ELD4954852: Representation of the famous Italian noble woman Beatrice Cenci (1577-1599) posant for the Italian painter Guido Reni (1575-1642) (Portrait of Beatrice Cenci young Roman noblewoman who murdered her father, Count Francesco Cenci, with italian painter Guido Reni) Engraving from “” I misteri del vaticano” by Franco Mistrali 1866, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4956305: Zizim (Cem) (1459-1495) brother of Sultan Bayezid II (Bajazet) in captivite France meets King Charles VIII (1470-1498) (King of France Charles VIII meets Sultan Cem, brother of Bayezid and a pretender to the Ottoman throne) Drawing from “Misteri del Vaticano” by Franco Mistrali Collection, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4957699: Roman antiquite: the death of Emperor Julian the Apostate (Julian the Philosopher or Julian II) at the Battle of Ctesiphon against the Sassanid Armees in 363 AD” (Death of Roman emperor Julian the Apostate (Julian the Philosopher) during the battle of Samarra against sassanid empire, 363 AD) drawing from “” I misteri del vaticano”” by Franco Mistrali 1843, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4956769: The young Jerome Savonarole (Girolamo Savonarola) (1452-1498) knocking at the door of the Dominican convent of Santo Domenico in Bologna in 1475 (Girolamo Savonarola as a young man knocked on the door of the Convent of San Domenico, of the Order of Friars Preacher, in Bologna, on 25 April 1475) Drawing from “Misteri del Vaticano”” by Franco Mistrali Collection private, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4957460: Refugies hunted by the huns of Attila install the foundations of the city of Venice, 5th century (Foundation of Venice by the refugees hunted away by the barbarian of Attila, 5th century) Drawing from “I misteri del vaticano” by Franco Mistrali 1846, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4956775: Portrait of Pope Jules II (Giuliano della Rovere) (1443-1513), nicknamed the iron pope or the terrible pope (Julius II (1443-1513), nicknamed “” The Fearsome Pope”” and “” The Warrior Pope””, Pope from 1503 to 1513) Drawing from “Misteri del Vaticano” by Franco Mistrali, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4954820: Fourth Venice-Ottoman War: the Church calling to beat Muslims on the eve of the Battle of Lepante naval battle which aroused on 7 October 1571 in the Gulf of Patras, Greece (Christian coalition the day before the battle of Lepanto during the OttomanðVenetian War (1570Ð1573)) Engraving from “” I misteri del vaticano” di Franco Mistrali 1866, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4957556: The meeting between king of Franks Pepin the Brief (715-768) and Pope Stephen (Stephanus) II (752-757) on 6/01/754 at Ponthion near Vitry-le-Francois (Marne) which will lead to the donation of Pepin (or deals with Quierzy) creating the pontifical states (The meeting between king of Franks Pepin the short and pope on Stephen II in Ponthion) the 6th january 754 which will soon result the donation of Pepin creating the papal states) drawing drawn from “I misteri del vaticano” by Franco Mistrali 1843, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4957749: Meeting of Attila and Pope Saint Leon I the Great (440-461): the barbarian Attila, leader of the people of the Huns, meets Pope Saint Leon the Great who managed to convince him to spare Italy in 452 AD (Invasion of the Huns in Northern Italy, 452 and advance on Rome, Pope Leo I persuaded Attila to retreat) drawing from “” I mist teri del vaticano”” by Franco Mistrali 1843, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images