Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) Assets (323 in total)
Isabella of Valois, the young Queen of Richard II of England, being move for her own safety during the rebellion against the King, 1399 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
He fought boldly on the front rank, from Romance of Mexico published by T C & E C Jack 1909 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
The whole army knelt in the mud and confessed their sins, from Romance of Mexico published by T C & E C Jack 1909 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Cortes and his men at the gap , from Romance of Mexico published by T C & E C Jack 1909 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
"You will deal with me, Malinitzin, as you list"., from Romance of Mexico published by T C & E C Jack 1909 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
'Hilary wondered and mused', illustration from 'A Child's Book of Saints', published 1898 (pen & ink on paper), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
I held my breath, as the wave passed on, and I found myself still alive (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
The ten lepers, illustration from 'Pictures That Teach The Crown Series ', 1920 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Abraham and Isaac, illustration from 'Pictures That Teach The Crown Series ', 1920 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images