Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) Assets (395 in total)

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Ogiya Uchi Hanaogi, the Courtesan Hanao of Ogi-Ya. [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 38.7 X 25.9 ., Print Shows Hanao of Ogi-Ya, Full-Length Portrait, Standing, Facing Left, with Attendant.
Ogiya Uchi Hanaogi, the Courtesan Hanao of Ogi-Ya. [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 38.7 X 25.9 ., Print Shows Hanao of Ogi-Ya, Full-Length Portrait, Standing, Facing Left, with Attendant.

LZT1111848: Ogiya Uchi Hanaogi, the Courtesan Hanao of Ogi-Ya. [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 38.7 X 25.9 ., Print Shows Hanao of Ogi-Ya, Full-Length Portrait, Standing, Facing Left, with Attendant., Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Sanada Yoichi Yoshitada, dressed for the hunt with a bow in hand (colour woodblock print)
Sanada Yoichi Yoshitada, dressed for the hunt with a bow in hand (colour woodblock print)

XOT361876: Sanada Yoichi Yoshitada, dressed for the hunt with a bow in hand (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

The Courtesan Hanao of Ogi-ya by Kuniyoshi, 1830-44 (colour woodblock print)
The Courtesan Hanao of Ogi-ya by Kuniyoshi, 1830-44 (colour woodblock print)

GRC2630230: The Courtesan Hanao of Ogi-ya by Kuniyoshi, 1830-44 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: Oda Nobunaga on a piebald horse watching repairs on his castle by Naka-ura Sarukichiro. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1847-1852
Japan: Oda Nobunaga on a piebald horse watching repairs on his castle by Naka-ura Sarukichiro. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1847-1852

PFH1189093: Japan: Oda Nobunaga on a piebald horse watching repairs on his castle by Naka-ura Sarukichiro. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1847-1852, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Asahina Saburo and the crocodiles, pub. 1849 (colour woodblock print)
Asahina Saburo and the crocodiles, pub. 1849 (colour woodblock print)

PHD42532: Asahina Saburo and the crocodiles, pub. 1849 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Brazier (Kotatsu) from the series '108 Designs of Customs of Women Likened to the Suikoden', c.1918-30 (woodblock print)
Brazier (Kotatsu) from the series '108 Designs of Customs of Women Likened to the Suikoden', c.1918-30 (woodblock print)

FIT111480: Brazier (Kotatsu) from the series '108 Designs of Customs of Women Likened to the Suikoden', c.1918-30 (woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Kuwana: the Story of the Sailor Tokuzo, 1845-46 (Koka 2-3) (colour woodblock print)
Kuwana: the Story of the Sailor Tokuzo, 1845-46 (Koka 2-3) (colour woodblock print)

HST2908385: Kuwana: the Story of the Sailor Tokuzo, 1845-46 (Koka 2-3) (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Ronin, from 'Seichin Gushi Shozo' (woodblock print) (b/w print)
Portrait of a Ronin, from 'Seichin Gushi Shozo' (woodblock print) (b/w print)

XIR158690: Portrait of a Ronin, from 'Seichin Gushi Shozo' (woodblock print) (b/w print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

The mortally wounded Taira Tomomori with a huge anchor (print)
The mortally wounded Taira Tomomori with a huge anchor (print)

PFH1188881: The mortally wounded Taira Tomomori with a huge anchor (print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Biographies of Loyal Samurai: Nakamura Kansuke Tadatoki, Edo period, 1847-48 (colour woodblock print)
Biographies of Loyal Samurai: Nakamura Kansuke Tadatoki, Edo period, 1847-48 (colour woodblock print)

FSG349081: Biographies of Loyal Samurai: Nakamura Kansuke Tadatoki, Edo period, 1847-48 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

The Earth Spider making magic in the palace of Raiko (woodblock print)
The Earth Spider making magic in the palace of Raiko (woodblock print)

XTD75427: The Earth Spider making magic in the palace of Raiko (woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Hatsuhana in prayer under the Gongen waterfall at Hakone, illustration from the series 'Stories of wise women and faithful wives', Edo Period, c.1841 (colour woodcut on paper)
Hatsuhana in prayer under the Gongen waterfall at Hakone, illustration from the series 'Stories of wise women and faithful wives', Edo Period, c.1841 (colour woodcut on paper)

ADL362106: Hatsuhana in prayer under the Gongen waterfall at Hakone, illustration from the series 'Stories of wise women and faithful wives', Edo Period, c.1841 (colour woodcut on paper), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Mount Fuji from the Sumida River embankment, one of the views from Edo, c.1842
Mount Fuji from the Sumida River embankment, one of the views from Edo, c.1842

BAL1444: Mount Fuji from the Sumida River embankment, one of the views from Edo, c.1842, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Miyamoto Musashi, c.1843 (colour woodblock print)
Miyamoto Musashi, c.1843 (colour woodblock print)

BST443773: Miyamoto Musashi, c.1843 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Token Gombei, his face reflected in a mirror and wearing a robe decorated with scenes of hell, from the series Kuniyoshi moyo shofuda tsuketari genkin ototo [Typical Types of Manly Fellows in Kuniyoshi's Style], signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga, published by Ibaya Kyubei (colour woodblock print)
Token Gombei, his face reflected in a mirror and wearing a robe decorated with scenes of hell, from the series Kuniyoshi moyo shofuda tsuketari genkin ototo [Typical Types of Manly Fellows in Kuniyoshi's Style], signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga, published by Ibaya Kyubei (colour woodblock print)

CH6295665: Token Gombei, his face reflected in a mirror and wearing a robe decorated with scenes of hell, from the series Kuniyoshi moyo shofuda tsuketari genkin ototo [Typical Types of Manly Fellows in Kuniyoshi's Style], signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga, published by Ibaya Kyubei (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Sun Erniang (Boyasha Sonjiro), one of the '108 Heroes of the Water Margin', 1827-30 (print)
Sun Erniang (Boyasha Sonjiro), one of the '108 Heroes of the Water Margin', 1827-30 (print)

PFH1182687: Sun Erniang (Boyasha Sonjiro), one of the '108 Heroes of the Water Margin', 1827-30 (print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Kinki-Myo-Myo (Very, Very Droll) (woodblock print)
Kinki-Myo-Myo (Very, Very Droll) (woodblock print)

XIR151850: Kinki-Myo-Myo (Very, Very Droll) (woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Yoko and the tiger, from 'Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety' ('Nijushi ko doji Kagami'), pub. c.1840 (colour woodblock print)
Yoko and the tiger, from 'Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety' ('Nijushi ko doji Kagami'), pub. c.1840 (colour woodblock print)

BCC17743: Yoko and the tiger, from 'Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety' ('Nijushi ko doji Kagami'), pub. c.1840 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: Horikoshi Masatomo tormented on his sickbed by ghosts at Hosokute Station on the Kisokaido (Nakasendo). Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1852
Japan: Horikoshi Masatomo tormented on his sickbed by ghosts at Hosokute Station on the Kisokaido (Nakasendo). Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1852

PFH2562509: Japan: Horikoshi Masatomo tormented on his sickbed by ghosts at Hosokute Station on the Kisokaido (Nakasendo). Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1852, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Shower on the Banks of the Sumida River at Ommaya Embankment in Edo, c.1834 (woodblock print)
Shower on the Banks of the Sumida River at Ommaya Embankment in Edo, c.1834 (woodblock print)

FIT111464: Shower on the Banks of the Sumida River at Ommaya Embankment in Edo, c.1834 (woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: The suicide of samurai general Morozumi Masakiyo (Morozumi Torasada, c.1480-1561). Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1848-1849
Japan: The suicide of samurai general Morozumi Masakiyo (Morozumi Torasada, c.1480-1561). Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1848-1849

PFH1189288: Japan: The suicide of samurai general Morozumi Masakiyo (Morozumi Torasada, c.1480-1561). Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1848-1849, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each: Sutokuin, Edo period, c.1840-42 (colour woodblock print)
One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each: Sutokuin, Edo period, c.1840-42 (colour woodblock print)

FSG349069: One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each: Sutokuin, Edo period, c.1840-42 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Rori Hakucho Chojun, Lang Libai and Fei Zhangfan. [Between 1826 and 1830], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 36.3 X 24.8 ., Print Shows a Warrior with a Sword in His Mouth, Climbing Netting above Water, Through a Hail of Arrows.
Rori Hakucho Chojun, Lang Libai and Fei Zhangfan. [Between 1826 and 1830], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 36.3 X 24.8 ., Print Shows a Warrior with a Sword in His Mouth, Climbing Netting above Water, Through a Hail of Arrows.

LZT1112664: Rori Hakucho Chojun, Lang Libai and Fei Zhangfan. [Between 1826 and 1830], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 36.3 X 24.8 ., Print Shows a Warrior with a Sword in His Mouth, Climbing Netting above Water, Through a Hail of Arrows., Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

In the Waves at Kakuda enroute to Sado Island, Edo period, c.1835 (colour woodblock print)
In the Waves at Kakuda enroute to Sado Island, Edo period, c.1835 (colour woodblock print)

FSG349062: In the Waves at Kakuda enroute to Sado Island, Edo period, c.1835 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Tametomo's Shipwreck, pub. c.1836, (colour woodblock print)
Tametomo's Shipwreck, pub. c.1836, (colour woodblock print)

PHD42540: Tametomo's Shipwreck, pub. c.1836, (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

The Ashikaga fleet sailing into attack Nitta, c.1840, (colour woodblock print)
The Ashikaga fleet sailing into attack Nitta, c.1840, (colour woodblock print)

PHD42526: The Ashikaga fleet sailing into attack Nitta, c.1840, (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

A Snowstorm at Kinryozan Temple (colour woodblock print)
A Snowstorm at Kinryozan Temple (colour woodblock print)

CFA12828: A Snowstorm at Kinryozan Temple (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: The samurai Daito Kansho holding a long naginata (glaive or polearm weapon) with both hands. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1856
Japan: The samurai Daito Kansho holding a long naginata (glaive or polearm weapon) with both hands. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1856

PFH1188937: Japan: The samurai Daito Kansho holding a long naginata (glaive or polearm weapon) with both hands. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1856, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Kisibe No Matsu, Pine Tree on the Shore. [Between 1820 and 1860, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 19.5 X 9.3 ., Print Shows a Pine Tree Leaning on Supports Over Body of Water, with Birds Flying About, and a View of Mount Fuji.
Kisibe No Matsu, Pine Tree on the Shore. [Between 1820 and 1860, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 19.5 X 9.3 ., Print Shows a Pine Tree Leaning on Supports Over Body of Water, with Birds Flying About, and a View of Mount Fuji.

LZT1112026: Kisibe No Matsu, Pine Tree on the Shore. [Between 1820 and 1860, Printed Later], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 19.5 X 9.3 ., Print Shows a Pine Tree Leaning on Supports Over Body of Water, with Birds Flying About, and a View of Mount Fuji., Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Moral teaching for shopboys, giving good and bad examples of behaviour, 1857 (colour woodblock print)
Moral teaching for shopboys, giving good and bad examples of behaviour, 1857 (colour woodblock print)

UOL120853: Moral teaching for shopboys, giving good and bad examples of behaviour, 1857 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Kiyomori Arresting the Sunset by Incantations
Kiyomori Arresting the Sunset by Incantations

PHD42525: Kiyomori Arresting the Sunset by Incantations, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: In Daimotsu Bay, Minamoto Yoshitsune encounters a severe storm made worse by sea demons. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1853
Japan: In Daimotsu Bay, Minamoto Yoshitsune encounters a severe storm made worse by sea demons. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1853

PFH2562510: Japan: In Daimotsu Bay, Minamoto Yoshitsune encounters a severe storm made worse by sea demons. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1853, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Japan: Benkei Fighting the Ghost of Taira Tomomori. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1818
Japan: Benkei Fighting the Ghost of Taira Tomomori. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1818

PFH2562527: Japan: Benkei Fighting the Ghost of Taira Tomomori. Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), 1818, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

The Actor Miyamoto Musashi by Kuniyoshi, 1852 (woodblock print)
The Actor Miyamoto Musashi by Kuniyoshi, 1852 (woodblock print)

GRC3036399: The Actor Miyamoto Musashi by Kuniyoshi, 1852 (woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

Moral teaching for shopboys, giving good and bad examples of behaviour, 1857 (colour woodblock print)
Moral teaching for shopboys, giving good and bad examples of behaviour, 1857 (colour woodblock print)

UOL120846: Moral teaching for shopboys, giving good and bad examples of behaviour, 1857 (colour woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

The Official Move to the Rebuilt Ise Shrine (Ise Daijingū sengyo no zu) Edo period, 1849 (woodblock print)
The Official Move to the Rebuilt Ise Shrine (Ise Daijingū sengyo no zu) Edo period, 1849 (woodblock print)

BST1262498: The Official Move to the Rebuilt Ise Shrine (Ise Daijingū sengyo no zu) Edo period, 1849 (woodblock print), Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1798-1861) / Bridgeman Images

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