The Devil has four, political pamphlet redesigned by Mephistopheles (Mephisto) alias Wolff, Villemessant, Duchesne, Lockroy, and his cartoonist Benassit. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, October 25, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Song on “The Fire Department of Nanterre”. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, December 13, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
The Reaper, a representation of Death. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 29, 1868, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
The poor man, evocation of the director of “The Universe”, nicknamed “the snake.” Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, April 11, 1869, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Name Gagne, illustration of a candidate in an election. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, May 9, 1869, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Felix Pyat (1810-1889), French lawyer, man of letters and politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, November 14, 1869, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Ernest Picard (1821-1877), French politician. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, June 11, 1870, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
The eagle and the roosters, according to the fable, the Napoleonic eagle holds France in its beak ready to release it to foxes with a rooster's head. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, July 8, 1870, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
New Peacock, cartoon by William I (1797-1888), winner of the Franco-Prussian War. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, August 21, 1870, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Come on! , Judith-Paris addressed to Holoferne-Guillaume I. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, September 4, 1870, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Jules Michelet (1798-1874), a French historian, was violently against the War of 1870 and the country's redemption. Cover in “” L'Eclipse”” by Gill, September 10, 1871, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Aurelien Scholl (1833-1902), French journalist, writer, and comedian. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Henriette Rosine Bernard dit Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), French theatre actress. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Paul Granier de Cassagnac (1842-1902), French political journalist. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Guiseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), Italian politician. Cartoon by Gill, in “Les Homme d'Today”, Paris, 1878., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour (1827-1896), politician, diplomat and historian of French philosophy. Cartoon by Gill, in “Les Homme d'Today”, Paris, 1878., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Leon Bienvenu dit Touchatout (1835-1911), French journalist and author of “L'Histoire de France Tintamarresque”. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Armand Felix Maris Jobbe-Duval Jobbe Duval (1821-1889), French painter and politician. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Theodore de Banville (1823-1891), a French poet, and one of the leaders of the Parnassian school. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Benjamin Raspail (1823-1899), a French painter and politician, he was at the origin of the law making 14 July the national holiday. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Gustave Rivet (1848-1936), a French ensignant and politician, he was Senator of the Isere from 1903 to 1924. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Claude Anthime Corbon (1808-1891), French Senator. Cartoon by Gill in “The Men of Today”., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Arthur Arnould (1833-1895), a French journalist and politician, he actively participated in the Paris Commune. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Jules Roche (1841-1923), a French politician, he was depute and minister of trade and industry from 1890 to 1892. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Felix Francois Jean Cantagrel (1810-1887), man of letters, municipal councillor and depute of Paris. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Maria Deraismes (1828-1894), a French woman of letters and feminist, she founded with Leon Richer, Louise Michel and Paule Minck the Association pour le droit des femmes in 1869. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Amedee-Victor Meunier (1817-1894), a scientific journalist, he Iuvra in the popularization of science. Cartoon by Gill, Paris., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Timothy Trim, director of "The Little Journal". Cartoon by Gill, in "The Moon”, September 23, 1866., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of journalists of the “Figaro Quotidien””. Cartoon by Gill, in “The Moon”, November 18, 1866., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait-charge of Pierre Jules Hetzel offering Stahl's works (his pseudonym) to toddlers, “” The Men of Today””, n.d. late 19th., Gill, Andre (1840-85) / Bridgeman Images