemetery of the Chateau d'If (litho)

LLM5223719: The cemetery of the Chateau d'If (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Princess Pulja and the murdered lamb (litho)
The Princess Pulja and the murdered lamb (litho)

LLM5223735: The Princess Pulja and the murdered lamb (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Udea Found Lifeless by Her Seven Brothers (engraving)
Udea Found Lifeless by Her Seven Brothers (engraving)

LLM5200152: Udea Found Lifeless by Her Seven Brothers (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Gardener Gets the Apple (engraving)
The Gardener Gets the Apple (engraving)

LLM5200159: The Gardener Gets the Apple (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

How the White Dove Escaped (engraving)
How the White Dove Escaped (engraving)

LLM5200163: How the White Dove Escaped (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Dschemila Gets Rid of the Ass's Head (engraving)
Dschemila Gets Rid of the Ass's Head (engraving)

LLM5200170: Dschemila Gets Rid of the Ass's Head (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Broad Puffs Himself Out (engraving)
Broad Puffs Himself Out (engraving)

LLM5200122: Broad Puffs Himself Out (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Leicester seizes the letter from his wife Amy, telling of Varney's plot to poison her, illustration from 'Kenilworth' by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1912 (colour litho)
Leicester seizes the letter from his wife Amy, telling of Varney's plot to poison her, illustration from 'Kenilworth' by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1912 (colour litho)

STC308504: Leicester seizes the letter from his wife Amy, telling of Varney's plot to poison her, illustration from 'Kenilworth' by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1912 (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

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