Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) Assets (705 in total)
Portrait of Sebastiano Vernier (d.1578) Commander-in-Chief of the Venetian forces in the war against the Ottoman Empire with the battle of Lepanto in the background, c.1571 (oil on canvas), Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) / Bridgeman Images
Jacopo Sansovino (1486-1570), originally Tatti, sculptor and State architect in Venice, Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) / Bridgeman Images
Upper Hall and Treasury, by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1576, 16th century., Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) / Bridgeman Images
Christ Washing the Feet of the Disciples, detail of the right hand side, c.1547 (oil on canvas), Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) / Bridgeman Images
Sebastiano Venier (1496-1578), with the Battle of Lepanto in Background, 1571 (oil on canvas), Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) / Bridgeman Images
Saint Roch Curing the Plague Victims (San Rocco risana gli appestati), by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1549, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 307 x 463 cm, Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) / Bridgeman Images
St. Roch in Glory (San Rocco in gloria), by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1567, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 240 x 360 cm oval, Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti (1518-94) / Bridgeman Images