JEB4948413: Italy Tuscany Siena, Cathedrale Duomo: The Piccolomini Library - The meeting of Frederic III (Frederic V of Habsburg, 1415-1493) and Eleonore of Aragon (Alienor of Portugal, 1434-1467) at the gate Camollia (Siena, Italy) - fresco by Pinturricchio (Bernardino di Betto) (1454-1513), Pinturicchio, Bernardino di Betto (c.1452-1513) / Bridgeman Images
GRL6435878: The Piccolomini Library, the ceiling: “The Rape of Proserpina”, fresco by Bernardino di Betto, known as Pinturicchio. In the panel Pluto rushes away in his chariot, Proserpine thrashes around in his arms and one of the goddess’ companions threatens Pluto with a stick., Pinturicchio, Bernardino di Betto (c.1452-1513) / Bridgeman Images
GRL6435394: The Piccolomini Library, north east wall: “Aeneas Sylvius journeys to the Council of Basel, winter 1432”, the first one of the ten stories about Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, future Pope Pius II, (1503 - 1508), fresco by Bernardino di Betto, known as Pinturicchio., Pinturicchio, Bernardino di Betto (c.1452-1513) / Bridgeman Images
LRI4720112: The Coronation of the Virgin “” The Four Evangelists”” “The Sibyls”” and “” the Doctors of the Church””” Vault of the choir made by Pinturicchio (Bernardino di Betto) (1454-1513) - 1508-1510 Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo (Church of Santa Maria del Popolo), Rome, Pinturicchio, Bernardino di Betto (c.1452-1513) / Bridgeman Images
GRL6435876: The Piccolomini Library: the ceiling, which is divided in 21 compartments surrounded by trompe l’ceil stucco borders and separated by a golden frieze, is due to Bernardino di Betto, known as Pinturicchio, and his workshop., Pinturicchio, Bernardino di Betto (c.1452-1513) / Bridgeman Images