Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) Assets (642 in total)

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Group of People at the Market, Gisors; Groupe de personnages au marche, Gisors, c.1891 (watercolour, pen and ink over pencil on paper)
Group of People at the Market, Gisors; Groupe de personnages au marche, Gisors, c.1891 (watercolour, pen and ink over pencil on paper)

CH1768300: Group of People at the Market, Gisors; Groupe de personnages au marche, Gisors, c.1891 (watercolour, pen and ink over pencil on paper), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Haystack, Eragny Evening; La Meule de Foin, Soir Eragny, 1889 (watercolour on paper)
Haystack, Eragny Evening; La Meule de Foin, Soir Eragny, 1889 (watercolour on paper)

CH1766391: Haystack, Eragny Evening; La Meule de Foin, Soir Eragny, 1889 (watercolour on paper), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Road, Effect of Winter; La Route, Effet d'Hiver, 1872 (oil on canvas)
The Road, Effect of Winter; La Route, Effet d'Hiver, 1872 (oil on canvas)

CH1766618: The Road, Effect of Winter; La Route, Effet d'Hiver, 1872 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Vegetable garden and trees in bloom in spring in Pontoise (plum trees in bloom) Detail, 1877 (oil on canvas)
Vegetable garden and trees in bloom in spring in Pontoise (plum trees in bloom) Detail, 1877 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4612148: Vegetable garden and trees in bloom in spring in Pontoise (plum trees in bloom) Detail, 1877 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Woman in an orchard, autumn matinee, garden of Eragny, 1897 (oil on canvas)
Woman in an orchard, autumn matinee, garden of Eragny, 1897 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4595381: Woman in an orchard, autumn matinee, garden of Eragny, 1897 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Le jardin de Maubuisson, vu vers la côte Saint-Denis, Pontoise, 1876 (oil on canvas)
Le jardin de Maubuisson, vu vers la côte Saint-Denis, Pontoise, 1876 (oil on canvas)

CH5648352: Le jardin de Maubuisson, vu vers la côte Saint-Denis, Pontoise, 1876 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Landscape in Pontoise, Val d'Oise (oil on canvas)
Landscape in Pontoise, Val d'Oise (oil on canvas)

JLJ4638837: Landscape in Pontoise, Val d'Oise (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Port Marly (Port-Marly), the washing-house View of a washing-house on the Seine, 1872 (oil on canvas)
Port Marly (Port-Marly), the washing-house View of a washing-house on the Seine, 1872 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4653461: Port Marly (Port-Marly), the washing-house View of a washing-house on the Seine, 1872 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Church at Eragny, 1884 (oil on canvas)
The Church at Eragny, 1884 (oil on canvas)

XWM206590: The Church at Eragny, 1884 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

A Field with a Walnut Tree in Spring, 1892 (oil on canvas)
A Field with a Walnut Tree in Spring, 1892 (oil on canvas)

XKH159453: A Field with a Walnut Tree in Spring, 1892 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Cabbage Field, c.1880 (pencil & w/c on paper)
The Cabbage Field, c.1880 (pencil & w/c on paper)

NUM116436: The Cabbage Field, c.1880 (pencil & w/c on paper), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Nude with Swans, c.1895 (lithograph) (study for 258996)
Nude with Swans, c.1895 (lithograph) (study for 258996)

FJJ259307: Nude with Swans, c.1895 (lithograph) (study for 258996), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Portal of the Church of St. Jacques, Dieppe, 1901
Portal of the Church of St. Jacques, Dieppe, 1901

PHD30239: Portal of the Church of St. Jacques, Dieppe, 1901, Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

La fenaison, Eragny (France) (The haymaking, Eragny), 1887 (oil on canvas)
La fenaison, Eragny (France) (The haymaking, Eragny), 1887 (oil on canvas)

FIA5330563: La fenaison, Eragny (France) (The haymaking, Eragny), 1887 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Conversation, c.1881 (oil on canvas)
Conversation, c.1881 (oil on canvas)

FIA5388564: Conversation, c.1881 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Servant Girl Marketing, 1888 (etching & drypoint on paper)
The Servant Girl Marketing, 1888 (etching & drypoint on paper)

XCK877210: The Servant Girl Marketing, 1888 (etching & drypoint on paper), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Peasant Woman Digging, 1890 (etching)
Peasant Woman Digging, 1890 (etching)

PHL2641432: Peasant Woman Digging, 1890 (etching), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Farm Women Planting, 1895 (colour etching & aquatint)
Farm Women Planting, 1895 (colour etching & aquatint)

PHL2638281: Farm Women Planting, 1895 (colour etching & aquatint), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Apple Trees in Eragny, Sunny Morning, 1903 (oil on canvas)
Apple Trees in Eragny, Sunny Morning, 1903 (oil on canvas)

XOS3959994: Apple Trees in Eragny, Sunny Morning, 1903 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Snowy Landscape near l'Hermitage, 1875 (oil on canvas)
Snowy Landscape near l'Hermitage, 1875 (oil on canvas)

XOS3959996: Snowy Landscape near l'Hermitage, 1875 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Spring, plum blossoms in Pontoise - oil on canvas, 1877
Spring, plum blossoms in Pontoise - oil on canvas, 1877

LRI4573904: Spring, plum blossoms in Pontoise - oil on canvas, 1877, Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Avenue de l'Opera, sun, winter morning (oil on canvas, 1898)
Avenue de l'Opera, sun, winter morning (oil on canvas, 1898)

LRI4610067: Avenue de l'Opera, sun, winter morning (oil on canvas, 1898), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Houses at Bougival, 1870 (oil on canvas)
Houses at Bougival, 1870 (oil on canvas)

XOS3077037: Houses at Bougival, 1870 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Steamboats in the Port of Rouen, 1896 (oil on canvas)
Steamboats in the Port of Rouen, 1896 (oil on canvas)

XOS3471280: Steamboats in the Port of Rouen, 1896 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon, 1899 (oil on canvas)
The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon, 1899 (oil on canvas)

XOS3471283: The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon, 1899 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Peasants in the Field, Eragny, 1890 (oil on canvas)
Peasants in the Field, Eragny, 1890 (oil on canvas)

NUM110589: Peasants in the Field, Eragny, 1890 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Rustic scene
Rustic scene

PWI82349: Rustic scene, Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Farmyard, 1877 (oil on canvas)
The Farmyard, 1877 (oil on canvas)

NUM116441: The Farmyard, 1877 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Le Ragas, near Toulon, c.1930 (oil on canvas)
Le Ragas, near Toulon, c.1930 (oil on canvas)

FIT282949: Le Ragas, near Toulon, c.1930 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Four peasant women resting, c.1885 (charcoal on blue laid paper)
Four peasant women resting, c.1885 (charcoal on blue laid paper)

IMJ328874: Four peasant women resting, c.1885 (charcoal on blue laid paper), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

A Pond in Ennery, 1874 (oil on canvas)
A Pond in Ennery, 1874 (oil on canvas)

XOS3247756: A Pond in Ennery, 1874 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Artist's Son Georges, detail, c.1880 (w/c & graphite on heavy wove paper)
The Artist's Son Georges, detail, c.1880 (w/c & graphite on heavy wove paper)

XMV2962754: The Artist's Son Georges, detail, c.1880 (w/c & graphite on heavy wove paper), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Artist's Son Georges, c.1880 (w/c & graphite on heavy wove paper)
The Artist's Son Georges, c.1880 (w/c & graphite on heavy wove paper)

XMV2962755: The Artist's Son Georges, c.1880 (w/c & graphite on heavy wove paper), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Cutting of the Hedge, 1878 (oil on canvas)
The Cutting of the Hedge, 1878 (oil on canvas)

MEB854370: The Cutting of the Hedge, 1878 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

The Washerwoman; La Laveuse, c.1898 (oil on canvas laid down on board)
The Washerwoman; La Laveuse, c.1898 (oil on canvas laid down on board)

CH824564: The Washerwoman; La Laveuse, c.1898 (oil on canvas laid down on board), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

June, Rainy Weather, Eragny; Juin, temps pluvieux, Eragny, 1898 (oil on canvas)
June, Rainy Weather, Eragny; Juin, temps pluvieux, Eragny, 1898 (oil on canvas)

CH1767823: June, Rainy Weather, Eragny; Juin, temps pluvieux, Eragny, 1898 (oil on canvas), Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903) / Bridgeman Images

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