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2533476 Search Results

The Miracle of the New-born Child, Bas relief, 1447-50 (bronze)
The Miracle of the New-born Child, Bas relief, 1447-50 (bronze)

MES6336770: The Miracle of the New-born Child, Bas relief, 1447-50 (bronze), Donatello, (c.1386-1466) / Bridgeman Images

Loggia del Capitaniato, Vicenza, Italy (photo)
Loggia del Capitaniato, Vicenza, Italy (photo)

MES6336773: Loggia del Capitaniato, Vicenza, Italy (photo), Palladio, Andrea (1508-80) / Bridgeman Images

Leaf beetles, Galeruca species 1, Aulacophora analis 2, Cyclotrypema furcata 3, Donacia vittata 4, flat bark beetle, Cucujus clavipes 5, Pyrrhidium sanguineum 6 and Chlorophorus varius 7
Leaf beetles, Galeruca species 1, Aulacophora analis 2, Cyclotrypema furcata 3, Donacia vittata 4, flat bark beetle, Cucujus clavipes 5, Pyrrhidium sanguineum 6 and Chlorophorus varius 7

FLO6336998: Leaf beetles, Galeruca species 1, Aulacophora analis 2, Cyclotrypema furcata 3, Donacia vittata 4, flat bark beetle, Cucujus clavipes 5, Pyrrhidium sanguineum 6 and Chlorophorus varius 7, Bessa, Pancrace (1772-1846) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Dytiscus bimaculatus 1, scarab 2, cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha 3, Cantharis beetle 4, Carabus sexpunciatus 5 and Omophron limbatum 6
Dytiscus bimaculatus 1, scarab 2, cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha 3, Cantharis beetle 4, Carabus sexpunciatus 5 and Omophron limbatum 6

FLO6337002: Dytiscus bimaculatus 1, scarab 2, cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha 3, Cantharis beetle 4, Carabus sexpunciatus 5 and Omophron limbatum 6, Bessa, Pancrace (1772-1846) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Black henbane, jusquiame noire, Hyoscyamus niger Linn
Black henbane, jusquiame noire, Hyoscyamus niger Linn

FLO6337011: Black henbane, jusquiame noire, Hyoscyamus niger Linn, Dupin, the Younger (b.1753) / Bridgeman Images

Friar's cowl or larus, Arisarum vulgare
Friar's cowl or larus, Arisarum vulgare

FLO6337014: Friar's cowl or larus, Arisarum vulgare, Dupin, the Younger (b.1753) / Bridgeman Images

Different species of spring crocus, Crocus vernus, Linn
Different species of spring crocus, Crocus vernus, Linn

FLO6337016: Different species of spring crocus, Crocus vernus, Linn, Dupin, the Younger (b.1753) / Bridgeman Images

African bowstring hemp, Sansevieria hyacinthoides
African bowstring hemp, Sansevieria hyacinthoides

FLO6337021: African bowstring hemp, Sansevieria hyacinthoides, Dupin, the Younger (b.1753) / Bridgeman Images

Gooseberry, Ribes grossularia
Gooseberry, Ribes grossularia

FLO6337029: Gooseberry, Ribes grossularia, Dupin, the Younger (b.1753) / Bridgeman Images

Elkhorn plant, Rhombophyllum dolabriforme (Hatchet-leaved fig marigold, Mesembryanthemum dolabriforme)
Elkhorn plant, Rhombophyllum dolabriforme (Hatchet-leaved fig marigold, Mesembryanthemum dolabriforme)

FLO6337030: Elkhorn plant, Rhombophyllum dolabriforme (Hatchet-leaved fig marigold, Mesembryanthemum dolabriforme), Dupin, the Younger (b.1753) / Bridgeman Images

Sweet violet or English violet, Viola odorata
Sweet violet or English violet, Viola odorata

FLO6337037: Sweet violet or English violet, Viola odorata, Sepp, Jan Christiaen (1739-1811) / Bridgeman Images

Indian peafowl or peacock, Pavo cristatus
Indian peafowl or peacock, Pavo cristatus

FLO6337039: Indian peafowl or peacock, Pavo cristatus, English School, (18th century) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Quail, Coturnix coturnix
Quail, Coturnix coturnix

FLO6337046: Quail, Coturnix coturnix / Bridgeman Images

Partridge, Perdix perdix
Partridge, Perdix perdix

FLO6337047: Partridge, Perdix perdix / Bridgeman Images

Extinct dodo, Raphus cucullatus (Didus ineptus)
Extinct dodo, Raphus cucullatus (Didus ineptus)

FLO6337049: Extinct dodo, Raphus cucullatus (Didus ineptus), Edwards, George (1694-1773) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Whooping crane, Grus americana
Whooping crane, Grus americana

FLO6337058: Whooping crane, Grus americana, Edwards, George (1694-1773) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola
Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola

FLO6337062: Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola / Bridgeman Images

Red-necked phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus (Coot-footed tringa, Tringa rufra canadensis)
Red-necked phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus (Coot-footed tringa, Tringa rufra canadensis)

FLO6337070: Red-necked phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus (Coot-footed tringa, Tringa rufra canadensis), Edwards, George (1694-1773) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Buff-banded rail, Gallirallus philippensis
Buff-banded rail, Gallirallus philippensis

FLO6337076: Buff-banded rail, Gallirallus philippensis, Latham, John (1740-1837) / Bridgeman Images

Grey-headed swamphen, Porphyrio poliocephalus
Grey-headed swamphen, Porphyrio poliocephalus

FLO6337077: Grey-headed swamphen, Porphyrio poliocephalus, Edwards, George (1694-1773) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Golden rhododendron, Rhodendron aureum magniflorum
Golden rhododendron, Rhodendron aureum magniflorum

FLO6337080: Golden rhododendron, Rhodendron aureum magniflorum, Andrews, James (1807-75) / Bridgeman Images

Tree carnation varieties, Dianthus caryophyllus: Ariadne 1, Beauty 2, Garibaldi 3, Perfection 4, Queen of Whites 5, Queen of Yellows 6
Tree carnation varieties, Dianthus caryophyllus: Ariadne 1, Beauty 2, Garibaldi 3, Perfection 4, Queen of Whites 5, Queen of Yellows 6

FLO6337081: Tree carnation varieties, Dianthus caryophyllus: Ariadne 1, Beauty 2, Garibaldi 3, Perfection 4, Queen of Whites 5, Queen of Yellows 6, Withers, Augusta Innes (fl.1829-65) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Red-necked falcon, Falco chicquera ruficollis
Red-necked falcon, Falco chicquera ruficollis

FLO6337083: Red-necked falcon, Falco chicquera ruficollis, Lizars, William Home (1788-1859) / Bridgeman Images

Sooty falcon, Falco concolor
Sooty falcon, Falco concolor

FLO6337084: Sooty falcon, Falco concolor, Lizars, William Home (1788-1859) / Bridgeman Images

Splendid glossy starling (Senegal), Lamprotornis splendidus chrysonotis (Golden eared grakle, Lamprotornis chrysonotis)
Splendid glossy starling (Senegal), Lamprotornis splendidus chrysonotis (Golden eared grakle, Lamprotornis chrysonotis)

FLO6337087: Splendid glossy starling (Senegal), Lamprotornis splendidus chrysonotis (Golden eared grakle, Lamprotornis chrysonotis), Lizars, William Home (1788-1859) / Bridgeman Images

Olive-naped weaver or round-winged weaver, Ploceus brachypterus
Olive-naped weaver or round-winged weaver, Ploceus brachypterus

FLO6337091: Olive-naped weaver or round-winged weaver, Ploceus brachypterus, Lizars, William Home (1788-1859) / Bridgeman Images

Long-tailed paradise-whydah, Vidua paradisaea
Long-tailed paradise-whydah, Vidua paradisaea

FLO6337092: Long-tailed paradise-whydah, Vidua paradisaea, Lizars, William Home (1788-1859) / Bridgeman Images

Red-cheeked cordon-bleu, Uraeginthus bengalus
Red-cheeked cordon-bleu, Uraeginthus bengalus

FLO6337095: Red-cheeked cordon-bleu, Uraeginthus bengalus, Lizars, William Home (1788-1859) / Bridgeman Images

Coat of arms of the Right Honourable George Nevile, 1st Lord Abergaveny, 1727-1785
Coat of arms of the Right Honourable George Nevile, 1st Lord Abergaveny, 1727-1785

FLO6337532: Coat of arms of the Right Honourable George Nevile, 1st Lord Abergaveny, 1727-1785, Johnston, Andrew (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Tape grass or eel grass, Vallisneria spiralis
Tape grass or eel grass, Vallisneria spiralis

FLO6337535: Tape grass or eel grass, Vallisneria spiralis, Stanghi (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Greater argonaut octopus, Argonauta argo
Greater argonaut octopus, Argonauta argo

FLO6337545: Greater argonaut octopus, Argonauta argo, Corsi (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Coat of arms of the Right Honourable Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Effingham, Lord Howard of Effingham, 1714-1763
Coat of arms of the Right Honourable Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Effingham, Lord Howard of Effingham, 1714-1763

FLO6337552: Coat of arms of the Right Honourable Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Effingham, Lord Howard of Effingham, 1714-1763, Johnston, Andrew (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Spananthe paniculata Hydrocotyle spananthe, Idrocotile spanante
Spananthe paniculata Hydrocotyle spananthe, Idrocotile spanante

FLO6337562: Spananthe paniculata Hydrocotyle spananthe, Idrocotile spanante, Stanghi (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Coat of arms of the Right Honourable Robert Petre, Lord Petre, 8th Baron Petre, 1713-1742
Coat of arms of the Right Honourable Robert Petre, Lord Petre, 8th Baron Petre, 1713-1742

FLO6337564: Coat of arms of the Right Honourable Robert Petre, Lord Petre, 8th Baron Petre, 1713-1742, Johnston, Andrew (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

Yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia
Yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia

FLO6337565: Yellow alder, Turnera ulmifolia, Stanghi (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Brittle star echinoderm, Ophiomastix annulosa, Ophiura annulosa
Brittle star echinoderm, Ophiomastix annulosa, Ophiura annulosa

FLO6337570: Brittle star echinoderm, Ophiomastix annulosa, Ophiura annulosa, Finocchi (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

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