Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) Assets (48 in total)
'When will the crisis end?', front cover of 'Lectures Pour Tous' magazine, October 1931 (colour litho), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
First World War: French soldiers having taken their neighborhood in the stables, Champagne, 1917, Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
First World War: a group of French soldiers equipping themselves with gas masks approaching a risk zone, Champagne, 1917, Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
First World War: The Return to Paris of the First Permissionaries Decorating Medals, at the Arms of Their Wife, Under the Admiratif Eye of Children, 1915, Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
World War I: the departure by train of french soldiers for the front from parisian train station gare de l'Est, August 1914, 1920 (drawing), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) at Sorbonne university in Paris (Honorary degree) on november 26, 1921, drawing by Dutriac, Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
First World War: Defense of Fort de Vaux, near Verdun, in the Meuse, by Commander Eugene Raynal, marching among the elongated soldiers, June 1916, Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
First World War: the exodus of families of refugees, civilian population fleeing the bombing, beginning of 1915, Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Joseph Joffre (1852-1931) marechal de france dans son quartier general, in "Notre Joffre", 1919, 1919 (illustration), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Joseph Joffre (1852-1931) and his staff before the hairy during the First War, in "Notre Joffre", 1919, 1919 (illustration), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Joseph Joffre (1852-1931) at the exit of the town hall of Thann cheered, in "Notre Joffre", 1919 (illustration), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Le Marechal Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929) et Noel Edouard de Curieres de Castelnau, 1914 (illustration), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Young woman confessing to a religious. “The voeu de Zabeth” illustrated story from the newspaper “Veillees des chaumieres” of October 1929 (engraving), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Colonel Dubon killed at Bois de Crevic in 1914 Battle of Grand Crown of Nancy, 1914 (illustration), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Germans surprised at Fere Champenoise during the attack on the French army, in "Foch", 1918, 1918 (illustration), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
The Marechal Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929) with General John Joseph Pershing (1860-1948) in 1918, in "Foch", 1918, 1918 (illustration), Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
Man and woman at the foot of a monumental staircase: “” Le vent des Cimes”””, Illustrous story of the newspaper “” Veillees des chaumieres”” of February 1928., Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
World War I: motorcycle side car carrying an American soldier and a man disguise in Pere Noel. Illustration of Georges Pierre (Georges-Pierre) Dutriac for the front page of the newspaper “” Lectures pour tous”” of December 1, 1917., Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
First World War - Battle of Chemin des Dames or Second Battle of Aisne - 1917: Battle between German soldiers and Georges Pierre (Georges-Pierre) Dutriac In “” Readings for All” of January 15, 1918., Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
World War I: the french soldiers, observing the enemy from the trenches exposed recklessly, 1915, Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images
First World War: a plane deposited in territory occupies a French soldier deguise as a peasant and charged with collecting information and spying on the enemy, 1917, Dutriac, Georges Pierre (1866-1958) / Bridgeman Images