The vandals themselves could not have made a more complete pillage than we had done (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
We placed them crosswise on the bamboo pole, and thus carried them very easily (colour litho)
, Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Northumberland strode towards them, and flinging his jewelled capon the ground, he drew his sword (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Alexander's horse, Bucephalus: the horse was glossy black with a white star on its forehead, c.1950 (litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Alexander the youthful prince, caught hold of the bridle and the powerful beast swiftly galloped away, c.1950 (litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Caesar's Second Landing, 54 BC, illustration from 'Hutchinson's Story of the British Nation', c.1920 (litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Jesus heals the nobleman's son, illustration from 'Pictures That Teach The Crown Series ', 1920 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Lady Raleigh went to plead with the king for mercy, from Sir Walter Raleigh published by T C & E C Jack, c.1910 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
They started to row to the French ship, from Sir Walter Raleigh published by T C & E C Jack, c.1910 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Princess Elizabeth, daughter of King Charles I of England, pleading with his captors to spare him from harm, 1649 (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Harpagus giving the baby Cyrus to the shepherd Mithradates, who raised the future Persian king as his own son (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images
Princess Helena, daughter of Coel, King of Britain, speaking to soldiers, c4th Century (colour litho), Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images