Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) Assets (390 in total)
Michael Lambourne drinks with the landlord of the Black Bear, illustration from'Kenilworth', c.1910 (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of Merlin the Enchanter and Fee Viviane (Merlin anc Vivien) Illustration by Henry Justice (HJ) Ford (1860-1941) from “The book of romance”” 1902 Collection privee, Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Modred at the last battle Illustration by HJ Ford (1860-1940) from “The book of romance” 1902 Private collection, Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images
St Elizabeth and her children, turned out of the castle, are welcomed by a poor innkeeper (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images