Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) Assets (1242 in total)

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Plate 436. Making Up a Bed, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 436. Making Up a Bed, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950259: Plate 436. Making Up a Bed, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 444. Two Models Shaking Hands and Kissing Each Other, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 444. Two Models Shaking Hands and Kissing Each Other, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950265: Plate 444. Two Models Shaking Hands and Kissing Each Other, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 450. Two Models, 8 Brings Cup of Tea, 1 Takes Cup & Drinks, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 450. Two Models, 8 Brings Cup of Tea, 1 Takes Cup & Drinks, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950271: Plate 450. Two Models, 8 Brings Cup of Tea, 1 Takes Cup & Drinks, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 493. Miscellaneous Phases of the Toilet, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 493. Miscellaneous Phases of the Toilet, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950277: Plate 493. Miscellaneous Phases of the Toilet, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 499. Raking and Packing Hay, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 499. Raking and Packing Hay, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950279: Plate 499. Raking and Packing Hay, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 9. Walking, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 9. Walking, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950290: Plate 9. Walking, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 60. Running at a Half-Mile Gait (Shoes), 1872-1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 60. Running at a Half-Mile Gait (Shoes), 1872-1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950294: Plate 60. Running at a Half-Mile Gait (Shoes), 1872-1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 153. Jumping; Running Straight High Jump (Shoes), 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 153. Jumping; Running Straight High Jump (Shoes), 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950297: Plate 153. Jumping; Running Straight High Jump (Shoes), 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 358. Lying on Back and Firing, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 358. Lying on Back and Firing, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950336: Plate 358. Lying on Back and Firing, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 371. Acrobat, Vertical Press Up, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 371. Acrobat, Vertical Press Up, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950343: Plate 371. Acrobat, Vertical Press Up, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 374. Blacksmiths, Two Models, Hammering on Anvil, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 374. Blacksmiths, Two Models, Hammering on Anvil, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950346: Plate 374. Blacksmiths, Two Models, Hammering on Anvil, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 511. Contortions on the Ground, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)
Plate 511. Contortions on the Ground, 1872-85 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950357: Plate 511. Contortions on the Ground, 1872-85 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 170. From Stone to Stone Across A Brook, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 170. From Stone to Stone Across A Brook, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950374: Plate 170. From Stone to Stone Across A Brook, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 179. Stepping On and Over a Rock, A Basket on Head, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 179. Stepping On and Over a Rock, A Basket on Head, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950378: Plate 179. Stepping On and Over a Rock, A Basket on Head, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 185. Hopping On Left Foot, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 185. Hopping On Left Foot, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950380: Plate 185. Hopping On Left Foot, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 192. Dancing (fancy), 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 192. Dancing (fancy), 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950386: Plate 192. Dancing (fancy), 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 476.Child, Sitting Down on the Ground, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 476.Child, Sitting Down on the Ground, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950424: Plate 476.Child, Sitting Down on the Ground, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 477. Child, Stooping, Lifting a Goblet, and Drinking, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 477. Child, Stooping, Lifting a Goblet, and Drinking, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950425: Plate 477. Child, Stooping, Lifting a Goblet, and Drinking, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 480. Child, Walking and Crawling Upstairs, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 480. Child, Walking and Crawling Upstairs, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950428: Plate 480. Child, Walking and Crawling Upstairs, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 503. Miscellaneous - Stooping, etc, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 503. Miscellaneous - Stooping, etc, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950435: Plate 503. Miscellaneous - Stooping, etc, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 44. Walking Taking Off Hat, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 44. Walking Taking Off Hat, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950441: Plate 44. Walking Taking Off Hat, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 49. Walking and Turning Around Rapidly, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 49. Walking and Turning Around Rapidly, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950444: Plate 49. Walking and Turning Around Rapidly, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 135.Descending Stairs and Turning Lamp in Right Hand, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 135.Descending Stairs and Turning Lamp in Right Hand, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950451: Plate 135.Descending Stairs and Turning Lamp in Right Hand, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 139. Descending Stairs Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 139. Descending Stairs Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950452: Plate 139. Descending Stairs Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 142. Descending Stairs, Turning Dress Caught, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 142. Descending Stairs, Turning Dress Caught, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950455: Plate 142. Descending Stairs, Turning Dress Caught, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 198. Courtseying, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 198. Courtseying, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950461: Plate 198. Courtseying, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 210. Stooping and Lifting A Dress; Fan in Left Hand, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 210. Stooping and Lifting A Dress; Fan in Left Hand, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950467: Plate 210. Stooping and Lifting A Dress; Fan in Left Hand, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 231. Stooping to Arrange Train and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 231. Stooping to Arrange Train and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950472: Plate 231. Stooping to Arrange Train and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 234. Lifting and Emptying Basin of Water and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 234. Lifting and Emptying Basin of Water and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950473: Plate 234. Lifting and Emptying Basin of Water and Turning, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 243.Placing Chair, Sitting and Flirting a Fan, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 243.Placing Chair, Sitting and Flirting a Fan, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950476: Plate 243.Placing Chair, Sitting and Flirting a Fan, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 296. Lawn Tennis, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 296. Lawn Tennis, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950479: Plate 296. Lawn Tennis, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 404. Emptying Bucket of Water, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 404. Emptying Bucket of Water, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950485: Plate 404. Emptying Bucket of Water, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 422.Toilet; Putting on Shoes and Rising from Chair, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 422.Toilet; Putting on Shoes and Rising from Chair, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950486: Plate 422.Toilet; Putting on Shoes and Rising from Chair, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 437. Setting Down Bucket and Preparing to Sweep, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 437. Setting Down Bucket and Preparing to Sweep, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950488: Plate 437. Setting Down Bucket and Preparing to Sweep, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 438. Setting Down Bucket and Preparing to Scrub, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 438. Setting Down Bucket and Preparing to Scrub, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950489: Plate 438. Setting Down Bucket and Preparing to Scrub, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

Plate 457.Stepping on Chair, and Reaching Up, 1885 (collotype on paper)
Plate 457.Stepping on Chair, and Reaching Up, 1885 (collotype on paper)

PLL3950493: Plate 457.Stepping on Chair, and Reaching Up, 1885 (collotype on paper), Muybridge, Eadweard (1830-1904) / Bridgeman Images

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