He drove the three before him, their cries of rage and pain, drowned by his roars of laughter (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Looting a city of treasure: Alexander became lord of Persia. He loaded all the treasures from Persepolis to become very rich, c.1950 (litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Mary, flinging aside the tapestry, stood gazing at them with eyes that seemed to flash fire (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
How Alexander won his empire: Darius King of Persia amassed a great army, which was defeated by the Macedonians in 334 BC, c.1950 (litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images