Gill, Andre (1840-85) Assets (665 in total)

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Cartoon by Hector Malot, French writer (1830-1907) - by Gill, in “” Les Hommes d'Today””, 19th century
Cartoon by Hector Malot, French writer (1830-1907) - by Gill, in “” Les Hommes d'Today””, 19th century

LSE4109168: Cartoon by Hector Malot, French writer (1830-1907) - by Gill, in “” Les Hommes d'Today””, 19th century, Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Leon Gambetta, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho)
Leon Gambetta, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho)

STC3504398: Leon Gambetta, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho), Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon about Napoleon III and Bismarck - by Gill, in “” L'Eclipse”” from 18/09/1870
Cartoon about Napoleon III and Bismarck - by Gill, in “” L'Eclipse”” from 18/09/1870

LSE4094855: Cartoon about Napoleon III and Bismarck - by Gill, in “” L'Eclipse”” from 18/09/1870, Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon of Severiano by Heredia (1836-1901) from 'The Men of Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85)
Cartoon of Severiano by Heredia (1836-1901) from 'The Men of Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85)

XEE4154496: Cartoon of Severiano by Heredia (1836-1901) from 'The Men of Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85), Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon of Germain Casse (1837-1900) French politician, from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85)
Cartoon of Germain Casse (1837-1900) French politician, from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85)

XEE4154523: Cartoon of Germain Casse (1837-1900) French politician, from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85), Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon of Edward Cadol (1831-1898) English novelist from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85)
Cartoon of Edward Cadol (1831-1898) English novelist from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85)

XEE4154527: Cartoon of Edward Cadol (1831-1898) English novelist from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85), Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon of Maurice Engelhardt 1819-1891 from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85)
Cartoon of Maurice Engelhardt 1819-1891 from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85)

XEE4154541: Cartoon of Maurice Engelhardt 1819-1891 from 'Les Hommes d'Today' c. 1779 - 1880 by Andre Gill (1840-85), Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

The new song by Theresa, singer of the Alcasar d'Ete. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, September 9, 1866.
The new song by Theresa, singer of the Alcasar d'Ete. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, September 9, 1866.

LSE4318254: The new song by Theresa, singer of the Alcasar d'Ete. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, September 9, 1866., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Adelina (1843-1919) and Carlotta Patti (1835-1889), Italian opera singers. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, November 25, 1866.
Portrait of Adelina (1843-1919) and Carlotta Patti (1835-1889), Italian opera singers. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, November 25, 1866.

LSE4318269: Portrait of Adelina (1843-1919) and Carlotta Patti (1835-1889), Italian opera singers. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, November 25, 1866., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Under the elm, Napoleon III, Emile Ollivier await, these are the main actors of Sedan's defeat. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 29, 1871, Paris.
Under the elm, Napoleon III, Emile Ollivier await, these are the main actors of Sedan's defeat. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 29, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319263: Under the elm, Napoleon III, Emile Ollivier await, these are the main actors of Sedan's defeat. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 29, 1871, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

The monetary crisis and the payment of compensation from the War of 1870 caused a monetary crisis in France. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 19, 1871, Paris.
The monetary crisis and the payment of compensation from the War of 1870 caused a monetary crisis in France. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 19, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319418: The monetary crisis and the payment of compensation from the War of 1870 caused a monetary crisis in France. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 19, 1871, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

A pair of friends, Hippolyte de Villemessant (1812-1879), director of Figaro and Prince Philippe d'Orleans (1838-1894), pretending to the throne of France. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 3, 1871, Paris.
A pair of friends, Hippolyte de Villemessant (1812-1879), director of Figaro and Prince Philippe d'Orleans (1838-1894), pretending to the throne of France. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 3, 1871, Paris.

LSE4319623: A pair of friends, Hippolyte de Villemessant (1812-1879), director of Figaro and Prince Philippe d'Orleans (1838-1894), pretending to the throne of France. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 3, 1871, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

On one side the Institut de France, on the other the Chamber of Deputes, in the middle of the Church. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, January 14, 1872, Paris.
On one side the Institut de France, on the other the Chamber of Deputes, in the middle of the Church. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, January 14, 1872, Paris.

LSE4319927: On one side the Institut de France, on the other the Chamber of Deputes, in the middle of the Church. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, January 14, 1872, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

About Rabagas, evocation of two pieces by Victorian Sardou (1831-1908) on the revolutionary spirit and those who live it with “Rabagas” and “The Carrot King”. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 18, 1872, Paris.
About Rabagas, evocation of two pieces by Victorian Sardou (1831-1908) on the revolutionary spirit and those who live it with “Rabagas” and “The Carrot King”. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 18, 1872, Paris.

LSE4320028: About Rabagas, evocation of two pieces by Victorian Sardou (1831-1908) on the revolutionary spirit and those who live it with “Rabagas” and “The Carrot King”. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 18, 1872, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Romeo and Juliette, Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877) deputed of Paris left the city for Versailles when he became President of the Republic. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 21, 1872, Paris.
Romeo and Juliette, Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877) deputed of Paris left the city for Versailles when he became President of the Republic. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 21, 1872, Paris.

LSE4320043: Romeo and Juliette, Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877) deputed of Paris left the city for Versailles when he became President of the Republic. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 21, 1872, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

In anger, an illustration of a woman making her apron. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 5, 1872, Paris.
In anger, an illustration of a woman making her apron. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 5, 1872, Paris.

LSE4320058: In anger, an illustration of a woman making her apron. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 5, 1872, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Eugene Rouher (1814-1884), and Clement Duvernois (1836-1879), French politicians. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 9, 1872, Paris.
Eugene Rouher (1814-1884), and Clement Duvernois (1836-1879), French politicians. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 9, 1872, Paris.

LSE4320090: Eugene Rouher (1814-1884), and Clement Duvernois (1836-1879), French politicians. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 9, 1872, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

The fusion, an illustration of the constitution of the Assembly, with royalists, bonapartists, and republicans. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, July 14, 1872, Paris.
The fusion, an illustration of the constitution of the Assembly, with royalists, bonapartists, and republicans. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, July 14, 1872, Paris.

LSE4320131: The fusion, an illustration of the constitution of the Assembly, with royalists, bonapartists, and republicans. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, July 14, 1872, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

In hunting, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873), President of the Republic in 1848 and Emperor of France from 1852 to 1871. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, September 15, 1872, Paris.
In hunting, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873), President of the Republic in 1848 and Emperor of France from 1852 to 1871. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, September 15, 1872, Paris.

LSE4320152: In hunting, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873), President of the Republic in 1848 and Emperor of France from 1852 to 1871. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, September 15, 1872, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Auguste Vacquerie (1819-1895), French poet, playwright and journalist. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 3, 1872, Paris.
Auguste Vacquerie (1819-1895), French poet, playwright and journalist. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 3, 1872, Paris.

LSE4320183: Auguste Vacquerie (1819-1895), French poet, playwright and journalist. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 3, 1872, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Alphonse-Auguste Duchesne de Gillevoisin, Marquis de Conegliano, Depute of Besancon. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 27, 1870, Paris.
Alphonse-Auguste Duchesne de Gillevoisin, Marquis de Conegliano, Depute of Besancon. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 27, 1870, Paris.

LSE4320268: Alphonse-Auguste Duchesne de Gillevoisin, Marquis de Conegliano, Depute of Besancon. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 27, 1870, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877), French historian and politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 6, 1870.
Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877), French historian and politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 6, 1870.

LSE4320272: Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877), French historian and politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 6, 1870., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Torment of Tantalus, caricature by Adolphe Thiers (1798-1874), French statesman. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 2, 1873.
The Torment of Tantalus, caricature by Adolphe Thiers (1798-1874), French statesman. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 2, 1873.

LSE4320314: The Torment of Tantalus, caricature by Adolphe Thiers (1798-1874), French statesman. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 2, 1873., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Louis-Joseph Martel (1813-1892), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 1, 1873, Paris.
Louis-Joseph Martel (1813-1892), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 1, 1873, Paris.

LSE4320379: Louis-Joseph Martel (1813-1892), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 1, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon by Louis-Joseph Buffet (Louis Joseph Buffet, 1818-1898), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 15, 1873, Paris.
Cartoon by Louis-Joseph Buffet (Louis Joseph Buffet, 1818-1898), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 15, 1873, Paris.

LSE4320386: Cartoon by Louis-Joseph Buffet (Louis Joseph Buffet, 1818-1898), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 15, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon “” aux champs”. Cover in “” L'Eclipse” by Gill, August 17, 1873, Paris.
Cartoon “” aux champs”. Cover in “” L'Eclipse” by Gill, August 17, 1873, Paris.

LSE4320419: Cartoon “” aux champs”. Cover in “” L'Eclipse” by Gill, August 17, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon by Pierre Tirard (1827-1893), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 12, 1873, Paris.
Cartoon by Pierre Tirard (1827-1893), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 12, 1873, Paris.

LSE4320431: Cartoon by Pierre Tirard (1827-1893), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 12, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon “The Four Winds”, symbolizing the four political parties. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, September 7, 1873, Paris.
Cartoon “The Four Winds”, symbolizing the four political parties. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, September 7, 1873, Paris.

LSE4320434: Cartoon “The Four Winds”, symbolizing the four political parties. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, September 7, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Little ones bite, caricature by William I (1797-1888), King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 5, 1873, Paris.
Little ones bite, caricature by William I (1797-1888), King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 5, 1873, Paris.

LSE4320447: Little ones bite, caricature by William I (1797-1888), King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 5, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon of “The skin of the bear, skin for sale”, with reference to politicians considered to be sellers. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 16, 1873, Paris.
Cartoon of “The skin of the bear, skin for sale”, with reference to politicians considered to be sellers. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 16, 1873, Paris.

LSE4320473: Cartoon of “The skin of the bear, skin for sale”, with reference to politicians considered to be sellers. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 16, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon of “” L'homme-chien””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 7, 1873, Paris.
Cartoon of “” L'homme-chien””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 7, 1873, Paris.

LSE4320487: Cartoon of “” L'homme-chien””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 7, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Francois Polo, founder of “” L'Eclipse””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 22, 1874.
Portrait of Francois Polo, founder of “” L'Eclipse””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 22, 1874.

LSE4320511: Portrait of Francois Polo, founder of “” L'Eclipse””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 22, 1874., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon by Albert Christophle, French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, March 22, 1874, Paris.
Cartoon by Albert Christophle, French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, March 22, 1874, Paris.

LSE4320529: Cartoon by Albert Christophle, French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, March 22, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour (1827-1896), politician, diplomat, and historian of French philosophy. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 5, 1874, Paris.
Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour (1827-1896), politician, diplomat, and historian of French philosophy. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 5, 1874, Paris.

LSE4320534: Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour (1827-1896), politician, diplomat, and historian of French philosophy. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 5, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon of ladies Louise Theo and Anna Judic, singers in a play by Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), composer. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 3, 1874, Paris.
Cartoon of ladies Louise Theo and Anna Judic, singers in a play by Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), composer. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 3, 1874, Paris.

LSE4320545: Cartoon of ladies Louise Theo and Anna Judic, singers in a play by Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880), composer. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 3, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

Cartoon of “Mercury, God of Commerce””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 10, 1874, Paris.
Cartoon of “Mercury, God of Commerce””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 10, 1874, Paris.

LSE4320552: Cartoon of “Mercury, God of Commerce””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 10, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images

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