ELD4956136: Catherine de Medici, 1519-1589, and her astrologer Nostradamus, 1503-1566 - Portrait of Nostradamus, Michel de Notre Dame (1503-1566) French astrologer and doctor with Catherine de Medicis (Caterina de Medici) (1519 - 1589) Drawing drawn from Misteri del Vaticano” by Franco Mistrali, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4957688: Portrait of the Roman noble Marozie Iere (Mariuccia, Mariozza or Marousie of Tusculum) (ca. 890-932/937), daughter of Theophylacte and Theodora I the Ancient (Marozia Roman noblewoman who was the alleged mistress of Pope Sergius III) drawing from “I misteri del vaticano” by Franco Mistrali Collection 1843 privately, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4932928: Risorgimento: Allegorical representation of triumphant Italy standing on the snake of corrupted church and rising a sword with a cross and a flag, symbols of political, religious and civil risorgimento) Frontispice tire de “” I misteri del vaticano”” by Franco Mistrali 1861 Private collection, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4932897: Allegorical representation of Christian virtues of Hope, faith and charity surrounding bust of king of Italy while the tyranny, vice and superstition under the decombres of the edifice of the pass (Allegorical representation of christian virtues of Hope, faith and charity surrounding bust of king of Italy while the tyranny, vice and superstition sinking under the rubble of the past) Frontispice from “I misteri del vaticano” by Franco Mistrali 1861 Private collection, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4932858: The Oath of Pontida Ceremony of Alliance on 07/04/1167 between the communes of Lombardy against the Holy Roman Empire of Frederic Barberousse - It is at the origin of the Lega Lombarda (League of North) (Oath of Pontida, April 7, 1167 marking the foundation of the Lombard League, which nine years later would go on to defeat Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa at the Battle of Legnano) Engraving from “I misteri del vaticano” by Franco Mistrali 1861 Private collection, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4956548: King of France Charles VIII (1470-1498) received by Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) and his son Cesar Borgia (1475-1507) in 1495 (King of France Charles VIII received by Pope Alexander VI and his son Cesare Borgia, 1495) Drawing from “” Misteri del Vaticano”” by Franco Mistrali, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4954852: Representation of the famous Italian noble woman Beatrice Cenci (1577-1599) posant for the Italian painter Guido Reni (1575-1642) (Portrait of Beatrice Cenci young Roman noblewoman who murdered her father, Count Francesco Cenci, with italian painter Guido Reni) Engraving from “” I misteri del vaticano” by Franco Mistrali 1866, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4956305: Zizim (Cem) (1459-1495) brother of Sultan Bayezid II (Bajazet) in captivite France meets King Charles VIII (1470-1498) (King of France Charles VIII meets Sultan Cem, brother of Bayezid and a pretender to the Ottoman throne) Drawing from “Misteri del Vaticano” by Franco Mistrali Collection, Mistrali, Franco (fl.1843) / Bridgeman Images