Cartoon “Gentlemen, when it pleases you...”” Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 2, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
The ducks of the Capitol, caricature of the newspapers “La Patrie”, “Le Constitutionnel”, “Le Pays”, “Le Figaro”, “L'ordre” and “Le Gaulois””. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 23, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon “The Saltimbanks”, “” rip! Don't fight! “”, series about charlatans. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 14, 1873, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon by Charles Lachaud (1817-1882), French lawyer. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, January 11, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon by Jean-Charles Langlois (Jean Charles Langlois, 1789-1870), known as “the colonel”, French soldier and painter. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, March 1, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon by Gabriel de Belcastel (1821-1890), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, March 15, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Caricature of Napoleon Eugene Louis Bonaparte (1856-1879), son of Napoleon III. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, March 29, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon by Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877), French statesman. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 14, 1874, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Joseph d'Haussonville (1809-1884), French politician and diplomat and Alexandre Dumas Jr. (1824-1895), French playwright and novelist. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 25, 1875, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French man of letters and politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, August 29, 1875, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Christian (1821-1889), French singer, in the role of King Vlan in the play “” Le voyage dans la lune” by Jacques Offenbach. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 14, 1875, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Charles Louis de Saulces de Freycinet (1828-1923), French politician and engineer. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 6, 1876, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Alexandre Chatrian (1826-1890) and Emile Erckmann (1822-1899), known as Erckmann-Chatrian, duo of French novelists. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, February 20, 1876, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Aurelien Scholl (1833-1902), French journalist, writer, and comedian. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Henriette Rosine Bernard dit Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), French theatre actress. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Paul Granier de Cassagnac (1842-1902), French political journalist. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Guiseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), Italian politician. Cartoon by Gill, in “Les Homme d'Today”, Paris, 1878., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour (1827-1896), politician, diplomat and historian of French philosophy. Cartoon by Gill, in “Les Homme d'Today”, Paris, 1878., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Timothy Trim, director of "The Little Journal". Cartoon by Gill, in "The Moon”, September 23, 1866., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of journalists of the “Figaro Quotidien””. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, November 18, 1866., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Self-portrait of Louis-Alexandre Gosset de Guines dit Andre Gill (1840-1885), French cartoonist and cartoonist. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, September 15, 1867., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Alfred Darimon (1819-1902), French politician. Cartoon by Gill, in “La Lune”, December 28, 1867., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Miss Adah-Isaacs Menken, singer at the theatre de la Gaite in Paris. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, February 10, 1867., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Camille Schelter, actress in the role of Fanfan Benoiton. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, August 11, 1867., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Emma Valladon dit Theresa (1837-1913), French operette singer. Cartoon by Gill, in “La Lune”, December 15, 1867., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of “” Theodoros, King of Abyssinia”””. Cartoon by Gill, in “La Lune”, 22 December 1867., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Louis Belmontet (1799-1879), French poet and politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, March 15, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Jean-Pons-Guillaume Viennet (1777-1868), French poet, playwright and politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 26, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Mr. X... an illustration of a melon by Gill in reaction to censorship. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, August 9, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Why don't we make crepes? , illustration by Gill in reaction to censorship. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, August 18, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
The Devil has four, political pamphlet redesigned by Mephistopheles (Mephisto) alias Wolff, Villemessant, Duchesne, Lockroy, and his cartoonist Benassit. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 25, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Song on “The Fire Department of Nanterre”. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 13, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
The Reaper, a representation of Death. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 29, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
The poor man, evocation of the director of “The Universe”, nicknamed “the snake.” Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 11, 1869, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images