Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) Assets (390 in total)

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Jack my Hedgehog (engraving)
Jack my Hedgehog (engraving)

LLM3625423: Jack my Hedgehog (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Story of a Clever Tailor (engraving)
The Story of a Clever Tailor (engraving)

LLM3625427: The Story of a Clever Tailor (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Blue Bird (engraving)
The Blue Bird (engraving)

LLM3625431: The Blue Bird (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

King Kojata (engraving)
King Kojata (engraving)

LLM3625433: King Kojata (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Half-Chick (engraving)
The Half-Chick (engraving)

LLM3625437: The Half-Chick (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Princess of Babylon and the phoenix (colour litho)
The Princess of Babylon and the phoenix (colour litho)

LLM2792505: The Princess of Babylon and the phoenix (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Besides the white rabbit Aurore greatly admired General Murat (colour litho)
Besides the white rabbit Aurore greatly admired General Murat (colour litho)

LLM2792508: Besides the white rabbit Aurore greatly admired General Murat (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The King and Queen rejoice when their pets return (colour litho)
The King and Queen rejoice when their pets return (colour litho)

LLM2792513: The King and Queen rejoice when their pets return (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Maclean and Plunket stop Lord Eglinton's carriage (litho)
Maclean and Plunket stop Lord Eglinton's carriage (litho)

LLM2792517: Maclean and Plunket stop Lord Eglinton's carriage (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Sadness of Her Face Seemed to Pass into His Heart (engraving)
The Sadness of Her Face Seemed to Pass into His Heart (engraving)

LLM5200124: The Sadness of Her Face Seemed to Pass into His Heart (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Princess beaten by Quick-as-Thought (engraving)
The Princess beaten by Quick-as-Thought (engraving)

LLM5200128: The Princess beaten by Quick-as-Thought (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Maiden Creeps Out of the Pot (engraving)
The Maiden Creeps Out of the Pot (engraving)

LLM5200135: The Maiden Creeps Out of the Pot (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Bassa Laughs at the Circassians (engraving)
The Bassa Laughs at the Circassians (engraving)

LLM5200140: The Bassa Laughs at the Circassians (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

There Appeared in the Doorway a Lovely Jewess (engraving)
There Appeared in the Doorway a Lovely Jewess (engraving)

LLM5200142: There Appeared in the Doorway a Lovely Jewess (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Neangir Sees the Picture of Argentine (engraving)
Neangir Sees the Picture of Argentine (engraving)

LLM5200143: Neangir Sees the Picture of Argentine (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Zelida Discovers the Writing on the Flask (engraving)
Zelida Discovers the Writing on the Flask (engraving)

LLM5200144: Zelida Discovers the Writing on the Flask (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Princess Is Swallowed Up by the Earth (engraving)
The Princess Is Swallowed Up by the Earth (engraving)

LLM5200157: The Princess Is Swallowed Up by the Earth (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

What Came of Picking Jessamine (engraving)
What Came of Picking Jessamine (engraving)

LLM5200161: What Came of Picking Jessamine (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

How the Magician Was Thwarted by the Brush (engraving)
How the Magician Was Thwarted by the Brush (engraving)

LLM5200162: How the Magician Was Thwarted by the Brush (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Dschemila Outwits the Ogre (engraving)
Dschemila Outwits the Ogre (engraving)

LLM5200172: Dschemila Outwits the Ogre (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

These are the lights of life said Death (litho)
These are the lights of life said Death (litho)

LLM5223716: These are the lights of life said Death (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

John chooses Death for Godmother (litho)
John chooses Death for Godmother (litho)

LLM5223717: John chooses Death for Godmother (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Charles II in the oak tree (litho)
Charles II in the oak tree (litho)

LLM5223734: Charles II in the oak tree (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Linet and the Black Knight (engraving)
Linet and the Black Knight (engraving)

LLM973825: Linet and the Black Knight (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Lancelot comes out of Guenevere's Room (engraving)
Lancelot comes out of Guenevere's Room (engraving)

LLM973837: Lancelot comes out of Guenevere's Room (engraving), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The Cardinal of Perigard comes to the English camp to negotiate with the Black Prince
The Cardinal of Perigard comes to the English camp to negotiate with the Black Prince

IL1192594: The Cardinal of Perigard comes to the English camp to negotiate with the Black Prince, Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The ladies tempt Dorethea, 1912 (litho)
The ladies tempt Dorethea, 1912 (litho)

IL2920432: The ladies tempt Dorethea, 1912 (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

IL2920441: "Why have you not given our handmaid her share?", 1912 (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

St Francis brings the wolf to the city, 1912 (litho)
St Francis brings the wolf to the city, 1912 (litho)

IL2920453: St Francis brings the wolf to the city, 1912 (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The priest listens to Colettes preaching, 1912 (litho)
The priest listens to Colettes preaching, 1912 (litho)

IL2920456: The priest listens to Colettes preaching, 1912 (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

How Ulysses met Nausicaa, from 'Tales of the Greek Seas' by Andrew Lang, 1926 (ink on paper)
How Ulysses met Nausicaa, from 'Tales of the Greek Seas' by Andrew Lang, 1926 (ink on paper)

STC323727: How Ulysses met Nausicaa, from 'Tales of the Greek Seas' by Andrew Lang, 1926 (ink on paper), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

Father Redcap found in the cellar (colour litho)
Father Redcap found in the cellar (colour litho)

LLM2792514: Father Redcap found in the cellar (colour litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

The priest listens to Colette's preaching (litho)
The priest listens to Colette's preaching (litho)

LLM3655943: The priest listens to Colette's preaching (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

LLM3655945: "He might have been met on the wild downs" (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

St Francis brings the wolf to the city (litho)
St Francis brings the wolf to the city (litho)

LLM3655946: St Francis brings the wolf to the city (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

St Elizabeth and her children, turned out of the castle, are welcomed by a poor innkeeper (litho)
St Elizabeth and her children, turned out of the castle, are welcomed by a poor innkeeper (litho)

LLM3655949: St Elizabeth and her children, turned out of the castle, are welcomed by a poor innkeeper (litho), Ford, Henry Justice (1860-1941) / Bridgeman Images

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